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I am from Alyssa Jenea Vandiver. Shy, witty, too nice. Trying to succeed. I am from A close family.

A big extended family. Doing anything for each other. I am from Renee. Neat freak, all-knowing, go-getter. Not like me. I am from Justin. Stubborn, hardworking, compassionate. Just like me. I am from Two second families. Funny, caring, treat me as their own. A comforting feeling. I am from Having fun. Friends, movies, the lake. Always doing something.

I am from Grandparents . Hard working, love, farmers, old-fashion, funny. My heros. I am from The fall. Bon fires, football, Halloween, birthdays. My favorite time of year. I am from Lessons learned. Been there, done that. Always learning the hard way. I am from Brothers. One human, two dogs. All three very close to my heart. I am from A small town. Four lights total, one good restaurant, and a Wal-Mart. I love it. I am from The farm. Horses, cows, tractors. Long days playing in the fields. Wouldnt want it any other way I am from The country. Cowboy boots, music, big trucks. Born that way.

I am from The worst car ever. Death trap, money pit, dorky. In desperate need of a new one.
I am from On my own now. Apartment, big city, new school. Scary.

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