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21 Virtues of a Respiratory Therapist

1. Empathy: You have to show some sort of understanding of what the pt is going through priority: You have to be good at arranging tasks by priority 2. Acceptance: you have to be able to accept that of which you have no control over 3. Punctual: You have to pay strict attention to time, and never be late without good reason (yet you must never make excuses). 4. Honesty: You have to prove to others that you can be trusted 5. Transcendence: Going above and beyond the call of duty. Exceeding expectations 6. Political: Know when to speak and when to keep quiet and bite your tongue 7. Candid: You have to be open, honest and straightforward with patients, doctors and nurses. This has to be balanced with political. 8. Cooperation: You have to be able to work with a team to attain a greater purpose 9. Perseverance: Regardless of setbacks you trudge forward, even if your boss or a doctor scolds you, you don't let that set you back 10. Decisive: Coming to a quick resolution, answer or solution 11. Friendly: Get along well with people 12. Reliable: You are dependable to get your stuff done. 13. Confident: Knowing what you know and not hesitating to do it or say it 14. Competent: Being efficient at the few tasks you're expected to perform 15. Creative: Ability to fix equipment problems in unique ways 16. Insightful: Ability to see the unseen 17. Proactive: Ability to use unsightliness to solve a problem before it occurs 18. Observant: Ability to see what is obvious. 19. Communicator: Ability to share what you know, learn and think. 20. Listener: Ability to comprehend what other speak 21. Equanimity: You must be the calmest one in the room

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