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In booklet one of the Concept Good side and bad side in all humans ( because we are all sinners ) we recall that God control the Good side of all humans and send messages , good advise and people to help us through our good side . Satan on the other hand when chased away by God hundreds years ago because of his ambition to become God , imitated Gods model by going through humans bad side to input bad messages into their mind , through horror movies , scary documentary , bad music , through friends , spouses , family member or just a stranger , this process of going through other humans to send bad messages and bad advise or hurting people is called double up . Every Human being walking this earth is able to double up because we are all sinners . Daily prayers , unconditional Faith in God , Loving everyone especially our enemies , minimizing our sins will keep Evil Spirits , Satan away from our lives , but from time to time he will try to attack and double up but when the Holy Spirit grows in our soul we will know whenever hes doubling up on us or our spouse or family members and we will rebuke him everytime . There is a constant daily battle between God and Satan to win Humans soul , good against evil which side do you want to be to be on ? I will explain how I was working for Satan unknowingly in this paragraph and many of us are . During my college years still in early my twenties I visited the night clubs on a regular basis , I invited friends to go with me unknowingly I was helping Satan win souls just by convincing my friends to go with me and sometimes I would even volunteer to pick them up . My mother warned me but Satan would push me not to listen and the conversation always ended with a confrontation which violated one of the 10 commandments because we must obey our mother and father and honor them . In my thirties I go married with the love of my life , I knew her since I was 16 years old and spent 12 years chasing her and suffering because she would never say yes , finally I started going to church and my prayers were answered she finally agreed and we got married . (Marc A. NADER )

2 I entered the Real Estate business in 2004 as an investor, everything seemed fine a few investments and flipping a duplex made a profit , the market was doing well and I acquired my Real Estate license in 2005 , started helping people purchasing housing and worked with many many developers , I was a Real Estate agent never got involved into financing or the mortgage business . I was so stressed out at the time and Satans goal was to keep me busy so I would not have time for my family , church or prayer so he could control my life . Sometimes I would double up and hurt my wife by saying a few bad things to her but she always kept her calm because she knew I was stressed out , but by being angry sometimes I was technically doing the work of Satan because things could have blown out of proportion had she would not been a good wife , violence could have erupted , law enforcement could have been called and lots of drama and that was exactly Satans plan because that what Satan always created Fear , Stress , discouragement , violence , depression to win more souls but God didnt let it happen .

During the year 2008 I met a kid, great singer named Joseph and I decided to help produce , manufacture and promote his record Your Love Still haunts me Dj Bam Bam Remix , it became an instant club and radio hit in 2008-2009 and I was unknowingly gaining more souls for Satan , because folks were listening to the song , dancing the song at all nightclubs in the US and abroad .


3 Everything seemed well with a few investments I acquired until the market crashed around September 2008 , all investors and homeowners started seeing their few investments market value reduced, that was not all Satan was out to destroy me completely . These investments werent the work of God it was the work of Satan , when God gives blessings its permanent Satan only gives temporarly . Around 2009 I tried many loan modifications with the banks without any success, it would get worst in 2010 I was told that I was being investigated for taking cash back incentives which the developer failed to report on the HUD , the same developer gave me a bad loan stating that I was supposed to live in the property as a primary residence when in fact it was clearly mention to the developer that I intended to purchase the property as an investments .

Hundreds of thousands of buyers in Florida had purchased condos with cash back incentives and the same developer had sold thousands of condos to the general public with cash back incentives not reported on the HUD but I was the target with many other false allegations after the developer created a $0 down $0 closing cost which attracted thousands of buyers throughout South Florida . With lack of regulations the developers went wild and cash back incentives were widely advertised on radio stations , billboards , flyers and no one knew they were not allowed , I was duped by trusting the developer and his sister who seemed extremely nice but behind her kindness Satan had an hidden agenda .



Satan was out to get me , in March 2012 things really started getting bad when I turned to God for help and started watching TBN and praying more and getting closer to God , my left eyesight became blurry and my front tooth started hurting so much that the work done total bill was three thousand dollars , I noticed that I was having more nightmares and more sleepless nights . Also whenever I would close the left eyes I saw different images through it but didnt know or understand the meaning of these images . It would get worst , A tax preparer would steal clients income tax checks at my office and cash them , the evil forces of destructions were after me . Beginning of July 2012 , while at my mothers house my sister who helped me a lot through the ordeal was very upset and doubled up on me and suddenly something was sprayed in my face after she made an angry statement . I instantly fainted and my mother laid me on the bed . I had enough the same day when to my office and closed it , I didnt want to be in the business anymore because I felt that everyone was doubling up on me . I was still dizzy when I went to Wall Mart to purchase a computer , the clerk and everyone else I saw were blurry and like far away waving , it was like a dream I could not believe it what was happening .


5 Coming home I explained to my wife that Satan could win my soul only if he can show that Im crazy and that all the allegations by the authorities were untrue except for the cash back incentives I took when purchasing the condo , just like hundreds of thousands of buyer in Florida . That was the worst statement I made and Satan started acting on my statement the same day . I went to office depot with a few hundred dollars and when I opened my wallet I saw close to $1000 with my wallet , I was shocked and everyone around me was extremely nice it was like another world with just good people with no bad personality, but when I arrived at the counter and paid it seemed like they were checking the hundred dollar bills like they were some counterfeit money , I panicked and walked out of the store and my first thought was that my lovely wife was trying to set me up maybe because she had someone else in her life and wanted to get rid of me . I also thought that my wifes sister Cassandre who didnt like me much after an altercation in regards to her mother who was sick was orchestrating the whole plan so she can have access to some of the real estate I have and was setting my wife up with someone else , It was Satan again putting these bad thoughts in my mind .



The same day I started calling some friends but everyone I called doubled up and at the beginning of each conversation I heard a blip sound like all my calls were being recorded , my wife also mentioned that my sister called me but my phone never rang , I was not receiving any calls at all , my world crumbled , the calls were blocked and my phone never rang once . Also Whenever my wife would offer me something to drink I would feel dizzy after drinking it and thought that she was putting bad pills into my drinks but it was Satan and Evil Spirits at work . My mother , my sister started thinking that I was acting strange and they thought I was crazy , they stated to my wife to agree with every statement I made without my knowledge . The next day I confronted my wife about the affair and she remain calm and didnt burst into tears like she normally would which backed up my argument that she was truly having an affair because knowing my wife so well if it wasnt true she would have burst into tears immediately, I felt betrayed and wanted a divorce right away , I was still trying to figure out what was happening , even my kids started being extremely smart my 9 year old assembled the computer I had purchased at Wall Mart in less than two minutes which he had never done before , they were asking smart questions that adults would ask and make fun of me asking me if I needed a dollar , in fact it was Satan going through their bad side to send messages to me , they too were doubling up . My eight year old even mentioned that it was a mystery that I could not figure out . Everyone wanted me to go to the hospital to get checked out but I was letting everyone know that I was fine but I decided to go to the hospital to prove a point , when I got there Satan doubled up on the doctors bad side and a few medical workers, they convinced my wife that I needed to stay several days in the hospital to get checked out , I refused knowing that there was absolutely nothing wrong with me , the security guard and everyone else roughed me up and my wife passively let them, in her mind she thought she was helping me but this was the beginning of a long journey for me . Satan was out for revenge and was determine to destroy me , wanted to humiliate me but I said to myself that I would never let him break my spirit , I ended up in a spychiatric clinic and was locked up there for 4 days , while being in there Satan doubled up on all the other patients , I could not understand why they were aware of my personal life . (Marc A. NADER )

7 a guy named Bruce mentioned that his job was to get me out of my shell and he stated lots of things in regards to my personal life that he shouldnt have known , it was like a mystery to me because at the time I had no clue that Satan could double up on the bad side of all humans because we are all sinners . While in there I was praying God and on the fourth day somehow I got discharge God literally blinded everyone and extract me out of there . Satans plan was to keep me in there for the longest that way if the case would go to trial that my statements would not matter anymore and even my family members and wife would testify that I was crazy , my family members and wife would not care anymore because I was supposedly crazy and everyone would just wash their hands and give up on me because I was suppose to be a hopeless crazy case but the Almighty had other plans and he extracted me out of there . Satan also doubled up on the bad side of my sister and unknowingly she asked my wife for my house key and took it , Satan had officially kicked me out of my house through my sister while I was in the hospital . My defense attorney also doubled up on me many times to make me sign the first and the second amended plea agreement which were full of false allegations . Satan went through him , he would read statements that I never made to imply that these allegations were true but I knew what he was doing , he was more condemning me than defending me , I was forbidden to mention the name of God in his office . During a phone conversation while I was Baker Acted in the spychatric center , he asked my wife if I was Baker Acted in the hospital , how would he know without us even telling him ? At times in his office he would say things that I never mentioned to him and when I would ask him how he knew , he would shake his head and come back to life and say surprisingly I thought you told me , It was Satan going through him to send his messages and untrue statements . I also stated to him when he first stating representing me that I would take a polygraph to prove my point , he called me a day later and mentioned that I could only structure 3 questions in a polygraph test , when doing research on Google I found out that a polygraph test could contain as many as 50 questions .



Gods grace descended upon me and help me understand life and human kind with their good and bad side and how God and Satan operate through the Good side ( God ) and through the Bad side ( Satan ) of all human beings because we are all sinners . Satans plan in my case was well orchestrated . 1) Messages, thoughts were sent to my mother and sister to tell my wife not to reply when I would say something to her , my wife agreed with them . 2) When I confronted about the affair her reaction was strange to me because she didnt burst in tears like she normally would which prompted me to think that she was guilty but she was following my mother and sisters instructions . Messages were sent to my family members to tell my wife not to react , and Satan had already sent bad messages in my mind that my wife was cheating , so it was a total chaos and confusion , drama , and I asked for a divorce which would rejoiced Satan ( Broken families , dysfunctional children , father in a spychatic facility , a hopeless crazy case , are Satans joy always . ) Destruction of me and my family was the ultimate goal . When I was released from the facility because of Gods grace I found and stayed in prayers , became closer to God thats when I started to figure out with the help of the Holy Spirit in me whats was happening, I was not being truly recorded it was just Satan trying play his tricks Going through the bad side of everyone I knew to double up on me . I Asked my sister to return my house key , she innocently took it thinking she would need it to come to my house if the kids needed clothes but Satan had a hidden agenda going through her bad side , take my house key from me and kick me out forever . I gave my life to Jesus Christ since and thank God daily for what he has done for me and I will let him lead the way always because I should have been dead or abandoned if it wasnt for his grace coming down and extracting me .


9 God is the majesty , the Amen , the Rock , the Bread of life , the Living Water , the Thruth , the Way and the Life , the Apha the Omega , the Living Water and when one accepts him life become joyful . YOUR JOY IS SATANS SADNESS . YOUR SADNESS IS SATANS JOY . Once Satan knows that you are triumphant and that you are under the protection of God hell sometimes send outside forces to create sadness into your family , rebuke all outside negative forces who would try to create unhappiness and sadness into your family , for example a teacher who doesnt like your child in school , if your child is coming home sad on a daily basis because the teacher isnt treating him well then the an outside negative force created your son to be unhappy and it creates a domino effect , your wife become unhappy over the situation and that affects you as well , now your entire happy family is in sadness . When an outside negative force is creating unhappiness in your household , pray God with Faith to change the negative force and turn it into a positive force that will benefit you or child . Thank him in Faith for the victory before it happens . Faith is a mechanism , in order for Faith to work doubt has to be erased entirely , if there is doubt than it stops the blessing completely . God wants us to have unconditional Faith in Him , love everyone especially our enemies and minimize our sins and blessing will shower upon us . Eliminate your Fear , doubts , depression , discouragement and Satan will never be able to control your lives



THE POWER OF UNCONDITIONAL FAITH IN GOD Faith is a mechanism , think of Faith in God as a spinning wheel releasing blessings as it spins . The moment we fear and doubt we are unknowingly throwing a stick into the spinning wheel and the wheel stops immediately and so are your blessings . Sometimes God sit and watch Satan playing tricks and smiles because God know at the end he will corner Satan and defeat him . Sometimes Satan would go through the bad side of a friend, family member, a spouse or a stranger to make your situation worst but God often turns it around and makes it the best situation that ever happen in your life .


11 SATANS TRICKS 1) Ill make sure the child spills juice on his shirt or dress so the parents have to change his (her ) clothes so they can be late for Church . 2) Ill also make sure that the parents have lots of bills so they can constantly work two Jobs and not have time to go to church or read the bible , Ill keep them busy at all time . 3) When the Pastor is preaching in Church Ill have people come in and out to create distraction . 4) Ill double up on some of the church members and keep them from handing flyers or call the visitors back so that they visitors will not come back to church . 5) Ill make sure that the car would not start if I control the lives of the ones that do not have Faith in God and get them upset and make them miss church or be late for their work 6) Ill make sure that something always breaks in house (AC , Appliances , TVs ) breaks down so the homeowner could spend money always and be broke all the time and always have to work non stop . 7) Ill make sure that someone and interrupt and call whenever they are ready to pray.


12 8) Ill make sure that The child watch horror movies , listen to bad music , get bad advise from friends so I can populate my army and take another soul . 9)I will double up on a person and make him say false testimony about his neighbor so he can sin and violate Gods commandment 10) I will double up and make a family member or his or her spouse place a phone call and ask him some specific questions so I can gather some information needed because Im not able to read anyones mind and heart , only God can so I must gather as much information as possible so in the future I can create drama violence , fear , discouragement and depression 11)I will have his son or daughter cut himself or do bad in school so I can create sadness into his family , their sadness is my joy . 12) I will double up on her husband to hurt her and create an argument and things will escalate until violence is erupted and law enforcement will be call and the husband will go to jail , more problems for the wife and kids . 13) I will double up on her supervisor and have her supervisor call her and offer her to work on Sunday so she can violate Gods fourth commandment Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy 14) I will have someone call her on the phone so she can lie and sin about a few things . 15) I will double up on his friend which will give him bad advise and get him in lots of trouble , one more soul won by me . 16) I will make right become wrong and wrong become right by showing that wrong is stylish and have everyone do it . A woman or a man having many different partners , bad music , divorcing your husband and marrying someone else before his death isnt biblical but stylish nowadays . Just a few tricks but Satan has many many more , so be aware and stay in prayers , Faith , love everyone and minimize your sins . Marc A. NADER



When someone goes out and kill one or many people and we all are wondering what happened ? Simple For many years Satan is molding that person to do his work by inserting bad thoughts into that persons mind . The process is done in many ways . 1)Doubling up through other people friends or strangers ect to send bad messages 2)Bad music , Horror movies inserting into the mind

3)Years of inserting bad thoughts , sending bad messages through several different outlets is preparing that person to become the monster (Satan himself) we humans still see that person as a human being but when hes willing and ready to commit these crimes he becomes Satan himself and will destroy and create sadness into many families heart and take as many unsaved souls as possible . Remember what we said earlier in the text our joy is satans sadness and our sadness is satans joy , satan also feeds off violence , drama , discouragement , fear and depression .

God on the other hand is Love and wants us to have unconditional Faith in him , love everyone especially your enemies and he want us to minimize our sins. If those three things can be accomplished the Lord will cover us under his wings and shower us with his blessings until our last day on this earth and until we meet with him in heaven . Make bold moves God loves that, leave all the materialistic assets you had which were keeping you from serving him and come do his work , let him lead the way and all will fall into place and blessing will shower upon you .


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