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Km. 23 Bunawan, Davao City

Teacher: JAY G. RAMOS
Date: Grade Level: Grade 9 Quarter: 1st
Week: 4 Learning Area: Religious Education

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of:

1. the teaching and healing people are the mission of Jesus in this world

B. Performance Standard The learner is able to:

1. express their deep understanding of the mission of Christ through

catechetical plan
C. Learning Competencies / DOCTRINE
Objectives  Explain the concept of God’s kingdom by the Jewish community
and Jesus reflected in Sacred Scripture,
 Explain the concept that the Kingdom of God is our goal and final
 Examine in their role in proclaiming the Kingdom
 Actively respond to call and task of the Kingdom of God by
making decisions grounded on Christian values,
 Develop a deep appreciation of the values of the Kingdom of God
through social responsibilities inside the online room,
 Value their Confirmation as an empowerment to be Christ’s
 Celebrate the grandeur of God’s creation and give thanks for the
abundance of His gifts,
 Say the Lord’s Prayer to pray for the coming of the Kingdom of
 Celebrate Eucharist online to express hope for the fullness of the
 Ask the Holy Spirit to renew and strengthen their commitment to
grow in God’s grace and live the Kingdom values.


III. LEARNING Christian Life Education Textbook
RESOURCES Pen and Paper
Video presentation
Mobile Phones
Coloring Materials
A. Acquisition The teacher will introduce the First topic through the given activities:
Gospel Reading
 The teacher will read to the class the Gospel according to St.
Luke 12:31 “Seek His kingdom, and these other things will be
given you besides”
 The teacher will invite the students to sing Seek Ye First the
Kingdom of God”

Think out of the Box

 The teacher will ask the class: What are we told in this passage
from Luke?
- To seek first, the kingdom of God. What is this kingdom that
we are asked to seek? Why seek the Kingdom?
- It is in seeking that we realize the fullness of our freedom and
our life. Only in Jesus Christ will we attain the full meaning of
our life. A life part from Christ, from God the Father, is empty
because it lacks the personal ground for its meaning and
 The teacher will link: Jesus charges us to be part of the Kingdom
(Mk. 1:15) then the teacher will ask the students:
- What is Kingdom of God?
- How do we become part of the Kingdom?
 The teacher will tell the students that for them to understand the
Kingdom, they will study what the Gospels and Church teaching
say about it
B. Meaning Making The teacher will discuss and elaborate the topic, and then students will
make use of the activity below to clarify their learning.
Socratic Method
 The kingdom, reign or rule of God that Jesus proclaimed during
His ministry is foretold in the old testament. The teacher will let
the students to look up the following references to the reign of
- Jeremiah 31:31,33
- Zephaniah 3:15
- Zechariah 14:9
- Isaiah 52:7
 The teacher will ask the students to summarize the Old
Testament images of the Kingdom
 The teacher will ask: what situation is described in these? What
do these images tell us today?
 The teacher will discuss the concept of the Kingdom of God on
the book page 76
 The teacher will deepen the understanding by discussing about
Jesus’ unique vision of the Kingdom
 The teacher will discuss Jesus’ Announces the Kingdom on the
book page 77-78
 The teacher will ask the students: What kind of Kingdom did
Jesus announces?
 The teacher will ask the students what each parable says the
about the kingdom
 The teacher will ask the students to draw a symbol for each
parable and ask five volunteers to show what they draw to the
class as they explain the parable
- Mustard Seed
- Yeast
- Hidden Treasure
- The Pearl
- The Net
 The teacher will sum up the discussion by asking: what do these
parables tells us? What response in faith we make?
 The teacher will discuss the Church teaching on the Kingdom of
on the book pages 82-84
C. Transfer To have an in-depth transfer of learning, the teacher will guide the
students as they cater the activities below.

Faith Sharing
 The teacher will ask the students to give examples of how they
know and feel they are part of the Kingdom
 The teacher will ask the students to give specific examples of how
they have grown in the Spirit since their Confirmation. In what way
they changed? How has the sacrament of confirmation
strengthened them in their present stage of life, when they are
moving away from childish ways to more mature response in
faith? In what ways have they proclaimed or defended their faith?
D. Values Integration Virtue: Holiness
Value: Vocation

“Following Jesus in the Kingdom is only possible through the Grace from
V. ASSIGNMENT/  The teacher will let the class do the student activity witnessing to
GIVING OF TASK the kingdom on the book page 84

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