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MUNOG 2012 -Model United Nations of Goldberg 2012

from Fri, 19 October 2012 to Tue, 23 October 2011 in Sindelfingen, Germany

Position Paper
Body Topic Country Represented by Delegate's name United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Importance of a multilingual education with regard to future challenges Republic of the Sudan Etvs Jzsef Gimnzium, Budapest dm Mrton Rz

The Republic of the Sudan is concerned about the educational state and systems worldwide. As described in the records of the 18th UNESCO general conference: with slightly different connotations the terms international understanding, co-operation and peace can be gathered in a phrase as international education and the soul of international education is multilingual tuition. On that basis does the Republic of the Sudan acknowledges and proposes that significant improvement on international education shall not only improve the rates of basic literacy but furthermore would most certainly decrease the tension of the general populace in rival countries - due to their lack of knowledge and gullibility thus resulting in prospective prosperous co-operations between those states previously being against each other. Sudan also believes that these improvements shall be implemented as fast as possible and in a way that Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs) would benefit from it directly first because as mentioned before, international education is a key element to achieve peace and while Europe and the Western World are in peace, many African territories are constantly struck by civil war, raging warlords and as a consequence of the aforementioned: famine, massive poverty. The Republic of the Sudan proposes the establishment of multilingual educational institutes for students age 3 to 21 firstly in LEDCs financed by

such as but not limited to the P5, European Union. This initiative can later be extended amongst other countries as well. For the insurance of these institutes quality and efficiency; Sudan proposes that the work of these institutes shall be supervised by UNESCO and be discussed at least at every second general conference.

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