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Eden is defined sa that happy state whereas Milton attempts to calibrate hell in the most abstract and infintite

terms ,deliberately shrouding it in unseen mystery to ascend the scale and intensity of satans perdition.Satans state is best understood as a precarious position confounded though immortal truncated between the context of his past rebellion and that of his future-the repercussion of that rebellion.In effect now,both are inescapable-the former serves as a humiliating reminder of a grand failure lost happiness-that has refused him the privilege of eternal beatitude that Eden promised and the latter serves as a relic of lasting pain Wherever he looks he is surrounded by an overbearing proportion of opposites-incomparison to the conditions of heaven-there is utter darkness as against the light of heaven,torture without end as against the blissful seat of heaven-milton takes us to the climax of this dismay of damnation through the exclamation-Oh how unlike the place from whence they fell! A welter is a confused mass or a jumble-Milton uses this descriptive epithet to introduce us to Beelzebub-weltering by his side-he is never given an independent entity,but becomes a character who is defined,always,in relation to satan-One next himself in power,and next in crime.Yet he plays a pivotal role;that ob breaking the horrid silence with his bold words-beelezebub in effect becomes the initiatior of Miltons assessment of the fall of man and satans role in spearheading it,and then,in turn being reduced to being a victim of his own ministrations.

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