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it is the most common issues in our world, we don't have we let somebody throw the litter in our streets,

schools, squares, parks, lakes, seas, etc. But only a little people think in our world and enviroment. The damage that the litter caused in our enviroment. It start with the children when they saw that someone throw the trash on the street or when nobody teaches them about the damage the we do with the waste in our world. Nobody teaches about why? the melting ice caps, the world warming, the wild life lose, and the biological damage in our bodies. That problem can see in the big cities, in small towns the people is cleaner.

The children ought to learn to save the enviroment. Every think start in our homes. If the parent teach to the children, they will start to save our enviroment. where do we live? and How do we live? They are the two questions that we need ask us. The litter is too dificult to clear and it can't be easy reduced. Some one that want to live in a better world should not let that the other people throw trash in anywhere.

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