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Operation Gotham Summer is almost over and the darker nights are fast approaching. We are therefore launching Operation Gotham again this year. Potential streets and roads will be identified by previous years data and leaflets and security advice will be delivered to them. The West NPT would like all residents to be vigilant as the nights draw in and report any suspicious behaviour they come across. Remember that burglars operate at all times and not just at night. When going out always leave a light on and keep valuables out of sight. Joint Anti-Social Behaviour Patrols On 22nd August, we conducted a joint anti-social behaviour/graffiti patrol with officers from the British Transport Police. This is another example of working together with other agencies. Graffiti There have been a number of instances of Graffiti in the Gatley area especially on the skate board park. This has since been removed by Stockport Council. If you know who is responsible for Graffiti in the Gatley area please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. South Park Road Estate Officers recently conducted a traffic operation to deal with motorists using the South Park Road estate as a cut through to the A34, contravening road signs. Vehicles were stopped advice given and sixty 30 Fixed Penalty notices were issued.

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