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Multiplying and Dividing Integers Activity

Thursday, September 06, 2012 8:41 PM

This problem has many patterns in the signs of the numbers in it. Just like adding and subtraction checking (If you're subtracting, you can add the answer and the bottom number of the subtraction to get the top number), you can check a multiplication problem by using division to check (If you add the product of the equation and one of the numbers that are being multiplied, then you should get the other number being multiplied.

This problem has many patterns in the signs of the numbers in it. Just like adding and subtraction checking (If you're subtracting, you can add the answer and the bottom number of the subtraction to get the top number), you can check a multiplication problem by using division to check (If you add the product of the equation and one of the numbers that are being multiplied, then you should get the other number being multiplied. Rule for multiplying and diving integers: Out of the three numbers (Product, 1st multiplying number, 2nd multiplying number), if you diving/multiply two together, they will always equal the other number.

Multiplying and Dividing Integers Page 1

Multiplying and Dividing Integers Page 2

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