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Return of the Phoenix

Barrett casually tossed the reader, onto the small tray affixed to the captain's chair, with surprising accuracy: enough for those familiar with the captain, to exchange knowing glances. It wasn't the fact that after, tumbling and twisting, several times, end over end in the air, the reader landed without a judder or a bounce. That was normal on all military ships it was due to the artificial gravity and inertia dampening. The benefit of this system in combat situations, with violent manoeuvres and possible explosions, was essential. It did; however, make those who spent long periods in space under such conditions, act like two year old children, when trying to pick up a bouncing ball, for several days after returning to normal gravity, as their brains re-adapted to the fact that things can bounce.

It was the fact that the reader always landed perfectly in the centre of the tray; face up with the display facing the captain.

Yet the captain did not seem to have looked at the direction he tossed the reader or appear to be at all concerned as to where the reader landed.

To say, a poor captain is a stranger to his crew would be both true and false in Barrett's case. The crew would not see Barrett for months at a time, and when they did it was only for the odd hours, before he again went missing for days or weeks at a time. But everyone knew Captain Barrett. Even new recruits, who had not yet met the captain, knew instinctively who he was the moment they saw him or heard his voice.

Third Officer, Lieutenant Zara Milton noticed the exchanged glances between some of her crewmates, but was not a party to the exchanges. She sat at the pilots station and quickly scanned the console in front of her, then the navigation and communication consoles over the shoulders of the two operators at those stations in front of her. Seeing that all was in order she

looked towards the door. Halfway around she looked directly into the captain's cold blue eyes and froze. He too was looking at her, but not by accident. She felt naked under his stare, as if the captain could see into her very soul and knew her innermost thoughts. The hiss of the door seal, as Second Officer, Commander Phillips entered caught her attention and she looked quickly back to her console, relieved that she no longer was looking into those cold blue eyes.

Zara waited, pretending to be engrossed in her work, until she heard the Captain leave, before looking up again. There was Phillips, sitting in the captains chair, reviewing the reader. As far as second officers went, Zara liked and respected Phillips. He was old for a second officer, to be frank; Phillips was old even for an Admiral and on any other ship would have been retired long ago. Here on the Icurus, he was just one more of those strange anomalies that made Zara feel uneasy about being on board the ship.

The Icurus was a deep, deep space, going vessel, yet in the nine months that she had been on board, it had not moved a solitary inch. Not only that but the ship had barely enough crew to operate and the captain was missing Ninety-nine percent of the time. The crew were replaced far too regularly and the captain? Zara had never seen such a young captain. How could anyone get to be a captain of a ship as important and as powerful as the Icurus and look like they had only just left the academy that year?

The Icurus was one of two remaining deep, deep space vessels. She was several centuries old, being one of mankinds earliest exploratory ships, designed before Jump Engines existed. Icurus's sister ship the Deadalus was a century older, this was because of the shear size of the ships. They took over eighty years to build. Each ship was a large fortified city. They had to be. Travelling between stars at only sixty percent of the speed of

light took generations and for a ship to be able to sustain a qualified crew, it needed a fully working city.

Zara continued with her work, keeping a close eye on the copilot and the pilots-assistant. Not that they really needed watching, as the workload to remain stationary could easily be managed by just the assistant. Try as she could, Zara found her thoughts returning to Barrett and she fought hard to control her panic. Nothing usually troubled Zara but since joining the Icurus she had felt an over-powering feeling that something ominous was about to happen and that everyone except her, knew what it was. In three days time Zara's tour on the Icurus was due to end. Zara would normally be looking forward to what new assignment awaited her. This time Zara's thoughts where more with whether or not to quit the military, or just the Investigation Branch. Her youthful looks had always been a benefit on assignments in the past. Even when she identified herself in court and gave her true rank and status, she would often see the

look of disbelief on the accused faces. On this assignment however, she was sure that her cover had been blown. For over two weeks now she had expected to be hauled out and identified. Secretly she wished that they would, at least that way she might discover what was going on.

Finishing her shift, Zara hurried down the narrow corridors to her quarters before visiting the mess halls to eat. She had to rush, as meal times were strict aboard the Icurus, the same as any other military vessel. Once in her quarters she went straight to her locker ensuring that her body shielded from view the small flight bag in her hands. In the bottom of the bag a small personnel reader was indicating "No Incoming Messages" in small green letters in the bottom left hand corner. Zara ensuring that she showed no outwards sign of emotion slowly closed the bag and took a clean pair of underwear from the locker and went into the sanitation unit, she shared with an adjacent cabin and changed. Such actions could attract unwanted attention but Zara

was getting desperate, contact with Control was now two days late.

Admiral Milton's face appeared in the reader in front of Commander Phillips. "How is my agent?'' asked Milton as soon as Phillips' link confirmed that Phillips had switched to secure mode and that audio was being sent directly into his earpiece. Phillips adjusted the microphone close to his lips and replied quietly "Sneaking off to see if you've contacted her.'' The Admiral grunted. ''Still keeping things close to your chest Phillips?'' he snarled. ''The captain will decide in three days, as you were informed. If you wish an interview with the captain before then, book it at the desk when you arrive.'' Replied Phillips. After a short pause he added, "Be proud of your daughter Admiral she is a credit to you."

Admiral Milton ended the transmission and checked the flight time to the Icurus. He had known Commander Phillips for over

fifty years now, eveven before the Icurus had returned to 'Known Space'. Known Space, Admiral Milton used to snigger at that term. All space was unknown. Known Space was just that part of space that was inhabited by humans. Unknown Space was the vastness that had yet to be inhabited. Or that was what he had always been told prior to his first meeting with Captain Barrett. Now, whenever he heard that term, he shuddered. Some things are best left unknown.

The time to the Jump Gate was fifteen hours; add a twentyminute jump and then six and a half hours from the exit gate to the Icurus. This would still get him there just before the Icurus was due to start turning to align with her exit from the system. During such operations no vessels were permitted to dock until the flight computers had confirmed and locked down the ships attitude with relation to the new heading. Such manoeuvres could last hours. The Admiral tried to relax but found himself

too worried about his daughter. He called his aid, Commander Carter, via the watch shaped communicator on his wrist.

After eating, Zara returned to her quarters. Sitting on a small stool next to her single metal bunk that hinged from the bulkhead, Zara slowly sipped her coffee from a small ceramic cup, a present from her father. She had enjoyed her quarters on the Icurus. No one could truly like the room. It was too small, no windows, pictures or ornaments except a small ornate coffee maker to which the cup she held belonged. She had enjoyed her quarters because she didnt have to share. She hated sharing quarters and the thrill of learning she had single quarters had still not worn off, even after nine months. It was a well-known irony of working in space. There was never enough space in space.

The knock on the door made her jump and almost spill the coffee she was about to drink. Zara cursed quietly under her breath, checked that the reader was turned off, she placed the cup onto

the desk next to it, then she stood up and opened the door. It was Commander Phillips. "We need to talk." he said, "May I come in?

Commander Carter sat opposite the Admiral, both of them sipping coffee from cups identical to those Zara owned on the Icurus. "You don't agree that I should risk Zara do you.'' asked the Admiral. Commander Carter loosened the neck button on his tunic and relaxed into the chair. "I don't think you needed all the subterfuge Admiral. She may feel used.'' Carter eventually answered. "Perhaps," agreed the Admiral, "I hope she'll forgive me! he added. ''She loves you Admiral and She knows you love her'' said Carter with such conviction that the Admiral looked up from his cup. ''Let us hope that love forgives all then'' said the Admiral "because otherwise, I may lose my daughter either way". ''It won't go that way Admiral, she knows where her loyalties lie.''


said Carter and leaned closer to the Admiral, ''Phillips will talk to her, I know he will".

Zara offered Phillips the chair and sat awkwardly on the foot of the bed. Phillips nodded towards the coffee maker "Coffee smells nice'' hinted Phillips. ''There is another cup" Zara said grinning "help your-self''. Zara waited until Phillips had poured himself a cup, and had topped up her own cup passing it to her before speaking again. ''A present from my father" said Zara referring to the coffee maker.

Phillips, like her, was still in his uniform even though they both had finished their duty shifts several hours earlier. ''Your father bought me one too" replied Phillips. Without waiting for a response he continued ''I think tonight I am repaying the favour'' he paused, ''For security reasons Barrett has jammed all communications between you and your father, including your reader'' said Phillips.

Zara managed an innocent ''What?" but Phillips looked at her reproachfully and continued in a quiet clear voice, "Commander Zara Milton, Internal Affairs, Special Investigation Branch, Mission Code Alpha One, Covert Investigations." Phillips paused to sip his coffee. ''Your father is worried that you may put yourself in danger.'' said Phillips eventually. Jammed an Admirals communications! Zara blurted before thinking. ''How can a mere Captain over-rule an Admiral?'' demanded Zara. ''A mere Captain can't." answered Phillips. Zara felt the first tingling of fear starting low in her bladder and quickly moving up her spine, She gripped the cup more tightly to prevent the shakes becoming apparent when the inevitable occurred and her body flooded with adrenaline. In a calm clear voice trying her best to sound in control Zara asked Mutiny? as she asked she placed the empty cup on the desk. Her side

arm, a service issue pistol was loaded and under her pillow. Zara fought the urge, to roll over and draw the pistol. She knew it was just her fear and focused on the fact, that Phillips had not appeared threatening. The fact her cover was blown and she was still alive seemed to indicate she was in no immediate danger. Barrett is not who he seems said Phillips He is not really any more the Captain of this ship, then I am the First Officer or you a Third Officer in the rank of Lieutenant. All will be explained soon. Pausing he said, I said your father was worried. Am I in danger? Zara asked. Not if you stop nosing around said Phillips in a fatherly voice. Then tell me what is going on around here! Zara said in a stern voice she usually used for interrogations. The Captain will inform you, should He feel you need to know. Until then, the matter is closed! retorted Phillips. Commander you have only two days left and you will see your father late tomorrow. Please, leave matters, other than your supposed duties until then. Said Phillips and then he stood up.

Is that all? asked Zara you come in here tell me that my covers been blown and that I am to do as Im told until I leave. Goodbye Lieutenant Milton, I expect you on time for duty in the morning said Phillips letting himself out of her quarters. Thanks for the coffee. He added and without waiting for a reply, strode off down the corridor.

Phillips found Barrett standing alone on the observatory level in Navigation Control. Barratt's reflection gazed back from myriad of glass panes that formed the very walls of the dome like structure, that stared out into the black depths of space. Light from countless stars stared back like pinpricks, some winking occasionally.

Phillips cleared his throat, as a way of attracting attention. Barretts only reaction was to say Im taking her with me although not said aloud; Phillips knew he referred to Zara. Why. he asked.

Because, she is a danger. Barrett replied in his flat tone. I sense her presence where I should not.

Phillips didnt reply. Hed learnt years ago that further questions would remain unanswered. He hated Barrett at times like this, with a normal person even the unanswered questions could be read through a persons body language. Not Barretts. Barrett let nothing slip, no reactions, no concerns or changes in his facial features. A statue would be more animate. Phillips turned to leave but Barrett spoke again. Go to her again. Tell her we leave in six hours. Be warned she has a weapon under her pillow.

Zara sat on her bed still, when Phillips knocked again. She had heard his footsteps approaching down the corridor and answered for him to enter as soon as he knocked. She had expected him back, why she didnt know but she had been certain he would return.

Phillips entered and Zara offered him a cup of coffee as if this was a meeting between friends. Things have changed. Phillips said accepting the cup. The Captain and you are leaving in six hours. Where to? Zara asked, trying not to appear shocked or confused. Her mind was racing trying to come up with possible answers. Phillips shrugged, Didnt say and I didnt ask. You must have an idea! Zara almost shouted out. Before she could go on, Phillips interrupted her. Barrett does as Barrett wants, he is not what he seems, nor does he let others know his plans. Phillips held up a hand stopping Zara from speaking and went on. He thinks youre a danger, I dont know why or how but I believe him. Barrett also told me that you have a weapon under your pillow. Zaras eyes widened How? she blurted before she could stop her admission.

Then hes right. Phillips said Is it loaded? Zara slowly took the gun from under the pillow, then released the clip, unloading the weapon before handing it to Phillips. Phillips examined the gun and returned it to a surprised Zara. You keep it. He said You may need it. He never said to take it off you. Please. Zara said Tell me whats going on. At first Phillips looked as he wouldnt answer, then ever so slowly he took a sip of the coffee and put the cup down. Ill tell you what I can but only if you promise not to laugh. He said raising an eyebrow. Zara considered this and slowly nodded, trying to keep the excitement out of her eyes. She was going to find out at last. Phillips raised the cup again drinking the contents in one quick slurp and passed the cup to Zara, You had better fill this up then. He said Its a long, long story.


Chapter two

Phillips waited for Zara to pour the coffee before speaking. He looked deep into the cup as if in a dream. I first met Barrett with your father. We were both recruits at the time. He looked at Zara to let her know he was serious before he went on. We were on a small frigate, more of a transport ship then a Naval vessel, we were on a training mission when we encountered a ship. That ship is this one! Phillips stopped again as if to let her argue. When she didnt he went on with the story. The ship was enormous, to say we were all scared was an understatement but before we could react a message in English was already being received. The captain of our ship, Lordman, long dead now, was in full panic. Never had anyone seen such a big ship. We were amazed that he didnt run, the crew certainly wanted to, your dad and I included. Anyway, the Captain agreed for the Captain of the other ship to visit, but under guard. Thats when we met Barrett. Your dad and I were the guards. We waited in

the Captains chambers, with the captain expecting a small shuttle to arrive when Barrett just materialised out of thin air in front of us. Phillips paused, Have you ever heard three men scream? Phillips asked Zara his eyebrow once again lifting in question. Zara shook her head automatically wanting Phillips to continue with the story.

Phillips eventually continued. We all stood there trembling as this man appears out of the blue and just stands there, not saying a word. He looked as he does now. Then cocked his head and said can you operate this ship with just three? More in shock than thinking clearly the Captain replied that we could and Barrett replied it is done then. None of us knew at the time but we had just sentenced the rest of the crew to death.

Zara gave an involuntary gasp. He killed them? she asked incredulously. Phillips nodded, then slowly took another drink from the cup. We didnt know that at the time but afterwards

we found every man, woman and child, even the animals were all dead. Phillips shook his head, The captain went mad you know. Im surprised we all didnt. Its a long way home in a ship full of the dead. Zara waited for Phillips to continue, she could see on his face the agony the memory was causing. Eventually Phillips said. Hes not evil, or cruel, I dont think hes capable of such actions. Zara knew he referred to Barrett. He may look like you and I but he is as different as chalk from cheese. So hes not human! Zara demanded. Hes human, but not like you or I. Phillips corrected. You see from what Ive been told and from what I can put together, Barrett is what we were, not who we are. Barrett is old, older than either of us can imagine! And Ive a good imagination. Zara considered this but could not help but ask the question. Who is he, what does he want? Have you ever read the Bible? Phillips asked. Zara shook her head.


Me neither before that day. Phillips said. Never have really but your dad had. He explained to me one day that although it seems stupid and unreal, a lot of what it indicates is true. Phillips paused as if recalling something. It talks about Good and Evil, Heaven and Hell and God and the Devil but it also mentions beings that are human but not human, Angels, the Dgin, all manner of beings. Your dad could explain it better, when he talks about it, it seems real and related. Im afraid I know little about it and to be honest I dont want to know. Maybe thats why Barrett keeps me with him. He knows I dont jump to conclusions or ask questions, I just do my duty.

After a brief pause Phillips continued with the story. This ship is not the Icurus. Its much older. Its called the Phoenix, built by people like Barrett, the bits you see are recent additions to make it seem like a normal ship. The true ship is inside. And it is alive! Phillips paused again letting Zara ponder this last statement.

Alive! she asked, In which way? Does it think? Or do you mean organic?

Phillips shrugged. Who knows? he replied, I stay away from it, it gives me the creeps. He gave an involuntary shiver. Sorry. he said Im drifting from the point, so much to tell and yet I cant put it into words. You see, I dont really understand what is happening anymore than you do. I dont know the answers. Anyway Barrett just appeared right in front of us. As I was saying and after finding out the ship could be operated by just us three, he then seemed to look inside us, searching. I know this sounds weird but I could feel him inside my mind, routing out all my thoughts and memories. I could see from the Captains face and from your dads that the same was happening to them too. When he finished I just knew he knew everything about us all. Every thought or dream. It was horrible. Phillips took another sip of the coffee. Your dad looked like he was going to puke. Barrett then told us that he could save us. I

remember at the time not even questioning from what, I just accepted what he said. It felt so true!

Phillips put down the now empty cup. Fifty years later and I still dont know, I just know that he will save us! Do I sound crazy? Phillips asked Fifty years he continued without waiting for a reply Fifty years and I dont even know who he is what he is, or how or what he is saving us from. I just know he can save us. Phillips stopped talking. After a while Zara said Go on. Phillips shook his head. Theres nothing more I can tell. We escorted Barrett into earth space. Barrett met the Admiral at that time and I was attached to this ship, your father was too, for about five years before Barrett arranged for him to leave. I do know one thing, Barrett took the old Admiral into the ship, I mean the real ship. When he came out I saw him. Ive never seen anyone look so scared in my whole life. That was when the ship was called the Icurus as a cover. You see no one


alive would question it, the ship had been gone hundreds of years, who is to know it isnt the Icurus,

Zara waited but Phillips volunteered no more information. At last Zara asked. Are you going to tell me that a ship appears out of no-where and a man kills an entire crew all but three and nothing happens Phillips nodded his head but didnt speak. This is a joke, right? Because I dont think its funny. Zara said I dont believe a bloody word of it! She half shouted. Phillips looked up and into her eyes. Zara caught her breath. And the gun? he replied. Do you doubt that he knew about it or where it was? he questioned. Zara, in six hours you and he are leaving, where I dont know, why I dont know. All I do know is that he says he can sense you in places you shouldnt be and that your dangerous! Ive never heard Barrett lie in the whole Fifty years Ive been assigned to him. If he says your dangerous then Im worried. I owe it to your father to look after you and this is all I can do. Warn you. Phillips waited until

Zara was listening and he carefully said. I dont think he intends you harm. To be honest you appear to amuse him and thats the first time Ive ever seen him amused. He paused for effect. Zara, there is something you should know. The jump gates, there dummies. Barrett moves the ships, the gates are just lumps of crap floating in space. What! Zara was stunned. I said they dont work. Its Barrett. Phillips replied. Look Zara. If I knew what was going on, I would tell you. Barrett keeps me running things because I dont ask questions and until tonight Ive never told a soul about what Ive seen or know. Now your father, he knows more. Barrett and he were always talking, in the beginning I felt left out. Later I didnt care. I serve Barrett not because I want to and not because I like it. I serve him because I believe him when he said he can save us. Call it blind faith. There again all faith is blind as far as your father used to tell me. He paused again then went on I think what ever he intends saving us from is imminent, dont ask me

why, its just a feeling and I also think you are a part of it. Maybe, Ive been around Barrett too long, after a while you can sense things. Your father told me once that Barrett is like a light in the dark, things in the shadows come into focus and can be seen for what they are. Phillips stood up Ive got to go. He said. Phillips. Zara said with deep concern Thank you. Phillips only nodded and then left.

Zara sat alone. If she had been confused before, it had nothing to what she was feeling now. She realised that Phillips had told her nothing but the story was so intriguing she had not realised during the telling. Now a million questions where racking her brain. None of what had been said seemed plausible and none of it made any sense. Firstly she reasoned the military would investigate a ship full of dead people to find out the cause and Barrett, how could he be ignored, a young captain that by all accounts still looked young after at least Fifty years could not

have gone unnoticed. There again it obviously had. She knew Phillips had not been lying, of that she was certain and as to her father, for as long as Zara had known him he had spent a great deal of time with all manner of religious books and even some from the occult. She had always put this down to a hobby or a macabre interest but now she knew it wasnt.

When Zara eventually arrived at work, both Phillips and Barrett stood by the entrance to the bridge. Phillips gave Zara a curt nod before wishing her well and entering the bridge leaving Zara alone with the Captain. Follow me Lieutenant. Barrett said and turned to walk down the corridor. Zara followed slightly confused they were heading deeper into the ship as opposed to the hanger decks. She felt like questioning the direction but something told her from the way the Captain had spoken that he expected her to follow without question. Deeper and deeper into the ship they went further than Zara had ever been before. Eventually the Barrett stopped at a door that identified itself as

being the Captains own. Barrett paused and looked at her. After what seemed like an age he said. Do not be afraid. Your answers await within. He then turned and entered not waiting for her to follow. As she passed through the door it shut silently behind her. Although Zara couldnt hear it she felt the slight change in pressure as it closed. In side the room looked like it should there was a large metal desk welded to the floor and several bookshelves around the room, a large couch occupied one side of the room and a door led into what must be the Captains sleeping quarters. Through here. Barrett said indicating the door. Zara was taken back. Her first thoughts were why the Captain wanted her to enter his bedroom but she did not believe he was so inclined so followed behind him. The door did not open into a bedroom or into any room but into an airlock. When the door closed Barrett opened the door that was facing them. It was an entirely different type of door. Triangular not oval like most airlocks. The door led into yet another airlock with a similar door facing them yet again. Again Barrett said

Do not be afraid. Your answers await within. and opened the door. Blackness stared back. Not the blackness of space but a deadly blackness, nothing was visible, no light was evident, even the light from the airlock failed to penetrate into the room. If it was a room? Zara felt her heckles raise, she remembered what Phillips had said about the admiral. Regardless of what Barrett said, she was afraid. Never before had Zara been so afraid, she had to make a conscious effort just to make her legs move forward. She dared not speak knowing her voice would betray her fear. As she followed Barrett in she noticed that she could see him as if a light surrounded him and she was aware that she too glowed though not as brightly as the Captain. The door shut. Zara could not see anything, not a wall not the floor only the glowing Barrett. You are now in the Void. The Captain said. The Void? Zara asked noticing the stammering in her voice. Yes replied Barrett. When no further explanation


was offered Zara asked tentatively Whats the Void? she felt proud that her stammering was under control. It is everything and nothing, it is both the start and the end, it is where you began and where you will end. Replied Barrett in a dream like state. The Void is the gateway and the fence. Come follow me.

Zara tried to move closer then realised that walking did not close the distance. How? she asked in surprise. Follow me. Barrett repeated. Zara was again about to ask how when her gaze fell on his eyes and locked. Immediately she was in small wood, sunlight shone through the leaves of beautiful trees and she felt the heat of the sun on her face and the smell of clean fresh air rippled through her lungs. What? Zara started to say but then fainted.

When she came to, Barrett was sitting leaning against the trunk of a large tree. Looking at her.

What happened? she asked. You passed out. Barrett replied without emotion. Passed out? I mean, How? Where? she paused. Whats going on? she asked How did we get here and where is here? When! is the true question. Barrett replied. We are on Earth, before you were born, before even humans were born. Thats Crazy Zara replied. Its a trick. Barrett slowly picked up a small stone and threw it at her, she caught it by reflex more than intention. Is that real he asked. She found her self looking at the smooth stone, before she realised what she was doing. It felt real to that end everything felt real, though her mind kept telling her she was still in the room called the Void. Slowly as not to be seen Zara felt the grass with her other hand it too felt real. Although peaceful she could hear sound all around from the trees and insects that inhabited the small wood. Before she could speak again Barrett stood up Come. He said There is much to see. Zara rose and followed Barrett into the

sunshine on the edge of the wood. Once into the light she saw a huge ship in the middle of a vast meadow. It was like no other ship she had ever seen. Although she could see it, she could also see through it into the meaadow beyond. It seemed real and unreal at the same time. Strange small horse like animals grazed on the primitive grass seemingly unconcerned with the strange ship that was there but not there.

Zara saw movement under the immense ship, strange shadow like creatures wisped in and out of view. Barrett stopped her with his hand cautioning her to be silent with a finger to his mouth. Dgin he said, Zara looked closer and saw that the creatures looked like the imps depicted in her fathers books. We are safe, but dont attract attention. Barrett said. They are here to populate the Earth. The figures seemed to waver in and out of vision as if like their ship they were there but not there. Can they hear us? Zara asked quietly, wiping away a bead of sweat that rolled down her neck. They can hear, but we sound

little more than the noises of animals, humans are yet to be. Answered Barrett, in a low voice.

Zara tried to focus on the ship and the creatures but the way they shimmered made it almost impossible to see clearly at such a distance. Barrett moved back gesturing with a hand for her to follow. Once back in woods Barrett sat down on the floor resting against a tree trunk and indicated for her to do the same. Zara did so choosing to sit opposite him looking expectantly towards where she had seen the Dgin. She noticed that she was sweating beads of perspiration ran down her forehead and she used the back of her hand to wipe the sweat away before it would sting her eyes. Barrrett nodded his head, So now you have seen the Dgin and know the signs of there presence. He said. Zara looked confused, Sweating? she asked at last. Barrett only nodded. Zara thought a moment, the sun was out but not hot and the walk had been brisk but not strenuous. She then remembered that she had felt hot in the presence of the ship.

Barrett, she noticed had beads of perspiration running down his face too. Strange it made him look more normal than she had ever seen him before. Look! she said irritably Are you going to tell me whats going on, or am I supposed to guess. She waited for a reply but Barrett only watched her. At last she heard his voice, but not aloud, it was inside her head. She looked up into his eyes. At last the voice said inside her head. Zara stiffened. She almost asked if he had spoke but before the words could form on her lips the voice replied Yes. The voice was kind and clear and somewhat familiar. I knew you were dangerous the voice said. Barrett? Zara thought Yes the reply came as fast as she thought of the question. How can you? she started to say but again the voice was there. I cannot. You can read my mind, I can read yours. I do not send you the message you read my thoughts direct. Zara noticed that she was now staring at his mouth checking to see if this was some trick but his lips were tightly drawn his breathing easy and unlaboured. So tell me whats happening. She said allowed.

In the presence of the Dgin: angels must fight, and angels must die. The voice said in a sorrowful tone. Angels? Zara asked allowed. Before she had finished the word the answers flooded into her mind. She saw him now, not as the strange Captain but as what he was. Old beyond imagination but young at the same time. She saw his true self. He was Dgin. Zara scurried away trying to run and stand all at the same time. Her legs seemed suddenly limp and weak it was like trying to walk without legs. After what seemed a life time her legs suddenly understood what she wanted and she found her self running into the woods, blindly running through leaves and branches not caring about the way they tore at her face. She had only one aim and that was to get away. After a few minutes her fear subsided and she fell panting to the ground, her body shook with terror. Slowly she rose, at last managing to regain her composure. What was she doing? Barrett hadnt threatened her, nor had he chased after her. The revulsion she felt was real, more

real than anything she had ever experienced before. In an instants of pure clarity her situation became clear to her. She was doomed. She was by all accounts lost in the past with no way of returning home. Realising the helplessness of the situation she suddenly started to weep.

Barrett sat against the trunk unmoving, he had made no move since Zara had fled over an hour ago. He just sat there patiently, legs still crossed, his face as immobile as a statue. Occasionally he blinked, the rise and fall of his chest was the only indication that he was alive. Barrett was searching, his mind was roaming free, He knew were Zara lay, still weeping, a little over half a mile to the west. He could hear her thoughts as clear as day, her desperate sobs, her feeling of desperation, etched into his mind. He ignored her thoughts, listening instead to the Dgin in the clearing by their ship. He remembered. He remembered how it had been, when he too had been such a creature, before the Prime had taught him the way of life. At last he saw in his mind

what he was searching for. One of the Dgin was bringing a primate in from the woods to the North. The little creature squealed bearing its small fangs. The Dgin cared not, it dragged the poor animal by one of its arms, the small ape like creature had long given up at biting the Dgin. Its small brain had worked out that this creature felt no pain and the taste of its skin burnt its lips.

When the Dgin reached the ship others swarmed around the creature, hungry looks in their eyes. The small ape stopped squealing, all the other animals in the large meadow looked as one to the ape. Barretts mind touched the ape gently as it passed, and he could sense its fear. The poor creature was terrified, had it been a human it would have already died from fright. One of the Dgin approached surveying the animal and then its form engulfed the ape. The ape convulsed and screeched. Half way through a screech the animal stopped convulsing and rose up. Its eyes now changed pure black. Calmly the ape looked about.

Barrett quickly withdrew his mind, his barriers slamming into place, stopping any thoughts from leaking out.

Half a mile to the West Zara suddenly felt a sense of pure danger, so strong that it immediately stopped her weeping replacing her anguish with fear. She rolled over and sat up, scanning the immediate area, the sense of danger had now gone but it left a bitter after taste that left the heckles on the nape of her neck still ridged. She heard the voice again in her head, Barrett. Dont look for the source, keep your thoughts on yourself or you are lost. Zara winced at that touch, his thoughts in her mind cut off with a snap inside her head. Barrett rose, and smiled. It had been a long time since he had smiled last. When he considered it he could not ever remember a time he had smiled before. She had passed, She had shut out the Dgin. If one human could, then hope was not lost. Victory was impossible he new, but hope was eternal. Barrett walked in a direct line towards Zara.

Zara heard him approach, she knew it was Barrett, she could sense his presence before she could hear the sound that he made. At first she had wanted to run, but then she realised there was no where to run to. When he at last appeared between the trees heading towards her, she fought the revulsion and her desire to run and stood waiting for him to approach. He spoke aloud as he passed the last tree. We must return to the Void! We are no longer safe. Before she could form a reply she found herself in the blackness of the Void, Barrett glowing in front of her.

Barrett opened the airlocks without speaking and Zara followed him until once again she was in his chambers, somehow the normality of the room seemed unreal after the experience she had just witnessed. Barrett sat down on the couch beckoning her to join him. Zara no longer felt that evil presence she had in the wood, Barrett seemed normal. He offered her a coffee, she noticed it came from a coffee maker identical to hers. She

almost laughed, thoughts of her father came flooding into her mind. Her father must have trusted Barrett. Zara sat beside him accepting the coffee taking a long sip, to satisfy the craving she had not realised she had. She wondered if she had been day dreaming about the events of the day, until she noticed for the first time what she held in her other hand. It was a smooth round stone.

Barrett sat drinking his coffee slowly not speaking just watching her. After a while the silence became awkward and Zara knew that he was waiting for her to speak. A strange thought entered her mind. Most men she had met liked to do the talking telling things of no interest usually. Barrett; however, did not, he only ever replied to questions. She imagined that most women would find this a refreshing change from the non-stop prattle most men came up with as a form of conversation. With Barrett, no conversation was offered, she could understand now why her father liked his company. Her father hated men that talked to

much or volunteered information the other party had not requested. Barrett was so different in so many ways that she found herself admiring him even though the knowledge of what he was repulsed her at the same time.

What are the Dgin? she asked, not knowing if this was the question she should ask. We are Gods creatures, but without God. He replied. Zara thought that he had finished talking and was about to press her question again when Barrett added We are old, Old as time, but we have no substance other than that we take. I cannot say more. No more than you could tell me who you are. He paused and added You have a name and a body and thoughts. Dgin have only thoughts. You have a body? Zara said questioningly. Now I have a body, I was not always like this. You took someones body! Zara demanded. No, nor was it given, I made it. Said Barrett

Zara thought she detected a small amount of pride in that voice. Made it? she asked. This is not the time to speak of such things, that time is long passed. Barrett cut her off. Phillips said you took an Admiral into the ship some fifty years ago and when he returned he was scared beyond belief. Did you show him the Dgin? Zara said, and wished that she hadnt, She hoped she caused no problems with that outburst for Phillips later on. Admiral Laidlow. Barrett said Yes he saw the Dgin, and they saw him. He paused Your mind is stronger, you shut them out. No, I didnt! Zara said You shut me out. Barrett said I am Dgin. Zara recalled his warning in the wood when she had felt the danger and how she had cut off his thoughts. Laidlow, couldnt do that? She asked. No. Barrett replied Nor could he hear my thoughts.

You think Im psychic? Zara asked incredulously The Void awakens the mind. Barrett said Be warned, things will be different now you have been awakened, you are a danger to all, but perhaps their salvation too. Zara scowled, not understanding what was being said. Before she could continue there was a bleep from the com-unit on the captains desk and Phillips voice sounded. Captain Barrett, the Admiral is in trouble. Zara whirled around to look at the com.-unit, her father in trouble? She looked at Barrett questioningly But Barrett was already on his feet and heading towards the door. Not a word. He said and left with Zara running at his heels.

Barrett did not go to the bridge as Zara expected but to the observation deck. Inside Phillips waited. On seeing Zara, Phillips face showed a huge sign of relief. She realised then that Phillips had never expected to see her again.


Whats the Problem? Zara blurted out before anyone had time to speak. Phillips looked to the Captain, who nodded before Phillips answered. His ship jumped just before the gate. He was still a good six hours away from the gate when it occurred. Some of the ship is still there. Not all of it jumped! Zara could feel the panic in Phillips voice. How Zara stated to say but Barrett cut her off Theyre here. He said and Zara saw terror on his face, Its too soon. We must run! Barrett moved swiftly to the terminal and thrust his hands into the unit. Zara felt the whole ship heave and then blackness similar to the Void engulfed them. In that blackness Zara could think of only one thing. The Terror she had seen on Barretts face. Slowly the blackness receded and light began to appear all around, faintly at first, then rapidly into focus. Barrett and Phillips had not moved. In fact they still didnt move. A voice inside her head said Are you the One. Zara blinked, had she

imagined the voice it sounded familiar but not like Barrett. The voice returned Welcome Zara, Welcome Prime. Before she could respond, everything snapped into focus Barrett and Phillips once again were moving. The terminal was ablaze and warning lights were winking on all the other units. Help me lock down Phillips snarled at her whilst quickly punching buttons as quick as he could. Zara rushed to help noticing that Barrett still had removed his hand from inside the terminal and was looking out of the windows at the stars outside. Zara wanted to know what had just happened but now was not the time to talk. Warning lights covered nearly every screen and all were showing red. She managed to restore life support as she saw that Phillips was already well into restoring Structural Integrity to most areas. Zara saw that a large proportion of the ship was not responding and she too noticed that life support to those areas would not initialize. Feeling like a triaged nurse Zara stopped trying and moved to other areas that would respond, her mind calculating with every button the scale of the

damage and tallying the loss of life in the effected areas. Bridge, galley and hanger decks were venting into space. She tried not to think of her friends who worked in those areas, friends that were now dead. Slowly the lights began to turn amber then to green but there was still a large amount of red lights on nearly every panel that showed the extent of the damage. What happened? Zara asked at last still punching buttons hoping to turn at least one more red light amber or green. The ship is to big to jump at short notice. Phillips replied. Most of it tore off. Zara looked towards Barrett but he remained motionless still firmly gazing out of the window. Weve lost over half the command decks. Zara said God help us. Phillips retorted. Yes. Barrett said slowly God help us all.


Chapter Three

Zara moved though the mess halls the groans from the injured grating her bones. She had been surprised that so many had survived. Luck had played a large part in this as the ship had jumped as the crew were on their way to the galley and most had been trapped when the corridor seals slammed shut when the ship tore apart. Skeleton crews that had remained in the Bridge and the Hangar deck had been lost to space. Zara quickly put the memories aside. Two days had passed since the accident and the ones with minor injuries had already returned to work. These poor souls being comforted in the mess halls were unlikely to last until the end of the week. She felt helpless. Food was also an issue. With the galleys gone cooking food was a labour intensive job and because of the limited oxygen at the moment fires were not allowed. Some quarters had had small portable microwave ovens and these were now the only source of

cooking available. The main reason for her feeling of helplessness was the knowledge that no help would come. The Icurus was not in any known space and Phillips had pointed out that without the Icurus and Barrett inside the solar system Earth was stranded and unable to send help even if they knew were the Icurus was. What concerned her most was Barrett. He was gone. She hadnt seen him since the day of the jump. Phillips as always was in command, organising repairs trying to get the oxygen units, and water reclamation units operational. His long experience of space even before the jump gates gave him unprecedented knowledge, he was of an era were each ship was self reliant and never expected supplies or repairs unless the crew supplied it. Not for the first time Zara was glad to know that Phillips was aboard. He seemed younger since the accident. If you can call it an accident, she tried not to think of the way Barrett had panicked. Whatever scared him, cost a lot of the crew their lives.


Seeing that all that could be done for the poor unfortunates in the halls Zara walked towards her cabin. As she neared the door she saw that her door was open and that someone was inside. She wasnt alarmed. The crew had been robbing all matter of items from the empty cabins for materials for repairs. Cannibalising, Phillips had called it. The crew felt like it was robbing the dead. Zara noticed the sweet aroma of coffee drifting from the room and quickened her step. What the. She stopped, Phillips was sat propped up on her bed a steaming cup in one had and offering another to her. Thought we should talk he said. He lifted a reader of the table as soon as Zara took the cup leaving one of his hands free. Lock down corridor C! he ordered into the reader. Aye, Aye Sir. Came a curt response. Zara sat down on the chair, smiling. Thanks. She said tipping the cup. Whats on your mind. He took you into the ship didnt he. Phillips accused. Never been inside myself but your father did once. Told me all about it


and what happened. I never understood it all, only that he said it nearly killed him. He took another sip of his coffee. Did you go to Earth? Zara only nodded. Thought as much, your dad said that there were evil creatures there that tried to kill him and Barrett had to get him out quick. He paused He was scared; he looked like hell itself had come down on him. A strong man your father, The Admiral was too. Phillips moved uneasily The thing is both of them were scared shitless to be blunt and you, well, it just seems strange and like any officer, I hate strange. Zara had to laugh she tried to stop it but could not contain herself. This man who for fifty years existed in one of the strangest environments with Barrett didnt like strange. Zara had tears rolling down her face, she knew most of the laughter was due to the stress of the last few days, She saw Phillips face darken You she said between giggles dont like strange! she erupted into more laughter, Phillips face returned to normal and then he too started to laugh.


Soon both were hysterical both clutching their sides in pain of the laughter.

After several minutes both managed to get their laughter under control Thanks Zara said earnestly. I needed that. Its been ages since I had cause to laugh. Phillips looked at her Yes I suppose that true enough. He said deliberately. Zara told Phillips all that had happened missing out nothing. Phillips shock was plain to see but he didnt interrupt or distract her from the story. When she at last finished he asked quizzically. Can you still read minds? Slowly Zara nodded. I hear them all the time, in the mess halls I can hear the dying wishing to see someone, they know you know, that their dying that is. I wish I could shut them out sometimes but I darent, because sometimes I can help them. She cut herself off trying not to recall the pleas from the dying. I want you out of their! Phillips said And that an order! Zara wanted to thank him but was to embarrassed to admit that she knew she could take no more of

the cries from the wounded. She knew from Phillips face that he guessed her thoughts and looked down ashamed. Dont Zara! Phillips said Its bad enough down there with simple ears never mind being able to hear their minds cry. He paused You forget Ive been on a ship of the dead! Can you read my mind? he asked embarrassedly Yes. If I want to. Zara admitted slowly Not all the time. Phillips asked quizzically. I can but dont. she replied Sometimes, like when we were trying to get the ship under control I could hear your thoughts about what needed to be done and I did them for you without you have to stop and ask, but I dont pry if thats what you mean. Nice to hear Phillips replied but Zara could hear the edge in his voice. She decided to let the matter rest. No one wanted their private thoughts known and she had just shook the very fear most people had, her ability tore away their humanity. He said you were dangerous. Phillips said at last, looking deep into her eyes. Now I know he was right.

Phillips shook his head as if getting rid of a vile thought. Thanks for being honest; I think if I had been you I would have kept my ability a secret to my grave. His face softened I mean it! he said. I know replied Zara with a curt smile. Barretts not on the ship. Phillips said poignantly, After fifty years I can tell. Zara nodded, she too knew that Barrett was not aboard; she would be able to hear his mind. She had tried all day without even a squeak. Zara was aware of the changes taking place in her mind. She had tested her new found power almost constantly since returning. She also had found out by accident that hearing someones thoughts was not the only power she had acquired. Last night in this very room she had wanted a snack as she wanted it, it appeared, out of thin air hovering above her bed. She had almost spilt her coffee at the shock of a piece of chocolate cake hovering right in front of her. Several experiments later and she had sat on her bed surrounded by a feast.

She was about to tell Phillips but caught herself, he was already wary of her abilities and she needed him to trust her and scaring him was not the way. Any ideas where he may be? she asked at last. Phillips shook his head, Could be anywhere. I often wish he was more open about his movements. Especially at a time like this. Zara nodded her understanding. The crew had questioned Phillips relentlessly as to the Captains whereabouts, awkward questions under such circumstances. Phillips story was that he was busy in his chambers looking into repairs and trying to see if more systems could be bought on line. Most of the crew accepted this, but Zara knew due to her new found abilities that dissention was growing throughout the crew. She kept this too from Phillips. How bad is the ship? she asked at last knowing that this was the real reason for his visit. Two more days and we are completely adrift and well all be dead in four at the most. Phillips replied. I cant fix it, the ships not real its only fixtures

attached to Barretts ship. We depend on supplies daily and what little we have will last two weeks tops. Not that thats a problem we will run out of air in three days. Thats if we dont freeze to death before then. Freeze to death? Zara asked When we jumped the fuel pods tore off, we have only the fuel in the pipes and Ive rationed them to prolong the heating, but time is not on our side. Phillips sighed and Zara notice the strain this was taking on him. We could try to get the crew away through the Void Zara said but knew that she and Phillips knew nothing about how it worked even if it would work without Barrettt. Phillips shook his head. His eyes looked deep into hers. Maybe one of us could escape he said. Zara stiffened, no not that, she wasnt going to leave them all to die here whilst she alone tried to escape through the Void. The reason for Phillips visit was now all too apparent. No! she said Im staying

You are your fathers daughter Phillips said smiling, but I wouldnt of thought bad of you if you left. Do you think I could operate it or whatever Barrett does? She asked. Anyone who gets chocolate cake on their bed cloths might? he said a grin spreading on his face. I was eating that before it disappeared of my plate last night. Zaras felt her face blush; nothing gets past Phillips her father had once said. Phillips rose. Bye Zara he said and without another word he left. Moments later Zara heard him banging on the corridor seal, shortly followed by his bellowing into his reader Open Corridor C. Well, almost nothing she thought.

Barrett hung in space where this Icurus had been, looking into the wreckage of what was left. Bodies floated nearby. He didnt know why he had felt the urge to come here but it had been

strong. He saw bodies of those he had known and those that he had hardly spoken to. Come to think of it he hardly spoke to anyone. Seeing them like this all stiff and alone made him uneasy. This is death he thought. Hed seen it millions of times but today it felt real. He felt that he had killed these poor souls, He was responsible. Barett knew the words but today for the very first time he could sense a feeling of loss. Death. Barrett wished he could die. Yes he could kill his body but he would still be. His thoughts still his own. He could take another body. A rat a human, any body could be his. Except for a Primes. Barrett smiled. Primes were rare, Barrett remembered Zachariah how many millennia ago, he cared not to think about it. Zachariah had taught him, Zachariah had taught him humility, Zachariah had taught him pain. Barrett still winced at the remembered pain. Zachariah had done so much. Barrett then remembered the price Zachariah had paid. A growl issued from within Barrett and he winked out off sight.


Barrett calmed himself and inside the Void. The he let his mind free again. Earth. Barrett looked closer, a feeling he was unsure of came into his being. He had been right. Earth was dead! The small blue and green sphere rotated slowly in the darkness of space but even at this distance Barrett could sense the Dgin. Earth was infested. He then heard the call of the Dgin, his body screamed and he felt his soul ripping out of him No! he screamed and winked out. Barrett stayed in the Void. His mind on fire, he desperately wanted to join in the song. To sing again with the Dgin. Sweat poured down his cheeks, Barrett thoughts came rushing back, the song cut short. Zara! She was the cause! Until he had known of her he had never been wrong, he had never had these emotional thoughts that made him make such irrational actions. She had to be killed! She was a danger beyond belief. She would bring the Dgin to all. Barrett released himself from the Void and entered the ship. He had not gone as far as the first airlock before the voice found him. Dgin? it asked.

What ? Barrett answered before he had had time to hear the inflection. Dgin he thought, was that a question? As if in answer the voice returned Dgin? It was a question Barrett knew this, how he didnt understand, emotion? Perhaps, Barrett had experienced these ever since Zara had come aboard. Barrett slowly lowered his guard. I am Barrett! he said aloud to echo his thoughts. Welcome Barrett, Welcome Prime. The Gentle voice said and then was gone. Barrett burst into his Chambers sweat dripping off his face. He fell onto the couch, face buried into the cloth. That voice: full of sorrow, not for itself but for him. Barrett then cried for the first time in his whole existents.

Zara punched Phillips name into the reader, He back aboard she said quietly, Phillips voice returned almost immediately Are you sure? and then after the slightest of pauses Of cause your

sure. The relief in Phillips voice was clearly evident. I think we should see him together Zara said Hes crying! she heard Phillips utter a gasp You sure? pause Of cause your sure. Zara gave a slight smile. Meet you at the end of the corridor in ten. Phillips said and the line went dead. Zara rose from the chair in her quarters and put on her tunic; she also picked up the gun clipping it to her belt in open view. Reaching under the table she felt for the small case that was taped to the underside. Ripping off the tape she quickly opened the case staring at the items before carefully adding them to the collar of her tunic. Zara stood admiring the rank insignia. A Commanders laurel, together with the insignia of the S.I.B. She vaguely wondered what the crew would think once they saw her with the rank and insignia of the Special Investigation Branch. She idly thought that the number of her friends among the crew would soon plummet. Finishing her coffee Zara turned and left her quarters heading towards the end of the corridor.


Zara waited patiently for Phillips to arrive, noticing the passing crew looking first at her insignia before hurrying past. This was not new to Zara she had it happen hundreds of times before when she wore her true uniform but today it gave her a slight thrill and returned to her, her self respect that she had sorely missed during the last year and a bit. Phillips marched up the corridor his eyes widening when he saw Zara in her S.I.B. uniform. Commander! He said, a smile etching out from his lips, until he noticed her side arm. Expecting trouble? he asked. Zara nodded.

Barrett sat up wiping his tears. Emotions he cursed. He considered how and why he was now being plagued by them and then remembered what Zachariah had once told him: that Dgin were like children and that to wear a body for too long would mean that the mind would adapt to the body, like children changed into men. Maybe it wasnt Zara he thought; perhaps it was just a coincidence. His composure returned and Barrett

once again took complete control of his thoughts, cutting off stray ideas and ignoring the questions that had been overpowering him. Within seconds the weeping man returned to his former self.

Zara grabbed Phillips arm, He knows we approach. She said, slowing his pace down from a march to a stroll. Phillips glowered, Hes still my Captain! he said as a rebuke and continued down the hall at his previous pace. They both entered the Captains chamber together when the Barrett bid them enter. Barrett sat behind the desk and indicated the two chairs before them. Sit he commanded. He looked at Zara and his mind said No need for the gun Zara, we meet as friends. Zara gave the slightest flinch at his touch but did not reply.

Earth is lost. Barrett said as soon as they had both sat down, Dgin have infested the planet. He held up a hand before either


could protest, Our first concern is for the ship and her crew, after that he paused I want Milton. Hes alive? Zara gasped. Possibly Barrett replied nodding his head.

Relief flooded through Zara and Phillips alike, both of them had secretly hoped that the admiral was not dead but neither had ever voiced it. Zara visibly held back tears, her father alive. She had tried not to think of her father over the last two days knowing that the ship and the crew needed her to be strong. She saw Barrett looking at her, his cold blue eyes boring into her as if she alone sat in the room. Phillips noticed too and shifted uneasily. Barrett continued to stare at Zara apparently not caring about how uncomfortable it made her feel. What? Zara asked. You have changed he said, at last removing his gaze I know you but from where? he added looking complexed.


Zara gave him a confused look and Barrett shook his head as if to dismiss an idea that was about to form in his mind. Never mind he said determinately, Too business.

Barrett looked at Phillips Report. He commanded. Phillips took a deep breath and then without hesitation bought the Captain up to speed on their current situation and the fact that in two or three days the ship would be nothing more than a morgue.

Barrett slowly nodded his head. Then we must abandon the ship. he said as if all the problems were irrelevant. We will take the crew inside the Phoenix!

Into the Void? Zara stuttered. I said inside the Phoenix. Barrett replied. The Void is not inside the ship, the Void is everywhere. Phillips, I want the crew to report to the rear airlock outside of the observation room. Tell them to take with them any

personnel effects they feel they need. I expect them to be ready to enter the ship in two hours. He paused until Phillips nodded. Zara, you and I have work to do, we will prepare what remains of the Icurus to be discarded. You have twenty minutes to gather your things, now the two of you, go! Both Zara and Phillips rose instinctively, years of taking orders causing them to rise without question, they were almost through the door before either of them realised what they had done. Phillips turned to Zara a wolfish grin on his face The Captain know how to command. he said. Zara returned the smile but as soon as it had settled on her face it was replaced with concern, Inside his ship? she asked, Whats in there, I thought it was the Void. Phillips shrugged So did I he said Nobody has told me of anything other than the Void, I thought that was all there was!

Zara packed her things quickly and was outside the Captains door within quarter of an hour, her bag packed to bursting. Barrett opened the door as soon as she arrived without her

having to announce her return. Good he said and headed towards the Observation room without another word. Zara followed, struggling to keep up with her heavy bag. Barrett didnt speak he strode confidently down the corridors passed crew darting about their tasks of packing. Some looked towards them as they passed, Zara could hear their minds wanting to know what was happening and where they where. Barrett did not give them so much as a glance. At last the entered the Observation room, Zara noticed the burnt out consol that Barrett had used that fateful day, two days past. She could still smell the acrid burnt plastic aroma of the consol. Barrett went directly to the consol and with a powerful sweep of his hand the casing flew across the room revelling the circuitry beneath. Zara could see two distinctive hand marks burnt black on the boards were Barrett had thrust his hands on the day of the accident. Take the casings of the others. He commanded and went to work pulling out board after board of electronics.


Zara soon had the casings of the other consoles, she noticed that the boards although familiar, had some strange grainy brown, tree like branches growing out of them disappearing deep into the electrics below. She shuddered involuntary, not wanting to touch those life like branches. As she watched she saw one move in a wormlike manner, withering away form the circuit board and retreating into the darkness beneath. Barrett came over to the consol she was stood by and gently removed several of the branch like appendages, Go to the auxiliary helm he said and set the ship to leave in two hours, maximum power.

Zara did as she was told, it took her far longer than it would have done from the bridge as the computers wanted to question each action and confirm her desires at every stage. When she had finished she turned to see that Barrett had already left. Cursing, Zara wondered where he was but her mind found his. He was in conversation with Phillips in the next corridor. Zara left the Observation room and strolled down the corridor towards them.

As she turned into the corridor she saw Barrett opening one of the airlocks, she could see that it looked like the one in his room, inside. The strange triangular doors glistened back, looking so alien against the oval doors of the Icurus.

Barrett turned to address both Zara and Phillips, Shall we? he said gesturing for them to enter. Zara followed Phillips into the airlock, she could sense Phillips uneasiness and she too felt apprehension beginning to swell. Barrett placed his hand on an ornate symbol on the inner door and the door swept up revealing the second door. Barrett again placed his hand on the symbol and that door too swept up revealing an immense room beyond. Phillips whistled at the sight, The room was bigger than any Zara had seen before even on earth itself, unlike the Icurus the floors and walls appeared to be made out of white marble, with large columns fluted like the Coliseum of ancient Rome scattered as far as the eye could see. The white marble floor gleamed and shone reflections of the columns dancing around

the floor. In the centre a staircase wide enough for ten men abreast to pass at once led up to a balcony before curving in a majestic sweep to continue even further into the dizzying heights of the room.

The sound of their footfalls echoed back from distant walls making an eerie feel to the whole room as if the room itself protested their intrusion. Zara felt her jaw drop, she hadnt known what to expect, but this! She saw Phillips his head rolling from side to side trying to drink in the view, his eyes wide in amazement.

Welcome to the Phoenix. Barrett said softly as he too felt like an intruder. This part of the ship is seven miles long and four miles wide over most of its length. The other end of the ship is bigger but the air in there would be deadly to humans. He waited several moments for Zara and Phillips to pay attention, allowing them the time to gaze around the room. Assemble the

crew here he said and I will address them myself. With that he marched off towards the staircase, taking the steps two at a time.

Phillips turned to Zara, Who would have believed! he said, shaking his head.


Chapter Four

Zara and Philips waited with the amazed crew in the cavernous room. Zara noticed that after their initial reaction the crew were silent as if scared to make a sound. The shock on their faces clearly evident even after the fifteen minutes they had waited. Phillips and Zara stood to one side the crew huddled as if for safety. Not more than twenty paces into the room. Impatiently Phillips gentle tapped his foot. The small tapping sound, drumming out across the expansive room, making Zara even more impatient than she already was. Must you she said quietly fearing that the sound would carry. Phillips stopped but she could see from his face that he hadnt really heard her, he was far to engrossed with the view.

Barrett appeared at last, his footfalls preceding him, raising the tension within the room to an even higher level. He stopped at

the second floor balcony and looked down at those gathered below. A hushed silence filled the room as Barretts eyes slowly scanned the awaiting crew. Without a command the door behind them hissed shut, making most of the crew jump and look about nervously.

Welcome to the Phoenix. Barrett said for the second time that day. Here you will be safe. The Icurus cannot be repaired and is no longer of any use. Before anyone could interrupt, he went on I have some bad news for all he said, pausing for their attention. Earth has fallen to an ancient menace: one, that at this time, we can do little to dispel. Zara expected protests from the crew but strangely thay said nothing their full attention on Barrett. I want all Officers to select six members of the crew. After today they will be your only responsibilities. Yesterday you were cooks, clerks, engineers and all manner of trades, today you are the army that mankind needs more than ever before. Barrett stopped talking looking form one member of the crew to

next missing no one, even Phillips and herself endured his gaze. At last he finished looking. At the far side of this hall, he indicated to the left with his hand is an archway leading into a habitat area; make yourselves comfortable I will be along later to brief you in depth. Commanders Milton and Phillips you are to accompany me.

Without a further word he turned and walked back the way he had come. Zara and Phillips ascended the staircase after him, glancing back to ensure that the other officers were hurriedly forming the crew into sixes.

That went easy. Phillips said humorously He certainly knows how to handle a crew. Yes Zara said, wondering what sort of crew Barrett had handled before and where were they now. The ship certainly did not look as though it had been built for only one man.


They found Barrett waiting by one of the triangular doors leading off from the balcony, Zara noticed that it was one of many such doors each one closed apart from the one Barrett stood before. Without a word Barrett went through the door obviously expecting them to follow. Through the door a corridor ran in a straight line towards a large archway leading into a garden. Zara was as confused as Phillips, the garden was well tended and carefully planted. Zara wondered why the large archway was needed, if it only led towards the corridor but had no time to ponder the thought as the shear size of the garden took all of her attention. Barrett led them down a marble path with small raised walls either side that kept the garden clear of the path. Looking up she noticed that there was a sky above the garden that looked as real as any sky she had ever seen before. She could see cumulus clouds drifting slowly by. Barrett had said that this part of the ship was Seven miles long but Zara had the feeling that this garden was longer it certainly seemed to go on forever into the distance. Looking back she saw the arch but

not the wall she had seen from the other side. The archway was alone standing by itself surrounded by the garden on all sides. She noticed from Phillips expression that he too had noticed the arch and was looking dumbfounded back over his shoulders every few passes as if to check that he was seeing correctly. The path led onwards


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