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QUIZ I Choose the correct the answer:

A2 Slot

1. Progressive tenses are used to talk about things that are happening at a particular point in time. Consider this rule and the sentence My brother is belonging to a boxing club. Is the sentence A. Correct B. Incorrect C. the question is not correct 2. Present tenses are used to talk about several different kinds of time. Present ___________ is used to say how long something has been going on. A. perfect tense B. progressive tense C. simple tense 3. Some verbs are ________in the progressive forms. Example: ______ A. used, liking B. not used, like C. Both are correct 4. Ill tell you when I ______. A. arrive B. arrives C.both 5. Peter _______ a window last night. A. broke (simple past) B. break (simple past) C. breaking (simple past) 6. You are an __________________! You almost never contribute to misunderstandings! A. exceptional communicator B. communicater C. exceptional communicater 7. Slangs and jargons may be a__________ to effective communication. A. barriar B. barier C. barrier 8. Lack of attention in a two way communication involves the source and the receiver. A. true B. false C. not relevant 9. Communication partly means A. to share ideas B. to work by participating C. to participate and share information 10.

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