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Society and Culture in Provincial America Chapter 3 Senneca W. The Colonial Population The Early Population 1.

Early English were unaristocratic 1. Dominant population was English laborer 1. Religious dissenters(people who sought free religion) made up bulk of New England pop. 1. What was an indentured Servant? 1. Male population>Woman 1. English dumped shiploads of convicts into Americas, they didnt want to take responsibility! 1. Indentured Servants labor made up for Native Americans opposition to work and lack of slaves. 1. Headright System: masters got additional land grants for each additl servant 1. No one wanted to settle in the South because it was too much work; need slaves. Birth and Death 1. Cool climate, cleaner water, and lack of epidemic breeding contributed to long life expectancy, in the North. 1. In the South, life expectancy was much lower and children born often grew up without parents after age ten! (malaria and nasty water) Women and Families in the Chesapeake 1. Premarital sex was common due to skewed population ratio 1. 1/3 of marriages occurred while wife was pregnant. 1. Average woman had a child every 2 years, about 8 in her life. 1. But the women didnt live through all the births and often died before their children grew up 1. Southern women had power because lack of male control, husbands would die leaving them the plantation. Widowarchy. 1. Maryland and other colonies made courts protecting orphans due to high mortality rate. 1. As life expectancy Increased women lost some of their power and homes became patriarchal in

Chesapeake areas (Chesapeake in red) Women and Families in New England 1. More traditional than Chesapeake, where women married young and reproduced very early. Northern children survived longer than southern. 1. Fewer New England women became widows 1. All women did was raise/have kids 1. New Englanders were more family religious than South and Chesapeake 1. Anne Hutchinson-Example of limits on female power. Google her or see page 56. 1. Puritan religion expected women to be submissive. I would have a problem with this.


Women=crucial to New England ag. The Beginnings of Slavery in British America 1. Demand for slaves ^^^ when tobacco became main staple of Chesapeake economy. 1. Late 17th century Black workers became plentiful READ THIS ARTICLE!! What was the main point? Why did racism emerge? What was the most important reason for racism? Reading these articles will help you build background knowledge, even if they are boring sometimes, they will connect things.. ;P 3. First black laborers arrived in America before 1620(remember this) 4. Most slaves went to West Indies 5. When slave trade opened to English, Africans importation to Americas increased rapidly because Royal African company monopoly broke apart so slave price decreased 6. Vast # slaves the SOUTH! 7. Black= subject to slave code because the Whites are AWESOME-_Changing Sources of European Immigration 1. As English immigration declined, many different groups came in to take their place. 1. Huguenot Calvinists (French) came to America along with Palatine Germans. Most numerous immigrants were the Scotch_Irish (Scottish Presbyterians) 1. Non-Indian population was 2million before 1775. It doubled from Immigration and natural increase every 25 years The Colonial Economies 1. Some farmers=subsistence(Grow food for you to live on) vs. some farmers growing food to sell. The Southern Economy 1. In Chesapeake tobacco=basis of economy but production> Demand so tobacco industry would experience booms and busts. 1. Rice=South Carolina and Georgia.Indigo became popular in South Carolina as welll. The Northern Economy 1. New England climate and geography didnt allow for them to have a staple crop. 1. Large scale ship building and artisan, craftsmen professions emerged 1. Largest industrial enterprise=Iron making 1. Iron Act of 1750: Forbade Americans from engaging in metal processing( Parliament didnt want competition.) Ridiculous 1. Inadequate labor and inadequate infrastructure in North 1. Colonists took on labor and mining for industry creating a commercial class The Rise of Colonial Commerce 1. No monetary system so they used rough items such as fur skins and etc. 1. Need for imposed order on trade. Read read read this section.. 1. Coastal trade with West indies (sugar molasses slaves) linked colonies to network of commerce in TRIANGULAR TRADE(Sound familiar(;? )

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