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Warcraft III features quite a few air units.

Air units are easier to get and play a bigger role than in Warcraft II, but in Warcraft III there are many more options for countering large collections of air units. Large collections of air units are not as overpowering as they were in StarCraft.

Air units advantages Air units can do hit-and-run attacks. Air units can bypass ground obstacles, get in and attack, and then quickly retreat. If the enemy doesn't counter the air units using spells or units designed to counter air units, air units can sometimes be invincible. Air units can hide in areas of the map where ground units cannot attack them. Air units can reach islands that are not accessible by land travel. Air units can kill Creeps or enemy units to gain experience in hit-and-run attacks away from your Heroes.

Hero Items There are many Hero items that are good against air units that you can find or sometimes buy.

Air Unit Counter Buildings Humans Guard Towers Orcs Orc Burrows Watch Towers Undead Spirit Towers Nerubian Towers Halls of the Dead Black Citadel Night Elves Ancient Protector
Air Unit Counter Units

Mercenaries Many can hit air units Humans Dwarven Riflemen Flying Machines - Flying Machines can deal decent damage against groups of air units with the Flak Cannons upgrade. Siege Engine Dragonhawk Riders Gryphons Water Elementals Orcs Troll Headhunters Troll Berserkers Wind Riders Undead Gargoyles Frost Wyrms Destroyer - Destroyers are immune to the magic damage that many air units have Night Elves Archers (especially when upgraded with range and damage) Druids of the Talon in Storm Crow Form

Dryads Priestess of the Moon Hippogryphs Hippogryph Riders

Air Unit Counter Spells

Healing is great against air units because it allows the ground units or other air units to stay alive until the enemy is dead. Humans Archmage - Blizzard Blood Mage - Banish Mountain King - Storm Bolt Sorceress - Polymorph (combine with Archmage's Brilliance Aura) Paladin - Holy Light (vs. Undead) Orcs Raiders - Ensnare (most common defense) Far Seer - Chain Lightning Shaman - Purge (slows unit) Troll Batrider - Unstable Concoction Shadow Hunter - Hex Undead Crypt Fiend - Web (most common defense) Necromancer - Cripple Death Knight - Death Coil Lich - Frost Nova Dread Lord - Sleep Dread Lord - Carrion Swarm Night Elves Priestess of the Moon - Starfall Warden - Fan of Knives Warden - Shadow Strike

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