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winter, coldest season of the year, between autumn and spring; the name comes from an old Germanic word that means time of water and refers to the rain and snow of winter in middle and high latitudes. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is commonly regarded as extending from the winter solstice (years shortest day), December 21 or 22, to the vernal equinox (day and night equal in length), March 20 or 21, and in the Southern Hemisphere, from June 21 or 22 to September 22 or 23. The low temperatures associated with winter occur only in middle and high latitudes; in high throughout the year. For physical causes of the seasons, see season.

The concept of winter in European languages is associated with the season of dormancy, particularly in relation to crops; some plants die, leaving their seeds, and others merely cease growth until spring.

clothes in the winter in winter the clothes you wear should be warm to keep warm as temperatures this season are very low

for example you can put your keep warm jacket and hat scarf gloves boots.

the animals in the winter Many animals hibernate in winter not to die as the temperatures of this season is very difficult to survive because there are problems for feeding animals and is very cold.

the plants in the winter in winter the plants are rare because the ice is frozen, when it snows are covered by snow and winter the sun does not abound allowed to grow to the various types of plants so the landscape is scarce plants.

the weather in the winter winter is a time where several atmospheric phenomenon abound such as rain snow winter and where the sky is usually covered and out very little sun. when it snows you can play snowball wars build snowmen and have fun with whoever you want great

the winter holidays Halloween On october 31st we celebrate halloween, the night of the year when ghost, witches and fairies go out. Catholics festival- all saints/all hallows. pagan celthic festival-samanic halloween comes from all hallow eve customs: jack o lantern, pumkin lanterns, fires, dressing up, trick or treat and apple bobling in this winter season the houses are decorated in a very special.

Christmas at this time of year is a very big event for all Christians is Christmas day December 25th is the day that jesus was born.

children do at Christmas Christmas cards to congratulate Christmas to family. December 31st day corresponds with the arrival of the

new year is celebrated at the stroke by eating a grape for every month of last year, after the new year welcomes the family. January 6th day corresponds with the arrival of the kings who bring gifts if you've been good in the past year has the tree and when you wake up and open them seest what you have brought.

Thanksgiving day. america celebrate thanksgiving day on the fourth thursday in november. it is harvest festival that dates back to 1621. the years after pillgrims from england arrived in massachuset. te pillgrims sailed away in september 1620 on a ship called the manyflowers. it look the 66 days to teach america from england. many of them died during the farst winter. the indians thought them how to plant come and other crops. the next autumm harvest was pplentiful ans inspired the pillgrims to give thanks buy holiding a three-day feast. black friday the day after thanksgiving is known al black friday and

the biggest christmas shopping in america.

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