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Common name

sci. name Daucus carrota L.

uses carrots nourish they do not heal. If the body has the ability to heal itself, it will use the raw materials found in foods to do its own healing work. Herbs do not heal, they feed. Herbs do not force the body to maintain and repair itself. They simply support the body in these natural functions.
. The herb has been used as a medicine and as a beverage for centuries in China. Ancient writings confirm the long use of the remedies made from the chrysanthemum, the herb finds mention and is categorized in the Divine Husbandman's Classic, called Shen'nong Bencaojing"



Chrysanthemum indicum L.


Dalandan(Cajel (Bik.,
Ibn., Bis., Span.;)

Citrus aurantium Linn.

(Bon.) )

C. aurantium L. var. bergamina Artemisia araenosa Kitam.

Damong maria(Abraaka (Ilk.) )

- A good source of vitamin C. - Rich in flavonoids. - Dried flowers is a pleasant flavoring agent. - Condiment, fruit, oil. - Peel used for making marmalades and candies. - Flowers used for scenting tea. - Essential oil from the dried fruit used as food flavoring. - Fruit rind used for baking flavors. - In Iran, the orange peel used as flavoring for boiled rice and other vegetables. - Fruit is used for making sauces, creams, jelly, honey, etc. Fruit: Food and source of vitamin C. Flavor: Rind - Decoction of fresh leaves and flowering tops, 50 g in a pint of water, 4-5 glasses daily as expectorant. - Juice of leaves used as vulnerary, to heal wounds and cuts. - As emmenagogue: A strong decoction of leaves, 6-7 glasses a day to induce menstruation; also, for postpartum abdominal cramps. - Juice of leaves applied to head of young children during convulsions. - For intestinal deworming, decoction of boiled leaves, followed by the juice of aloe or other purgative plants. - Decoction of leaves used for abdominal colic pains.

Duhat(Black plum,


1. Wine manufactured

java plum)


from the ripe black plum duhat fruit stimulates activity in the stomach and expels the air in the alimentary canal. 2. The solution formed by boiling the seeds and bark in water is taken internally as remedy for diabetes and dysentery. 3. The solution formed by boiling the bark and root in water is taken internally as medicine for diarrhea

Durian(Dulian (Lan., Sul.,

Mag., Bag.))

Durio zibethinus L

Gogo(Balonos (Bis.) )

Entada phaseoloides (Linn.) Merr.

- For rheumatic lumbar and leg pains, sprains, contusions: use dried vine materials, 15 to 30 gms in decoction. - For jaundice, edema due to malnutrition: use powdered seeds, 3 to 9 gms taken orally with water. - Abdominal pains and colic: Pound the kernels of the seeds, mix with oil and apply as poultice onto affected area.

Guyabano(Atti (Ibn.) )

Annona muricata Linnaeus

- Counterirritant: Make a paste of the seeds and apply to glandular swellings in the axilla, loins and joints, and swollen hands and feet. - Used as hair growth stimulant. - For skin itches, the affected part is washed with a decoction of the bark. - Stem, macerated in cold water, makes a cleansing soap; also, used as an emetic. - Seeds used as emetic. Also, used as febrifuge. - In South Africa, seeds used by infants to bite on during their teething period. Also, used as remedy for cerebral hemorrhage. Unripe fruit used for dysentery. Ripe fruit is antiscorbutic. Seeds and green fruit are astringent. Flowers are antispasmodic. Infusion of leaves used as sudorific, antispasmodic and emetic. In some cultures, the fruits and leaves are used for tranquilizing and sedative properties. Juice of ripe fruit used as diuretic and for hematuria and urethritis. Flesh of soursop used as poultice to draw out chiggers. Decoction of leaves used of head lice and bedbugs. Pulverized seeds and seed oil effective for head lice. Fruit used as a bait in fish traps.

Decoction of leaves used as compresses for inflammation and swollen feet. Poultice of mashed leaves and sap of young leaves used for eczema and skin eruptions. Flowers used to alleviate catarrh. In Mexico used as pectoral, antiscorbutic and febrifuge; seeds and green fruit used as astringent and for dysentery.


Guyabano Duhat

Damong maria



dalang hita


Dalandan Carrots


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