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Nucleation inhibition occurs when the scale proto-crystals form, but are then disrupted or redissolved by the action

of inhibitor molecules. Small polymeric species have proven to follow the nucleation inhibition mechanism effectively. Such polymer inhibitiors include PVS (polyvinyl sulphonate)., and S-PMA (sulphonated polymaleic acid copolymer) They have shown to work most effectively at lower pHs and temperatures. Inhibit at lower pH. Works much better at lower temperatures. Ca has smaller effect to pvs then detpmp and magnesium has little effect Nucleation inhibition = disruption of the thermodynamic stability of the growing nucleons (for homogenous crystallization). The inhibition mechanism involves endothermic adsorption of inhibitor species causing dissolution of the barium sulphate embryos. PVS work well at low pH values because they have low pKa values. Crystal growth (for heterogeneous crystal growth In both cases, the most widely used groups of downhole scale inhibitors to control barite scale formation are phosphonates and small polyelectrolytes with a poly carboxylate base.. both inhibitiors effectiveness deteriorates quite a bit as the pH is lowered. This is directly related to the pKa values of the particular species and the relationship to the extend of dissociation (or ionic character present at a particular pH. Difficult in low-pH environments especially when supersaturation is high. Poisonous Who takes the prize? Since nucleation inhibition works well in lower temperatures, it is more commonly used then crystal growth inhibitors in the industry since barite tends to form in aquatic areas which show a more cold rather then hot climate. Colder temperatures also result in an increased barium sulphate scaling tendency (supersaturation) though. But if a supersaturation of barium sulphate and equilibrium precipitation is maintained constant, inhibitor effectiveness works extensively well. Slower kinetics of barium sulphate precipitation at low temps may have cause the improvement of S-PMA. Heterogeneous nucleation is more likely to occur on equipment then homogenous because the freeenergy barrier (for the reduction in supersaturation) may be reduced. Crystal growth is the more conventional method used in the industry

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