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Brought to you by: Capucion, Jaimee Andrea Casil, Precious Joy Quelnan, Charmane

Lesson 6 Pies and Pastries Pastry is dough in a pie shell or tart shell shape used as a container for both sweet and savory food. When the pastry shell contains filling, it is called a pie. Buko, banana, mango and egg pies are among Filipino favorites. Other fillings may be made from meat and poultry, nuts and legumes, cheese and cream, and vegetables. Pie crust is the secret of a delightful pastry and it should be flaky and tender.

A Flaky and Tender Crust can be Achieved by Doing the Following: 1. Using lard for shortening 2. Mixing the ingredients as quickly as possible. 3. Using as little liquid as possible. 4. Having all the ingredients at room temperature.

Techniques That Can Guide One in Making Pie Crusts: 1. Measuring flour without sifting. Then sift with salt into mixing bowl. 2. Add lard to flour-salt mixture and cut with pastry blender. 3. Sprinkle cold water on the flour-salt mixture and mix lightly with hands. 4. Shape dough into a ball. Roll in all directions to flatten into a circle. 5. Roll dough over rolling pin then unroll over pie plate. 6. Fit snugly on the pan. Prick with fork tines before baking.

Decorative Pie Crust Edges 1. Forked Edge Flatten out the edges of your crust then trim to the edge of the pie plate, Using the tines of fork, press evenly along the edges to make a simple design. 2. Rope Edge Fold and roll and pastry under to make an even rim. With thumb at an angle, pinch the pastry between the thumb and knuckle of the index finger. 3. Fluted Edge Place an index finger on the inside edge of the crust and the index finger and thumb of the other hand on the outer edge. Pinch pastry held between the fingers to flute and make pointed tips. 4. Scalloped Edge Fold and roll pastry under then press lightly to flatten it out. With pointed end of a spoon, cut the crust into scallops.

Characteristics of a Well-Made Pie and Pastry Has an even thinness all over and fits the pan just right. Light golden brown in color with dark brown edges. Crust is slightly blistered and rough with a delicately crisp, flaky texture and rich, delicate flavor.

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