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Kate Green

What is the Role of the producer? A film producer is someone who creates the scenes and conditions for making films. The producer initiates, coordinates, supervises and controls matters such as hiring key personnel and arranging for distributors. The producer is involved throughout all phases of the film-making process from development to completion of a project. The producer is also responsible for the props and what the actors will be wearing. The importance of having a good lighting set up is also a vital role for me the producer to make sure it is very effective.

What is the role of the director? A film director is responsible for overseeing every creative aspect of a film. They develop a vision for a film, decide how it should look, what tone it should have, and what an audience should gain from the cinematic experience. He/she is in short the storyteller. Film directors are responsible for approving every camera angle, lens effect, lighting, and set design occasionally even taking part in the hiring of key crew members. They coordinate the actors moves, determine camera angles, and may be involved in the writing, financing, and editing of a film. The director works closely with the cast and crew to shape the film and may often take suggestions on pertinent issues. Some like to conduct rigorous rehearsals in preproduction while others do so before each scene. In either case this process is essential as it tells the director as well as other key members of the crew (Director of Photography, Stunt Choreographer, Hair Stylist etc) how the actors are going to play the scene, which enables them to make any necessary adjustments. Directors often use storyboards to illustrate and directors viewfinder to set up camera angles.

Marketing is very important in the film making process because you need to get people interested in to seeing your film, and you have to make sure you have a target audience. Also when making your film it is easier if you get actors who are well known so that it will bring in a lot of different age groups and it will make people want to go and see your film. It is also good to have a unique selling point because it will help you to decide how you want to advertise your film.

In the film process budget is very important because you need to make sure you have enough money for everything in the film. Also you have to pay the cast the right amount of money because if you dont they wont be in your film. It is important to stretch you budget as much as you can in order to get everything you need for your film.

It is very important to advertise your film because you want as many people as possible to see it. A good way to advertise your film is to go to a movie primer because a lot of people go to them and the movie primer will be on television so people can see at home. Also you movie can be advertised by a trailer which will show you a quick scene from the film. Another way to advertise your film is to but billboards up about the film and you can do interviews with some of the actors.

Pre-production is the phase of further developing ideas and planning prior to the process of production. In a live action movie sense it is the period before filming starts. In an animation sense it is the period before any real animating takes place. Like all great projects the success is in the planning. This section gives an overview of the different steps involved in the Preproduction process and how each step helps to develop a 'roadmap' on which to base the further production stages. Although there is a general sequence of events to Pre-production it's normal for the various stages to be revisited more than once. This is because each stage may either reveal a flaw in the work to date or highlight how an aspect of the project could be further developed. Having the insight, discipline and patience to recognise and make changes when appropriate is a key quality for anyone working with

The production of motion pictures and television films the principal branch of cinematography. Film production takes place at motion picture studios enterprises that specialize in various types of films, such as feature motion pictures, documentaries, popular science films, educational films, and animated cartoons. Motion pictures are classified as black-and-white, color, wide-screen, large-format, multiscreen, or stereoscopic films, depending on the cinematographic systems and technological means used. Film production is characterized by a close interaction of art and technology in the production process; the high labor input of production and the relatively high cost of films; the large number of creative workers and technical specialists who take part in making films; the use of complex technology and expensive materials; the dependence of outdoor motion-picture filming on weather conditions; and the necessity of assembling actors from various theaters, military units, means of transport, and museum displays during filming.

Post-production is part of filmmaking and the video production process. It occurs in the making of motion pictures, television programs, radio programs, advertising, audio recordings, photography, and digital art. It is a term for all stages of production occurring after the actual end of shooting and/or recording the completed work. Post-production is, in fact, many different processes grouped under one name. These typically include: Video editing the picture of a television program using an edit decision list (EDL) Writing, recording, and editing the soundtrack. Adding visual special effects - mainly computer-generated imagery (CGI) and digital copy from which release prints will be made (although this may be made obsolete by digital-cinema technologies). Sound design, Sound effects, ADR, Foley and Music, culminating in a process known as sound re-recording or mixing with professional audio equipment. Transfer of Colour motion picture film to Video or DPX with a telexing and color grading (correction) in a colour suite.

After making your film it is always good to get some feedback about the film to see if people liked it or not. Also it is good to see what you can improve about your film.

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