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nuclear warfare is not necessary to cause a breakdown of our society. You take a large city like Los Angeles, New York, Chicago their water supply comes from hundreds of miles away and any interruption of that, or food, or power for any period of time youre going to have riots in the streets. Our society is so fragile, so dependent on the interworking of things to provide us with goods and services, that you dont need nuclear warfare to fragment us anymore than the Romans needed it to cause their eventual downfall.

Gene Roddenberry, Star Trek originator

Section Headings
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) What To Do BeFORE The Feces Strike The Rotating Blades The Long Emergency The First 24 Hours Shelter Food Water Defense / Safety Hardware Personnel Waste Disposal and Sanitation Energy Communication First Aid But What About Local Government; Police, Fire/Rescue and National Guard? Miscellany Resources Some Food Storage and Other Plans A Beginner's Preparedness List and

19)The big list of things for Barter and Trade

1 What To Do BeFORE The Feces Strike The Rotating Blades

Have a plan, and some idea what you're planning for. When I was in the Army, stationed in southern Germany (1980-1983), I was assigned to a small medical unit whose standing orders were: If the Russian Army came storming through Fulda Gap, we were to pack up and GO there. We were tasked with the job of cleaning up after any kind of NBC (Nuclear, Biological or Chemical) attack. We used to train for this by working one day a week in MOPP gear (nuclear suits with or without gloves, masks). Occasionally we'd get called out to wait for the the Army Field Artillery units from Schwabisch Gemund and Neu Ulm to move the Pershing nuclear-tipped missiles just in case there was a chemical spill (hydrazine, I think, but we weren't supposed to know). I was tasked with maintaining and organizing our unit's NBC equipment even though I hadn't gone through the Army's formal course. I was the de facto NBC NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer). I'm a quick learner, hands-on type. See one, do one, teach one. As if that weren't life-changing enough, while in civil service at Ft. Meade, MD (2001-2006), based on my background and interests, I was asked to be on the CBRNE (Chemical-Biological-Radiological-Nuclear (and) Explosives) response team. In less than 20 years, terrorist threats had increased from NBC to CBRNE. I attended noon briefings, ran a few classes myself, organized the emergency response equipment (clinical support; medication, IV fluids, airway management, splinting, etc.) and learned how to run the decontamination showers, participating in several exercises, one during the first week of December when it was about 25 degrees outside. Really! Who knows when and what time of year the US might be attacked again? I attended several out-of-town conferences on Community Response to Catastrophic Events and Psychosocial Aspects of Catastrophic Events and Medical Planning for same, etc. The most interesting was just months after the attacks on September 11, 2001, run by the Bay Pines VA Medical Center in St. Petersburg, Florida. Listening to specialists studying real-world open-sourced (not compartmentalized, or secret) information on the Sarin gas attacks in the Tokyo subway, food poisoning attacks by the Sree Rajneesh cult in Oregon, the ongoing events in the Middle East brought to us by members of the Religion of Peace (Islam actually means submission . . . think about that), survivors of the 9-11 attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Centers, surgeons from Israel and people actually working with biological agents, my eyes were opened. I wish they had stayed closed and it was always September 10, 2001. But, it isn't, and real people with real plans to use real weapons of mass destruction (or pipe bombs or homebrewed bacterial toxins or stolen tanker trucks) are out there, looking for a time and place to attack. There are many other events which might call for the kind of preparations you'll read more about here. I admit this plan may seem a little extreme, but, instead of scaring myself, developing it (and it is far from finished) has been an exercise in anxiety-reduction. Plan for the worst, anything less won't surprise you. The power of accurate observation is often called cynicism by those who haven't got it. - G. B. Shaw I had started stockpiling food and survival gear well before 1999, long before the Y2K (Year 2,000) hysteria. Y2K was a dress-rehearsal, practice, a warning for what's coming. Growing up between Florida and California, I had learned to prepare for hurricanes, fires, floods, earthquakes and their sequels. And there was always the unintended consequences of Democrat Policies to deal with urban unrest (riots) brought about by well-meaning and/or devious dependency-economics planning or community reactions to, um, overzealous police. I remember standing on St. Petersburg's north shore watching Tampa burn across the bay around 1968. My Mom kept food stored during the Cuban missile crisis and I always had an earthquake box when I lived in California. Three to seven days of food in a Xerox copy paper box.

When hurricane Elena came roaring up Florida's gulf coast in 1985, I was in St. Petersburg, FL. My brothers and I refused to evacuate, ducking down to avoid being spotted by police who were urging, then ordering residents to leave for higher ground. When the storm came in we watched cars floating down the street pushed along by 100plus mile-per-hour winds while water lapped against the six feet above sea level front door. The next day we patrolled the neighborhood with rifles and shotguns and dissuaded looters from visiting homes and local stores to do their Christmas shopping. The police didn't come back until the day after that. The Message: Whatever the event or anticipated duration, consider how you would be affected by: fires, flooding, blizzards, famine, meteor strike, riots, Iran nuking Saudi oil fields or Tel Aviv (or even New York), government stopping the printing presses (dollars, social security checks, food stamps, WIC coupons), or not making its cheese deliveries or by any number of events, human-made or natural (as if there is a distinction, which is a philosophical argument you can entertain yourself and others with while hunkering down during a storm). Ask yourself: Are you prepared? Do you want to be? Read on. Or, skip all my pontificating and revisionist historical and political crap and go to The First 24 Hours

2 The Long Emergency

(Stolen from another book title) Zombies? What in the hell do Zombies have to do with a survival guide? I read Max Brooks' brilliant satire of survivalist manuals (The ZOMBIE Survival Guide) written in a zombie movie milieu and between episodes of out-loud laughing, it got me thinking: Maybe these flicks are reflections or representations of Hollywood's and popular culture's fears of TEOTWAKI1 and RAFOTRE2 apocalyptic events. As metaphor, these also reflect fears and paranoia about practically any hostile takeover or collapse scenario you could imagine: urban sprawl, financial market collapse, illegal aliens, asteroids, plagues, etc.. Or, maybe it's just the Hollyweirdos out to make a buck off of our primal fear of real-world or imagined events. Maybe (to paraphrase Sigmund Freud), A movie is just a movie. Brooks, and others, have this farcical idea of zombie outbreaks as an explanation of all those news reports of urban unrest you never really hear the details of; post-game riots in college towns, anarchist riots at the world bank meetings, etc.. According to many, these are really zombie -level attacks. George Romero started it all, with the idea of radiation resurrecting the dead at a time when nuclear weapons were proliferating. Maybe it was Boris Karloff in White Zombie. More recent zombie movies use the theme of bio-engineered viruses creating zombies, which I think expresses the artistic mind's ignorance and primitive cultural fears of corporate/government and military responsibility in creating agents of mass destruction by genetic modifications (technology beyond the understanding of the writers), then losing control of them. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic Arthur C. Clarke Whatever. Psychoanalysis of Hollweirdos and their boogeyman fantasies won't be productive here, as I have developed this plan to allay MY fears of, and to prepare for, any number of potentially catastrophic events. Such as: Race wars, crashing financial markets, CBRNE events like plagues (man-made vs. natural), nuclear holocaust, Muslim terrorist bombings of infrastructure, environmental upheavals (such as sudden polar shift and subsequent new ice age, meteorite impact, super-volcanoes), invasion by foreign nation(s), etc.. If/when any of these events happen, will YOU get in line for government cheese? Become worm food when the zombies come storming out of section 8 housing complexes and urban centers looking for food, guns, gas, sex? Get on the trains for the camps when the government tells you to? Or will you work with your family, friends, community and church to ensure the survival of the most people for the most good for the longest time possible? You still have time. Make your choice now. Add to this as you feel necessary. Use your imagination. Norm Balog, socialist occupied Maryland, State of dhimmitude, 2008
"I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants. . . Deuteronomy 30:19 NASB
1 2

TEOTWAKI: The End Of The World As We Know It RAFOTRE: Rise And Fall Of The Roman Empire (Armageddon)

3 The First 24 Hours

Receive/react/contact Be prepared for home invasions. Expect them. It's NOT paranoia. It's survival. CARRY your personal firearm, loaded, AT ALL TIMES. This CAN NOT be ignored or underemphasized. ALL capable/trained individuals in the household WILL carry loaded pistols when answering the door or EVEN when looking out side windows to see who's there. Having a backup person (behind a corner) at the ready while someone else answers the door is best. Carrying primary weapon and backup while outside is mandatory. Close as many curtains as possible. Have fire extinguishers handy, generators connected, candles, flashlights available. Exercise light discipline. Coordinate/connect/ PLAN (council/elders meeting): Alert network at the first sign of collapse Rally. Use home meeting(s). Telcon/Internet will not be secure. Gather and discuss INTEL: Event(s). Are sources reliable? Establish SITREP requirements Confirm report(s). Contact local authority (local government, police, national guard, FEMA) and/or PEOPLE IN OTHER CITIES as able/possible. Objectively evaluate the situation. TEOTWAKI or RAFOTRE event? Group decision time. Does a central authority still exist? Authority. (Legitimate authority, NOT tyranny.) Who stays OUT of the shelter? Take positive and decisive action: Establish neighborhood watch. Initiate multiple roving night guards if possible, separated by some distance. Otherwise, deploy single guards with as wide a view as is possible Rotate watches on 2-4 hour intervals to prevent fatigue and maintain alert status Equip with radios and defensive/offensive weapons, preferably suppressed.

Action Plan Initiation Time?

When is it really time to activate your plan? a) b) c) d) e) When the President declares a national emergency, says good night, and he and the Congress go to shelter. When police begin going house to house confiscating firearms, food, etc. When you see that big flash in the sky. When police, fire, stop answering rescue calls to 911. Other emergencies as you see fit.

4 Shelter
Shelter, and defense thereof, is arguably, THE first priority. Do you bug out, defend in place, or defend at a bigger place? Bug out? Won't work. Where are you going to go? Do you have a plan? Do you have a fully stocked, easily reached retreat? One that the locals don't know about and haven't taken over or looted yet? Can you defend it? Can you even reach it safely? Do you have a full fuel tank in a vehicle large enough to pack you and your family and food and stuff? Have you figured out yet what you want/need, or can leave behind knowing you'll probably never see any of it again? Do you think youll just shoot people for their food? Shoot them and take over their homes? Where will you do that? Out of the city somewhere? Will local/state/federal/military allow vehicular (or even foot) travel? Locals will have guns and will blow bridges if necessary to stop the waves of urban zombies. You and your family will become the aggressors and will likely wind up as hog food . . . or worse. Defend in place? Probably wont work either. Location and size must be: proportional to the event, comfortable, defensible, close-in to work (if work exists at all), near fields/farms and centralized to your family/friends/support personnel/evacuees (i.e. - a designated rally point for larger events) Single-family homes can only be temporary. Resources are easily depleted, they're hard to defend for very long, dependent upon community resources and mutual cooperation, are too easy to set afire and aren't likely to have running water for long. Apartments and other high-density buildings are the worst possible location for survival, prone to looting, burglary, robbery and fire. Not pretty. Reference Sarajevo in the 1990s and Beirut in the 1980s. Public shelters? How much stuff you want to give up again? How your Pets? Guns? Your food stores? Public shelters essentially represent a little security for liberty, living on cots (if you're lucky), eating MREs, soup and gruel. Little to no medical care, or maybe not available for long. {Remember, this guide is intended for use during MAJOR catastrophic events.} A bigger place? Probably the most sensible option, for a variety of reasons. Somewhere to root right in. Public institutional buildings; Public Schools, National Guard Armory, Prisons. For me, I chose Public Schools. Your plan may differ. Advantages: Central locations. Large open fields. Brick/stone construction. Easily defensible: many are windowless with elevated parapets on the roofs, clear fields of fire with line-of sight to boundaries, requiring MINIMAL personnel to defend. Consider natural choke points with flank security.

They will have sources of water and backup energy (generators) on site, many with readily available civil defense shelters and provisions (beds, blankets, survival rations, etc.). Spacious. There will be ample room for food, supplies and portable equipment (move your entire home into one classroom if necessary for protection/storage). Facilities. Bathrooms, gymnasiums/exercise facilities, kitchens, many rooms for many families. Can be ISOLATED. A moat can be dug around the building (with heavy equipment (see later chapter), berms can be built up farther out with removed material, making the drop into the moat more precipitous. Asphalt and paving materials from parking lots, sidewalks, tennis/basketball courts and running tracks can be torn up (with heavy equipment) and used to barricade building doors and first floor windows. Fences (from periphery, tennis courts, baseball fields) can be cannibalized to cover windows, build small animal cages (for pets or long term food source), or used to construct ambush kill zones. With proper planning, fencing can be used to minimize entry points and/or funnel interlopers into these zones. While you have the time and the luxury of the internet, use Google Maps or other online maps to locate the place you'd go. Consider size, location, surrounding homes, fields, businesses, apartments (high-density high-crime areas), local resources (water, wood, grocery/hardware stores), elevation (think medievally: height is power). Consider local neighborhoods as a potential sources of: Food, water, clothes, fuel oil/propane/gasoline, building materials, car generators/alternators (wind/water power), medicines, cleaners, household chemicals, etc.. Fuel: Trees, and lots of them. Clear/fell them by the hundreds while gasoline is still available. Make this another high priority item. Split wood, stack it inside fenced-in tennis courts for drying and theft prevention by locals not involved in group efforts. Camouflage, cover, concealment: Use the firewood storage to perform double duty, by placing wood to provide barriers and cover in strategic locations and configurations, remembering that woodpiles do not provide solid cover, but might entice interlopers into a false sense of security, thus creating surprise vulnerability (i.e. - kill zones). Smaller limbs can be used to fashion early warning systems and fence-type barriers. Areas difficult to monitor or defend can be lined with small dry branches to create a noise mine field that will alert sentries or dogs. Judicious use of heavy equipment on roads/small bridges, will seriously impede vehicle traffic into your AO (Area of Operations). Flipping large (multi-ton) chunks of road vertically and/or digging deep/wide trenches can help accomplish this. Such choke points need to be watched at regular intervals, until normalcy is reestablished. Normalcy defined as restoration of regular electrical power, staple supply systems, mail delivery, heaps of dead liberals whose policies brought our civilization down, UN Forces returning home, etc.. Burning out several (dozen, hundred?) abandoned homes outside of a maintained perimeter (how large an AO can you maintain with current personnel?) can further isolate your location/neighborhood. Bad guys are more likely to move on if it appears that there is nothing to gain. Some homes closer in can be brought down and broken up for firewood and metals. Burn out several blocks of homes (remember, MOST people are going to be leaving for shelters/camps) well outside your perimeter. AFTER resourcing a home, torch it, and several around it. Find bodies and put them into cars. Torch the cars. Block ingress-egress streets with disabled/torched cars, school buses (overturned). HAVE vehicles capable of bypassing those routes. Have alternate routes planned, consider escape/evasion routes, methods and ways to cover your exit. Plan ways to get out, get around and behind or to flank looters/gangs. Deer and game trails, survey lines and drainage right of ways all offer potential routes.

Use storm drains for underground movement for observation and fire (review WW2 underground resistance fighters). Discourage trespassers and eliminate sources of curiosity: PUT LOOTERS' HEADS ON PIKES far away, close to areas where such affronts may lead to actions against locals THERE, not direct activity towards YOU. Paint vague gang signs outside the perimeter. Paint official-looking notices in government-ese language stating area is evacuated, uninhabitable, biohazard/radiation zone, whatever. Some efforts should be made to rearrange trees/shrubs, bamboo to allow clear lines to perimeter. Smoke and cooking smells can be limited by judicious use of kitchen fume/fire hoods, improvised collector/precipitator stacks/scrubbers (charcoal filter final stages) at least in the short run while the zombies are running free. Larger school kitchens have most these in place. HEADS ON PIKES. Disabled cars as barriers.

Disadvantages: Mainly that locals will flock to them, as will Red Cross and local agencies (if they are still functioning).

No Soylent Green, yet. Maybe government cheese, but no cannibalism, not yet. Lets figure out what to eat before either of these become dietary mainstays. Even IF you have already put away 6 to 12 months of foodstuffs for you and your family, in the FIRST few hours after an established long emergency, you should GET OUT and buy staples at local grocers with emergency cash funds, taking by force (but PAYING) if necessary. Or, at least have backup just in case. Liquor, beer and wine should also be obtained in large quantities (sterilization, pain management, trade, occasionally blowing off steam). Grain alcohol, lots of it. Cheap whisky. Cheap Vodka. It'll be worth its weight in gold soon. STAPLES means: whats necessary to sustain life when supplemented by other things. Think about cowboys and beans. Flour, sugar, SALT, honey, powdered milk, and any canned goods. Tuna, chicken, beans, then whatever you can fill your cart(s) with AFTER the staples. ALSO fruit in JARS (fermentation will make alcohol, further preserving it), rice, corn (ground, whole), other whole grains and NON-perishable foods (again, grains: lentils, chickpeas, popcorn even). SPICES. Jams, Jellies, Peanut Butter, VITAMINS, Tylenol, Motrin, stool softener (colace), band-aids, shampoo, soap, detergent. NOW: CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE. Think comfort food. Grab EVERY freaking thing you can imagine AFTER staples. And don't forget, buy every bottle of Beano you can find. Figure on buying about $1000 in two to three carts. Have armed backup in the car. The store may stop selling, and looters will show up in large numbers. Soon. BUT NO FRESH FOODS (except potatoes can be cellared), UNLESS you can dry them. And have time to do it. Seeds/beans yes. Sprouting will substitute for fresh greens and essential vitamins until gardens are established. Every family involved in planning must be urged to put aside one to two YEARS of staples for their own family and to contribute to central planning/cooking. This is not negotiable. Families bringing too little food/resources (or NOT having put any aside that wont be retrievable in short order) and too much mouth to fill will become refugees or victims/compost. Think SURVIVAL. ALL AVAILABLE GAME should be taken as soon as possible, Taking out deer at/after dusk with suppressed guns is preferable. Two or more animals can be taken in rapid succession this way. SALTed and/or hung up to dry like biltong. Good protein, for dogs too. Use, oven, basement, deck or rooftop for drying racks depending on season. Squirrels mostly for dog food, again, salted, frozen or dried and stored. Rabbit - gotta get used to the idea trapping LIVE for breeding. Rabbits are 90 days from mating to freezer. Or Hasenpfeffer. Three does, one buck. Mate one doe w/buck. One month later, doe births 6-10 babies. Now breed another doe. One breeds, one breast-feeds, one rests 2 months. Fed grass clippings, weeds, table scraps, hay, some seeds/beans - not much, rabbit feed is 18% protein, but what do they eat wild in YOUR neighborhood? Properly kept rabbits can provide one to two meat meals a week for a family of four once a colony is established. Droppings can be recycled back into garden or used for methane generation (see long term energy planning). DISCIPLINE: Keep kitchen guarded and LOCKED. Keys (yes, plural) kept by two people between meal times. Caloric restriction should be started from day one. Adolescents will just have to get used to it. Kids can be tasked with harvesting (or killing and cleaning) food as well as the inevitable vermin (think bodies, abandoned homes and Norway rats), then awarded for body counts.

Short-term: Whats on hand; bottled, toilet tanks, water heaters, water towers, rain barrels and diverted roof run-off. Long-term: Neighborhood pools (radioactive fallout sinks). Purification can be done by keeping pool covers in place, occasionally adding some chlorine and/or muriatic acid shock treatment. (See section on supplies and raiding local stores). Local ponds (maybe). Assume street runoff has high levels of toxic metals (cadmium, lead, arsenic, zinc) as well as pesticides/herbicides. Long-settled water can be carefully reclaimed later. Potential water sources (pools, water towers) should be scouted out and marked on Zombie Action Plan maps. Long long-term: Purification is an ancient and simple art. 55 gallon drums set high to low with progressive layers of rocks, gravel, sand, activated carbon (crushed charcoal limited to about 300-mesh). Water, no matter how foul, is poured through screens into the top drum, eventually making its way through the charcoal filter. Chlorine is added at this stage at about 2 to 4 parts per billion. Make finding chlorine pool shock packets a priority early on. Liquid bleach degrades and has a shelf-life. Water conservation. Sponge baths for everyone. Go Roman. Community baths. May work for a while as long as filters/chlorine method is available to purify the bathwater. Romans simply used to drain and fill as more water came through aqueducts. You may not have the luxury of that advantage. Public bathing? Nudity? Get over it. Or wear underwear.

7 Defense/Safety

Have enough defensive weapons for everyone to provide security, both personal and group. Have enough offensive weapons for key people to provide effective preemptive or retaliatory action as required. EVERYONE involved in this plan must have (OWN and BRING) a gun, and family leaders enough guns and ammunition for their family. A minimum of 1,000 (one thousand) rounds per gun. For defense. Training too. Have common calibers, like .22 Long Rifle, .380 ACP or 9 mm pistols, 9 mm or .223/5.56 NATO rifles/carbines, 308 NATO rifles, .45 acp or other calibers like .38 Special or .357 Magnum. 20 and 12 gauge shotguns. Kids (older than ten, thirteen?) must learn to shoot and carry also. Every man, woman, and responsible child has an unalienable individual, civil, Constitutional and human right to
obtain, own, and carry, openly or concealed, any weapon rifle, shotgun, handgun, machinegun, anything any time, any place, without asking anyones permission.

L. Neil Smith, from The Atlanta Declaration, 1987 NO ONE leaves the building without one, or without someone who has and is proficient with one. The bad guys (uniformed or not) will have them. Youre expected to take steps to ensure your/our survival. If you arent up to the task, you will be directed to the nearest refugee camp. Defensive weapons can be broken down into general categories; personal, group, facility, grounds/compound, perimeter, permanent defense (sniper) and .22 cal for food (squirrels, rabbit, vermin) Supplies and devices include trip wire, razor wire, fougasse and remotely-detonated mines (hard wired). Add black powder, ammonium nitrate and/or Tannerite to stores. Dogs: a good investment.

Class III (machine guns) can be gotten from police/national guard if necessary but one well-placed round from a distance can replace hundreds of scattered rounds and add some terrorizing effect into the defense equation. It's also the easiest (maybe not the best) way to procure those weapons. But give it a little time, those national guard (or UN Kazakh) troops are going to want to get back home to anytown USA with their loved ones and may trade happily- those weapons for a hot meal and civilian clothing to blend in while they make their way. One Shot, One Kill. US Army Sniper motto Guns Will Get You Through Times of No Money Better Than Money Will Get You Through Times of No Guns . Norm Balog, 1999

For Your Safety:


Sign on the Door of the Marine Corps India Companys Combat Operations Center Fallujah, Iraq 2008

ACE, Home Depot, Lowes, target and every other possible source of tools and hardware should be exploited. Again, have CASH on hand. Buy shovels, chainsaws (chain/bar oil, 2-stroke oil, plugs, chains, spares), parts/nuts/bolts/screws/nails, chicken wire (for future building projects AND trade). Grab EVERY pair of gloves you can off the shelves, NOW. And eye protection. Duct tape, caulk, whatever you can get whether you need it or not (get what you put on a list, but if it's all gone, get the other stuff, the stuff that people may want to trade for down the road). Remember, your new home for what may be several years/decades has MANY rooms. One wing of the school can be taken over as machine/work shop, one room for storing firewood (far away from living quarters, cooking and common areas to lessen chances of insect invasions. Local machine and auto shops should be considered for sources of welding equipment, especially gases and protective gear. Get it . . . all of it. Get scrap metal, extra oxygen and acetylene tanks. Do NOT loot. Negotiate, pay cash when you can, but realize that as time goes by without a central authority or command and control, looting WILL happen. Leave a note with instructions on leaving a signal somewhere not too far away from where you took things so your patrols can get back in touch with the owners of the equipment you have borrowed. Looters don't do that. ALSO scour neighborhoods for these items, especially before scrapping or burning nearby homes which interfere w/ line-of-sight defense or acreage for gardening, OR those to be burned out along the control zone perimeter as decoy homes. These points are redundant. Anything which will lessen the attractiveness of YOUR zone will reduce your ammunition use and redirect energies to constructive projects, finding food, keeping kids entertained, not holed up in in a cellar. Heavy Machinery: To build fortifications, tear down/remove buildings and trees, till soil for farming, build up moat/berm/building defense walls (with concrete/old cars/asphalt). Get in the habit of noticing location, type and numbers of graders, tractors, backhoes, loaders, and dozers and keep them in the back of your mind. These should be corralled and retrieved ASAP. RFN. Assign personnel to do this in teams. Two per machine, Driver and Cover (yes, armed, I won't say it again).

THIS is probably the hardest thing to decide and plan on. Christians? Not necessarily. Plant some seeds well ahead of time. Know your community. Pass the plan around in small bites. Discuss ideas of end times, falls of civilizations past, present-day and anticipated catastrophic events, etc., until you have an idea if the person is open to this level of planning and thinking. It will definitely take many people out of their comfort zones (also known as complacency or mediainduced comas) Will they do the work? Are they already working on a plan? Have they put aside food, clothes, tools, guns, other supplies? Are they prepared emotionally, spiritually, physically? Can they shoot? Hunt? Sew? Cook? Weld? Do plumbing or electric? While computer programmers are valuable today, after a catastrophic event humans may not have a need for high-tech services, or even a way of manufacturing or repairing it, for several generations. Think how low-tech China, Islamic nations and most of India is outside of a few large urban centers. Arab/Islamic nations were once touted as having invented optics. Their fall was even farther than Rome's. Not everyone can be expected to do physical labor, but should be able to do SOMEthing. This means that we dont leave elders out for the coyotes. If their far-vision works well, put 'em to work as spotters, hunters, or grinding grain/making break, something. Some roles in command/control should probably be decided upon with alternates. ********** This section is also a work in progress. ********


Contain Compost/recycle Burn Bury Another advantage of a LARGE school: lots of property. Sewage disposal facilities can be established (dug out), or in the case of certain schools, the property is sufficiently above the sewer lines that gravity/water should carry everything downhill for a time, until pump stations can be reestablished by local authority. No TP? Use phone books, newspapers, magazines. Books? Hey, if it was good enough for the Arabs who torched the library at Alexandria. I'd start with high school history books, they're all liberal lies anyway. Carry a small jar of water, soap, and a towel to the toilet with you. Don't prepare food or eat with your left hand. CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS. Not scriptural, just practical and true. Control of garbage/insects/vermin, hand washing and waste disposal can go a lot farther toward ensuring health and safety than bullets or antibiotics, and fire ALWAYS works. Quick question time: A jet liner crashes on the Canadian-US border early in this crisis. Where do they bury the survivors? They don't... the survivors dig graves for the victims. I always liked the way some North American Plains Indians dealt with their dead: put them out for scavengers to return to the earth. Oh, and while we're on the subject of cleanliness, think about the things you use every day. The things that tell you you're a part of polite, civil, society and not some backwards, backwoods, equatorial third world country, toiletries. While you're shopping for foodstuffs, STOCK UP ON: toothpaste, hemorrhoid cream (not to confuse the two you shouldn't either), wet wipes, witch hazel, hand lotion, corn husker's lotion, shampoo, conditioner, hair coloring, detergent, deodorant, bars of soap, tampons/pads, dental floss, razor blades,, shaving cream, and ANYTHING else you use on a day to day basis without which you would stink, be dirty or otherwise unattractive. These are morale boosters. I spent months in the field in Cambodia years ago and the one thing everyone appreciated was the 3 x 3 x 3 foot boxes of tissue, toilet paper, mouthwash, sunscreen shampoo, gum, note pads, etc., provided by command. The sunscreen and mouthwash were life savers. Keep in mind these products DO degrade under heat/light/time and what is a fine and very expensive hair conditioner today is a settled/layered smelly/gooey mess tomorrow (or in five years). KEEP SOME OF THIS STUFF SEPARATE from just about everything else you have on hand. Inventoried, expiration dates noted and rotate it into your household stock or church donations. This isn't hard or time consuming, just write the bought and expiration dates on a conspicuous area on the box and rotate stock. FIFO (First In First Out new stuff goes in the BACK). ALSO, for your dog: tick/flea spray and those three month topical packets (one or two year's supply at a time).

Temporary/Short-term: Gas, oil, propane/LPG, candles, lanterns, camping stoves, firewood. Gasoline deteriorates relatively rapidly, losing octane/other light volatiles and its capacity to do work. Fuel stabilizer can be stockpiled and added to incoming gasoline as it is acquired, and fuels stocks maintained with consideration of aging. ALL available cars should have tanks drained as soon as possible for use by select cars/trucks. Get as much STA-BIL (brand of fuel stabilizer) as you can as soon as you can to treat stored fuel. Home fuel oil tanks should be located, marked on maps for later recovery. Car batteries. Get as many as you can. Trak auto. Dry batteries (just add acid). Take from abandoned cars. Electrolyte (__% sulphuric acid solution) can be stockpiled. Local tools, trees, wood splitting teams early on (season-dependent). The more wood put away now means the less youll need to get later. This also gives the kids something to do (finding deadfall and stacking the split wood). Long-term: Wind and water power, Someone should be clever enough to know how to build a governor for a windmill to spool up a car alternator. SOLAR panels are conveniently placed by the county/department of transportation for powering traffic lights, cameras, ticket dispensers. These should be scavenged ASAP and used at the compound. Electrical generators (gas, fuel oil/diesel check buildings before hand to see if there is an emergency power generator and plan accordingly). Use great caution scavenging permanently installed generators, whether the entire unit, parts or fuel. Many will have auto-start capability, both for instant power availability and for periodic self checks, and may start unexpectedly. In either case, DISCIPLINE is vitally important here. What you use today may not be available tomorrow. Its midnight and youre up reading by candlelight? Lights out, get with the program. Roving fireguard should be assigned to enforce light/energy discipline. This can also be the night sentry. Any light sources after lights out should be investigated. Those last two candles or matches or whatever may be the last you'll see in several decades until industrial processes come back on line.


Buy hand held radios, both AM/FM and transceivers. Can be bought pretty cheaply these days, five watt units that can transmit five to ten miles or more can be had for well under $100. Buy earpiece/throat mikes. Locate and make note of ham radio towers/antennas. Mark these on maps and contact the owners after an event. MANY ham radio operators keep older vacuum tube-based (i.e. EMP-resistant) radios and a global NONgovernment based communications system will allay many fears by providing non-progandized information. Police radios (scanners) are a good idea to have. Might also consider resourcing (stripping) a police cruiser. Remains of the cruiser can be left burnt out somewhere outside community perimeter or left as is as a deterrent (once it's vandalized, go ahead and burn it. It'll make anyone who is still occupying that area out to be more badass than anticipated). Find military band radios if/when necessary (National Guard Armory vehicles) Hand signals (get a copy of an Army Ranger training manual). Sentries/guards should learn these and others should have some basic knowledge. ALL the sensitive electronics should be packaged in EMP-proofed containers (metal shielding, grounded). Look up EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse on for a good explanation. Lithium batteries have 10 year shelf life, have devices that can use these batteries and stockpile/rotate stock.


Every member/family should have basic medical supplies in their homes. One member should have medical supplies to deal with combat/meatball surgery. Expect that hospitals, clinics WILL be overwhelmed in short order. CBRNE catastrophic events invariably lead to staggering numbers of ill, worried well and malingerers. Read about the Tokyo Aum Shin Rykyo sarin attacks and the numbers local hospitals dealt with. They simply closed their doors in response. Where will YOU go for help? Expect outside assistance, such as Police, Fire/Rescue? Forget it. Search nearby abandoned homes for all useful medicines: antibiotics, narcotics (opiates, stimulants, tranquilizers) take priority. Do not overlook farms for veterinary supplies that will often be present Also take canned goods and dog food and whatever else can be brought in and stored. Any searches must be carried out with great caution and with due regard for security. Search in radio equipped teams while being monitored by armed detail. General rule of thumb: if a home has been vacated for over 72 hours, or already looted, it is fair game.

14 But What About Local Government, Police, National guard?

What about them? Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Some dead white guy from the floor of parliament England circa 1770. Do NOT consider police your friends. They can be a serious impediment to real progress and survival. Expect them to be. Read a little history. Cops in Mexico, Russia, Kosovo, Rwanda, Cambodia, Germany and elsewhere have all turned tyrant/bully/rapist/gang member and murderer after social upheaval or catastrophic events in the past hundred (and more) years. UN troops are infamous for abusing their wards. Think theyll be any different after an event in THIS century? In THIS country? You think that you can make friends with them because they're your friends, neighbors or even members of your church? Think that theyll protect you and not rat you out to their buddies, make you pay them in food, shelter, sex? Look up the video of the California cops beating up the little old lady in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Cops were brought in from OUTSIDE the state and proceeded to terrorize the locals into submission. They (cops and the tinhorn local government dictators they may or may not represent) are used to having power and making people do what they want when they want them to. Theyll be living the high life, like pigs in slop. Itll be up to us to stop them, either individually or in groups. The simplest time-tested solutions are to co-opt or eliminate them. Co-option only works with retreat members who are already police/government gang members and who will apply their skills and knowledge to the group survival effort. Read about how a small group of determined individuals survived the Warsaw ghetto in the early 1940s. And remember what the police did immediately after the onset of the Rodney King Riots in LA in 1993. They stayed home, expecting the governor to call up the State National Guard. In a larger-scale event, expect the National Guard to do so also, those who aren't deployed to maintain social order (i.e. - suppress riots). There is no coincidence that Stalin used Kazakh (Cossack) troops to apply his iron hand to Ukraine and that the US actively recruits foreign-born immigrants (legal and otherwise) to join its military forces. There is no love lost between cultures when orders are given. "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less
formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor: he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear ."

Roman Statesman, Marcus Tullius Cicero; First Oration Against Catiline: November 8, 63 B.C.

15 Miscellany
Entertainment: Have decks of cards and board games on hand. Long term survival planning requires considering a place for artists, musicians, actors, preachers as well as cooks, farmers, butchers, hard-core survivalists. The artists can always work in the garden, on patrol, or do other things as needed. Everyone should have a primary and a backup function. Individual and group-oriented. Like the Marines, where every Marine is a rifleman, plain and simple. In their spare time they (the artistes) can work on plays, projects, many actors know how to make costumes. They can become group seamstresses/tailors, cobbling together clothes from rags and sheets and such depending on how long and how dire the emergency. Think laterally. Division of Labor. Everyone crosstrains like Naval submariners. Some thoughts on Civil defense versus the needs of actual surviving pockets of pioneers: Won't schools and community centers be used for civil defense and/or red cross shelters? Not if we get there first. When the government cheese, MREs and water run out, refugees and residents inside civil defense shelters will be relocated, abandoned, and/or run into larger internment camps by government forces. Read your history, past present and future. There are already plans for those camps in the US. Will there be some resistance to local civilians taking over a school or two? Sure. But we'll hit back hard. We will survive. The fundamental question is: How badly do you want to live while society recreates itself from the ground up? And then: How and where? In a government-run camp, filled with refugees unable and/or unwilling to help themselves or in a free community of stable, growth-oriented, spiritually-guided, principled, like-minded individuals far from the murder-mayhem in the urban centers? If you're ready to give up your homes, clothes, guns, children (you may well be separated), pets (read about evacuations during Hurricanes Katrina and Ivan), and other belongings, then go to the nearest FEMA site and get in line. After a catastrophic event (which this guide is designed to address), expect FEMA 's resources to be overwhelmed within days. Each natural disaster has led to longer periods of time for community organization, repair, reconstruction and return to normalcy. Large areas of the gulf coasts in America still look like war zones, even years later. After several more large-scale catastrophic events (the worst of which would be plague, nuclear attack or race wars), how do you think our governments will respond? How, how well, and for how long will social order be maintained? Will government leaders law enforcement efforts be effective, or (LA Rodney King riots in 1993) will they show up at all? Test question, worth 50% of your final grade DC has been nuked. You're outside the fallout zone, police/fire/rescue are staying home with colds today. Schools, grocery stores and gas stations are closed. There is no electricity, no telephone service and no word from county or state authorities has been released. It's 24 hours later and your job as a federal worker or healthcare provider involves being a part of a response team. Do you leave your beautiful wife and two young children home alone for what may be a regular work day or weeks (months) until you can get back to them during which time you'll be out of touch? They have no power, water or food and there is a BIG population of folks living in high-density housing just a few miles away. Will your family still be home after you return from your mandated duties? In refugee camps? How will you find them? Believe that a majority of Police, Fire, Rescue, FEMA, and most all of local government weasels will call out sick that year. What now?

Where does YOUR planning start?

(Arabic: No surrender)

16 Resources
Develop a small library now of how to info to use later. Having enough info on first aid, wiring generators, improvised devices, growing and preserving foods, animal husbandry, meat processing from the hoof to the table, etc. can be stored in one or two drawer file cabinet to provide a great amount of wisdom for those without first hand experience in the multiple skills that may be needed all of a sudden. The extent to which you collect books and pamphlets is up to you. Plan for the worst, it's cheap insurance. It's also a great anxiety reducer if you can change your thinking from Oh my God THIS can happen! to If THIS happens I can do THIS. Relevant reading: Crisis Preparedness Handbook; A comprehensive Guide to Home Storage and Physical Survival - Jack Spigarelli 2d Ed., Cross-Country Publishing, Alpine, UT 1984, 2002 Life After Doomsday; Bruce D. Clayton, PhD., Paladin Press, Boulder, CO 1980 No Such Thing as Doomsday, 2001 Revised Edition Phillip L. and Arlene R. Hoag. Yellowstone River Publishing, Emigrant, MT 1996/2001 Patriots. Surviving the Coming Collapse; James Wesley, Rawles. Huntington House Publishers, Lafayette, LA. 1999 (Fiction, but arguably one of the better how to's or how we did it stories). The ZOMBIE Survival Guide. Complete Protection from the Living Dead; Max Brooks, Three Rivers Press, New York, 2003 The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century; (Hardcover) by James Howard Kunstler "Carl Jung, one of the fathers of psychology, famously remarked that "people
cannot stand too much reality..." 2000 Atlantic Monthly Press

Ragnar's Urban Survival; Ragnar Benson. Paladin Press, Boulder, CO 2000 Revelation John , Book of Daniel and several other old testament prophets Some other things to consider: FM 90-10-1: An Infantryman's Guide to Combat in Built-Up Areas SH 21-76: United States Army Ranger Handbook, April 2000 The Counter-Insurgency Manual; Leroy Thompson, Greenhill Books, London, Stackpole Books, PA, 2000 More than just food, feed. Storage, many many links to storage, canning, planning (menu, water, survival) and more. Start here: (go here for fairly comprehensive links, including FEMA)

Some other links that may be helpful: Chem/Bio/Nuke response site: Packing/canning/drying your own food: Epicenter: food/general survival goods Ready Reserve, source for hybrid seed, books, more Meyers Custom Supply Meals, Ready to Eat HeatMax Hand/Pocket/Body Warmers AlpineAire Foods Books & Manuals Mainstay Food Bars Survivor Industries - Kits, Arks, & More! Omniglow Cyalume Lightsticks * * Inova LED Lights * * Millennium Ark: news, threat watch, signs and wonders, Long-term flood storage menu including food storage calculator: Nitro-Pak: little of everything

Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin series. Bite-sized (32 page) guides to things like growing berries, chickens, making a root-cellar, and more. "Since the 1973 publication of Storey's first Country Wisdom Bulletin, our commitment to preserving the arts, crafts, and skills of country life has never wavered. We now have more than 200 titles in this series of 32-page publications, and their remarkable popularity reflects the common desire of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal independence in everyday life. Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletins contain practical, hands-on instructions designed to help you master dozens of country living skills quickly and easily. From traditional skills to the newest techniques, Storey's Bulletins provide a foundation of earth-friendly information for the way you want to live today. If this really floats your boat, look into the "Firefox" series from the early 70's.

17 Emergency Food Lists

Mormon 52 Week List
Week 1 Item to Buy Nuts Amount Comments Buy them on sale after 2 lbs (1 kg) per Christmas. Drug stores are often person a good source. Dry roasted keep best. Freeze bagged ones. Bleach - 1 gal (4L) per person, Laundry soap 20 lbs (9 kg) per person. --

Detergents, Bleaches, Cleansers


Medicine Chest: Feminine Products, Pepto Bismol, Cough Syrup, Tylenol, Calamine Lotion, Kaopectate, Ipecac, Sunscreen, etc. Canned Meats: Tuna, Spam, Dried Beef First Aid Supplies: Band-Aids, Antibiotic Ointment, Ace Bandages, Steri-strips, etc. Fill your water jugs Peanut Butter Solid Vegetable Shortening Juices Toothpaste, Floss, Razors, Shaving Cream

Dispose of all outdated medications -----Avoid watered products. Get 100% juice. --

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

---10 lbs (4.5 kg) per person 12 lbs ( 5.5 kg) per person --You need an annual total of 300 lbs (136 kg) of grain products per person.


Mixes: Cake, Pancake, Muffin, etc

Purchase or make your own. Counts for part of grain requirement.

Repeat, embellish.

VERY BASIC, nuts and bolts basic survival menu:

FOOD Wheat Powdered Milk Sugar or honey Salt MIN/MAX IN POUNDS 200-365 60-100 35-100 1-12 MIN/MAX IN KILOS 91-166 27-45 16-45 .5-5.4 SHELF LIFE Indefinite 1-5 yrs. Indefinite Indefinite COMMENTS Hard Red, packed in nitrogen None Keep sugar dry More is needed for preserving

These four will NOT make a good diet nor a very interesting one, but it will keep you alive. At a minimum, vitamins and mineral supplements as well as a source of fat and oil should be added. The Mormon 4 was created to provide one year of food at low cost with a very long shelf life. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon) doctrine stipulates that all families store at least one year's food supply. Start now. Every time you shop buy an extra can of soup, pound of salt, bag of beans/lentils/peas. One or two canned goods. Find a place to store it. Start yesterday.

18 A Beginner's Preparedness List

(short-term: for hurricanes, floods, blizzards, power-outages) Immediately Available oBattery powered radio oFlashlight and extra batteries Emergency Needs oInstruction manuals on emergency preparedness oWater storage oSleeping bags & blankets Sanitation Kit oPlastic bucket with tightly fitted lid oPlastic bags and ties oToilet paper oDisinfectant oImprovised toilet seat oFeminine hygiene needs oPaper towels oSoap oPaper cups oPaper plates oPlastic utensils oCan opener oUtility knife oNail File oDuct tape Stress Factors Children oColoring book oCrayons Adults oBooks oNeedlework A Class ABC fire extinguisher is recommended for each home. Some families may need a large container (32 gallon garbage can) to hold all the items. Other families may be able to use just the plastic bucket from the sanitation kit for this storage. You may choose to use backpacks. They make it easier to take the items with you. Remember Pets (food, medications) This 72 hour kit should meet the needs of your family. Pack hobby and entertainment items that appeal to your family. Use foods that your family will eat. Include any special medications required by family members. Food oMeats: tuna, sardines, spam, vienna sausages oFruit cocktail oPeanut butter oPowdered milk oInfant care: canned milk & bottles oCanned juices oDried fruit (caution: drink plenty of water): raisins, prunes, fruit leather oCrackers (drink plenty of water) Stress (Comfort) Foods oSugar cookies oSweetened cereals oHard candy Standard First Aid Kit oFirst aid manual oAromatic spirits of ammonia oWater purification tablets oTable salt oBaking soda oEye drops oSafety pins oMatches oAdhesive or paper tape oBandages oTelfa pads 4" x 4" oTriangle bandage oTelfa pads 37" x 37" x 52" oRoll of gauze oCoban elastic bandage oSplints oPopsicle sticks

oShingles or thin board o40 page newspaper oHeavy string

Car oStandard First Aid Kit oBlanket oFlashlight and Batteries oReflectors

oChange of clothes oExtra shoes oFood oWater oKnife oFirearm(s - one for each responsible trained family member) and ammu This information is provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the American Red Cross and the NRA

So ask yourself right now, are you going to bug out or root right in? Plan accordingly, you may only have one chance to make the right choice. Survival of the fittest isn't for the faint of heart. Norm, 2008

19 The Barter and Trade List.

1.Coffee - freeze-dried 2.Sugar 3.Salt 4.Pepper 5.Hard candy 6.Paperback Bibles 7.Strike anywhere Kitchen Matches 8.Needles and sewing items 9.Nylon cord 10.Duct tape 11.Cigarettes 12.Pencils, paper, note pads 13.Toilet paper 14.Tooth paste 15.Soap 16.Rubbing alcohol 17.Peroxide 18.Aspirin 19.Baking soda 20.tooth brushes 21.Reading glasses 22.Liquor 23.Socks 24.Tarps 25.Tools for gardening 26.Condoms 27.Wooden matches 28.Skills 29.Hand Tools 30.Boyscout Manual 31.22.LR ammunition 32.12-gauge shot shells 33.Water Filters 34.Firewood 35.Coleman Fuel 36.Knives 37.Manual Can Openers 38.Vegetable Oil (for cooking) 39.Lighter Fluid 40.Charcoal 41.Diapers 42.Washboard 43.Vitamins 44.Tampons 45.Thermal Underwear 46.Aluminum Foil 47.Garbage Bags 48.Paper Towels 49.Garden Seeds (Non-Hybrid) 50.Clothes Pins 51.Fishing Line 52.Fish Hooks 53.First Aid Kits 54.Batteries (Lithium) 55.Spices 56.Solar Calculators 57.Belts 58.Flashlights 59.Lightsticks 60.Garbage Cans 61.Dental Floss 62.Clothesline 63.Old phone books (for toilet paper) 64.Mosquito Repellent 65.Duct Tape 66.Rope 67.Candles 68.Sewing Supplies 69.Pool Shock (makes bleach) 70.Canning Jars and Lids 71.Knives 72.Sharpening Stones 73.Bicycle Tire Tubes 74.Bicycle Chains 75.Air Pump (dont trade the pump trade air) 78.Board Games 79.Playing Cards 80.Mousetraps 81.Baby Wipes

82.Razors 83.Tang/Kool-aid 84.Gloves 85.Underwear 86.Glue 89.Broad Brim Hats 90.Files 91.Pad-Locks 92.Laundry Detergent 93.Kerosene 94.Tea 95.Axes

96.Slingshots and steel shot 97.Binoculars 98.Disposable Lighters 99.Magnesium fire starters 100.Plastic sheeting visqueen 101.Over The Counter Medications 102. Suncreen 103. Sunglasses 104. Powdered chocolate 105. SPICE seeds (heritage, nonhybrid) 106. ad libidum

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