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Teaching and Managing Learners at the Secondary/Junior College Level Session 1 Activity 1: Your Classroom Management Profile

What is Your Classroom Management Profile? Objective: To help you become more aware of your own classroom management profile so that you can tap on your profile to communicate and manage your students effectively in your classroom. (A) Complete the following table: 1. Read each statement carefully. 2. Write down your response by indicating your score.

Strongly Disagree -1 Disagree- 2 Neutral - 3 Agree - 4 Strongly Agree 5 Statements Score

1. If students misbehave in class, I will punish them without further discussion or listening to the explanation. 2. I dont force any rules on students. I just dont like that. 3. I insist on absolute quiet in order for students to learn. 4. I am concerned about students learning and their progress. So I monitor their understanding. 5. I am not bothered by students not handing in their homework on time. 6. I am careful about scolding the students as this might hurt their feelings. 7. There is no point preparing for class as the students are not interested. 8. I like students to understand the why (reason) for my rules and decisions. 9. I am particular about punctuality and will not accept excuses from students who are always not on time. 10. My priority is the students feelings over and above classroom control. 11. My students understand that they can interrupt my lessons if they want to ask a relevant question. 12. If students ask for a pass to go out of the class, I always grant them permission to leave.

Bring this score sheet to your Session 1 tutorial and your tutor will show you how to identify your predominant classroom management style.

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