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Cultural Diversity

Presented by : Faisal Alkindy

I chose to write about the Abu Dhabi Corniche what I saw the meaning of cultural diversity.

Who do you see?

I can see the people around me and the waves of the sea from the other side .

What do you know about the people, what can you guess?

The only thing I know about the people is they intend Abu Dhabi Corniche to Change their routine and spend time with friends or their families .

What are they doing? Why are they there?

People there enjoy the fresh air and spend some time doing a several kind of activities such as swimming,walking,cycling and water cycling .Moreover ,the corniche is a popular location for rest and recreation.

How are they interacting with their group or others outside their group?

Sometimes people dont like to go out of their group and mingle with others. But some of them like to share the happiness moments with others and start getting new friends .

How are the people behaving? Are all single men/families/couples behaving in the same way? If not, why and how not? Is the difference culture-based?

Corniche of Abu Dhabi is one of the public places. That is mean people there are different races and thus different customs and traditions. So ,Its difficult for those responsible to control thousands of people at the same time . In my opinion people could need to make sure they're familiar with local laws, customs and behavior.

Whats the cultural mix? What percentages? What group of people makes the majority/minority at your location? What percentage are Emiratis? Sketch percentages in the pie chart

3% 20%

Emiratis 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr



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