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VALUES Ph: 7.46 PCO2: 25 Po2: 76 HC03: 18 O2 Saturation: 94%

NORMAL RESULTS 7.35-7.45 35-45mmHg 80-100mmHg 22-26 mEq/L 97-100 %

METABOLIC ACIDOSIS: a clinical disturbance characterized by an increase in plasma acidity. Metabolic acidosis should be considered a sign of an underlying disease process in Hepatic encephalopathy.

CBC: WBC RBC hgb HCT Segmenters Lympocytes OBTAINED VALUES 10.8 - increased 3.21- decreased 102mg/dl- decreased 50%-decreased 0.81- increased 0.19- decreased NORMAL RESULTS 3.6-5.0 x 10 g/L 120-140x 10 g/L 120-140 ug dl 37-47% 0.55-0.65 0.20-0.31

Analysis: As toxic substance increase, the body tries to compensate by increasing WBC to fight infection. HGB and HCT are correlated with obstructed or impaired circulation on the liver, as this happen because they are responsible for oxygenation of blood to tissues.

ELECTROLYTES AND LIVER FUNCTION TEST BUN CREATININE SODIUM POTASSIUM ALBUMIN AST ALT OBTAINED VALUES 12mg dl 7mg/dl 134 4.6 2.5 mg/dl 74 U/L 184 U/L NORMAL RESULTS 7-20 mg/dl 7-12mg/dl 137145 mMol 3.5-5.0 3.5-5.0 14-36 38-126

ANALYSIS: Albumin is a common protein found in the body, it is produced by liver. If it decreases, a chronic liver disease may be suspected. One of the most common causes of mild to moderate elevations of these liver tests is a condition referred to as fatty liver

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