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Fade In INT: LILYS (16) LIVING ROOM Lily and her friend Endora (16) are sat around the Ouija board. Lily lights the candle and puts her index finger on the glass. Endora hesitates for a second but agrees to put her finger on the glass too. LILY Ready? ENDORA Lily Im not sure about this. They both take a glance at each other. Endora sighs again and then nods her head once. Their eyes are back on the board. LILY Its only a game. Isnt it? ENDORA Are there spirits among us? The glass moves to Yes. Endora looks at Lily and she shakes her head. LILY Prove it? The glass then shifts to no. Endora quickly moves her finger away from the glass and stands up angrily and leaves the room. Lily asks one last question without Endora. However she is unsuccessful again and gives up. She starts blowing out each candle and the lights start flickering. When she gets to the final candle she is suddenly knocked down. As she is hit, the final candle blows out. Fade In EXT: AT A GRAVEYARD Lily opens her eyes slowly, she finds her self in a graveyard. She is suddenly feeling cold and starts shaking. She starts running towards the exist and when she steps onto the road a car hits her. The driver quickly gets out of the car to see Lily who has changed FADE OUT

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