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PARIS COMMUNE versus RUSSIAN OCTOBER REVOLUTION : 1) Paris Commune was Sustainable Model of Communism that delivered without

use of Terror Machine of State or Dictatorship .. . Its defeat wasnt due to failure of the system, neither it was dismantled by the People of Paris themselves its defeat was purely military defeat (Paris versus French Empire backed by German Empire). 2) Russian October Revolution on the contrary was un-sustainable Model of State Capitalism with the intense use of Terror Machine of State and Dictatorship ... its defeat wasnt due to military attack by USA Its defeat was due to failure of the system, and it was dismantled by the People of Russia themselves. 3) Strength of the Russian October Revolution was mass scale joining of Russian Army with Bolsheviks and its expansion through forced conscriptions utilizing wealth of Russian National Bank. This strong Russian Army helped in re-conquering the colonies and in consolidating the Czarist Empire with expansion to Eastern Europe. 4) Weakness of Paris Commune was its failure in expansion; Revolts in all other cities of France were crushed by Versailles Army; no material help received from Workers of the World. This also manifests failure of First International (Marxists + Anarchists) under Leadership of Karl Marx in assisting the Paris Commune for expansion and mobilizing the World Working Class to defend the first victorious Working Class Revolution. (Boota Sarwar)

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