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Blood Alcohol Content

BAC (% by vol.)


Effect on Behavior
BAC Up to .05 g%

Likely Effects Relaxed More confident

Feeling of wellbeing

Some raised risk

Moderately raised state

.05-.08 g%
.08-.15 g%

Judgment and movement

Speech slurred Balance and coordination impaired Reflexes slowed Visual attention impaired Unstable emotions Unable to walk without help Possible loss of consciousness

Very elevated risk

.15-.30 g%


Over .30 g%


Tolerance means that they feel less effect than they used to with the same amount of alcohol

Dependence means that the alcohol becomes central in their life and they continue to drink despite being aware of the harms caused through that consumption

Alcohol is responsible for

30% of road accidents 44% of fire injuries 34% of falls and drowning 16% of child abuse cases 12% of suicides 10% of industrial accidents.

Alcohol and driving

At a BAC of 0.05%, the risk of a crash is 5 times greater than with a BAC of 0%

Alcohol and other Drugs

Alcohol magnifies the effects of sleeping pills (eg Serepax, Valium, Mogadon)

Alcohol and young people less than 18 years

damage to the developing brain and development of alcohol-related harms in adulthood

Family problems
Increased family tension; increased levels of quarrelling and violence; destabilized relationships. Partners may become anxious, depressed, socially withdrawn and may drink excessively themselves; detrimental effects on the children leading to behavioral problems and underperformance at school; increased rates of divorce.

Work difficulties
1. deterioration in performance, 2.conflict with colleagues, 3.increase in workplace accidents worsening attendance record. 4. Debt and This is likely to result in repeated dismissals ultimately leading to longterm unemployment.

Tremor vomiting anxiety/agitation depression sweating headache difficulty sleeping

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