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History 158C 10.19.2010 WWII Hitlers Empire I.

. French Resistance Goodbye Children 1987, Louis Malle o Betrayal looks can kill o The complexities of resistance and collaboration Most people did not resist or collaborate rather just went on with their normal lives complicit July 1940 France occupied o Took years to form resistance o Nov 1942 Germans require compulsory labor service many French flee, contact resistance Civil War extreme right wing collaborators versus resistance Role of Women o Move: Lucie Aubrac Joffo Book true story o Reminder that the genocide although devastating many Jews did survive II. Genocide Basis of Hitlers ideology racism 6 million of 9 million Jews dead o Another 5 million undesirables How could it happen? o Programmatic Hitler had it planned all along master plan o Pragmatic evolution, final solution was a process 3 stages Deprive Jews of citizenship, professions Pressure them to leave the country, solution before 1939 1939 on deportation of Jews, ghettoization Final Solution 1941 Wannsee Conference Jan 1942 Working towards the Fuhrer agencies competing to figure out what Hitler wants before he knows it himself Cumulative Radicalization agencies compete Hitler doesnt have to give detailed orders Goldhagen Hitlers Willing Executioners Why did things get so nasty? Collaboration vs. Complicity different, different degrees of complicity and involvement Deviant Modernity Holocaust as modernity gone wrong, deformed modernity o Purge ALL undesirables o Window of opportunity convergence of fanatical ideology & resources to carry it out III. Collapse of the Empire Power of the Allied coalition US & USSR no real contest o Successfully decrypted German codes Enigma Machine But Hitlers defeat NOT inevitable o Hitlers mistakes Invasion of the Soviet Union No sense of winning hearts & minds of conquered peoples IV. Conclusion Significance of Hitlers empire resistance & how we define it relativity of resistance Hitlers Empire the horror of it kickstarts/restarts European unity direct stimulus to rethinking European unity Attempts to solve the German problem arises again post-WWII War stabilizer EU clears conscience

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