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History 158C 10.21.2010 New Europe: Europe Reborn I.

WWII 1945 devastation o Potsdam Conference o Berlin city of dead Jan 1945 Soviets liberate Auschwitz o Primo Levi doesnt make it back to N. Italy until Oct o Hunger Holocaust o Mass movement of Jews 11000 pushed from homes Refugees significant force in German politics Key Points o War makes people take stock & rethink new Europe o Memory of War Pact of Silence questions pushed away Myth-making invention of legends Examples o France restore unity Myth a France that resisted everyone did something Vichy Syndrome o Germany East &West 1949 Communist & Republic Myth E. Germans legitimize themselves by claiming continuity with pre-war Germany W. Germany must distance itself from what happened Agreed that war caused by Hitler The other Germany Want to be good Europeans new Europe Schumann Plan 1950 merging European heavy industry De-Nazification o Italy different in better shape b/c already had kept some sense of national pride Mussolini arrested 1943 Strong resistance to Nazi occupation o Britain war was a confirmation of national values Fought straight, undefeated 1939-1945 1950 Brazil? II. Cold War W. Europe needs an enemy to hate Offers Italy & W. Germany a new opportunity Refurbishes tarnish of socialist democracy Domestic importance vilifying communists spark new domestic policy 1945-1975 expansionist period Keynesianism spending easily keep up o Economic planning typical for post WWII III. World Economy Marshall Plan get Europe off the ground faster Film Clip IV. European Welfare State Pre-war o Paternalistic enterprise dependent on income Free elementary school only

No healthcare Exception Sweden Post-War o Basic principle: universality o Everyone eligible o Late 1940s consolidated 1950s People expect rewards for vicotyr not a return to older years Governments of W. Europe never again V. New Politics France strikes Greece VI. Conclusion

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