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Name:_____________________ Converting SI Units 1. The north rim of the Grand Canyon 2,512 m above sea level.

How many kilometers is this? 2. Jason's gym bag weighs 2,000 grams. How many kilograms does it weigh? 3. Maria needs 2,500 mL of soup for a dinner party. How many liters of soup does she need? 4. Sasha has 4 kg of tomatoes. About how many pounds of tomatoes does she have?

5. Ricki has 8 inches of wire. About how many centimeters of wire does she have? 6. Jon ran 7 km yesterday. About how many miles did he run? 7. A container holds 225 grams. About how many ounces does the container hold? 8. A trunk weighs 33kg. About how many pounds does it weigh? 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

32.8 Mm = _____________________ cm 2.73 hL = ___________________ dL 5400 mL = ___________________ L 9.4 kg = ___________________ dag 226 cg = ___________________ g 436 mm = ___________________ m

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