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Name : Pipit Ratnasari S-1 Kesehatan Masyarakat STIKKU Task 1

1. Sister, which film will you watch today? I think I will watch the horror one. 2. Honey, which earrings do you want as a gift for our first celebration? I want the luxurious ones. 3. Dad, which jacket do you like? Please choose one. I like the thick one. 4. Mr. Andrew, which car do you like? I like the classic one. 5. Mrs. Celine, which painting will you buy? I think I will buy the abstract one. 6. Andi, which girl do you want to be your girlfriend? Hmmm... I want the slim one. 7. Brother, which is your favorite comic? My favorite comic is the funny one. 8. Mom, which bed do you want to buy? I want the biggest one. 9. Anisa, which is your favorite nail polish? My favorite is the pink one. 10. Selly, which glasses will you use at the party tonight? I will use the circular ones.

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