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Maths in the Middle Ages.Characteristic of European Middle Ages Mathematics. Europe had accepted calculus and algebra from India and east counties until 900's. In India Aryabhata(475553) wrote the numeration system and the astronomical observation theory. Italian Fibonacci introduced the Arabic number to Europe. Monastic Mathematics: We call the term the black Age from the middle of 400's to 1000's. In this times, the church controlled all the action and thinking of humans. Thus, there was no research of mathematics besides the research in Catholic abbeys. After the end of the Roman Empire, many Greek works of science were lost. Many more books only survived in the Middle East, where scholars studied them and wrote commentaries and translations in Arabic. The Middle Eastern scholars did more than just translate Greek books into Arabic. They used what they had learned to invent new kinds of mathematics. One of the most famous scholars was named Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi. Al-Khwarizmi was born around 780 AD and spent most of his life in the city of Baghdad. He wrote a
Activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Where does calculus and algebra come from? Who introduced the Arabic number to Europe. What is the name of the period from the middle of 400's to 1000's? Where there any research in that time? Where? When were many books lost? Who studied the books? What is the name of the mathematician mentioned in the text? 8. What did he do?

textbook on an Indian system of numbering. Except for the shapes of the numbers, this system was just like the way we write numbers today. Because mathematicians who wrote in Arabic made the system popular, it is known as Arabic numerals.


Mara Caballero



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