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Photograms and Sunprints

By Rebecca Hitchcox 9e

A photogram is a filmless Photographic print made without a camera. It is produced in a dark room by placing objects on light sensitive paper to impact there images, the paper then exposed and developed in the usual manner. Photograms became popular in the 1920s in Europe and soon were appreciated in the U.S as well.

Sun prints
To do a Sunprints you need to be out side in the sun and it need to be quite sunny but you do not want to get it over exposed.

5 Photogram images

Emilio Amero

Patrick Bailly

Markus Amm
Heike Bartells

Anna Atkins

My attempts

My attempts did not go that well because the one on the right is very faded and you barley see what is on it. The left one work better than the one on the right because you can actually see what is on it

Anna Atkins
Wikipedia Anna Atkins was the women who invented Photograms. Anna Atkins, original name Anna Children (born March 16, 1799, Tonbridge, Kent, Eng.died June 9, 1871, Halstead Place, Kent), English photographer noted for her early use of photography.

I like Anna Atkins work because you can see the detail on the leaves and it looks really good.

How you make a photogram

You make a photogram by Placing some opaque and some translucent on some light sensitive paper. Then you put it out in the sun for 1 minute to 1 minute 30 seconds. Then you come back it and put it in water for a couple of minutes. Then you take it out a see your images come on it.

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