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Cyanotype a photographic printing

process wherein ultraviolet light (such as sunlight) causes a chemical reaction with a photosensitive solution which results in a cyan-blue print.

The cyanotype process was developed by the English scientist and astronomer John Herschel in 1842, though he considered it as mainly a means of reproducing notes and diagrams, as in blueprints.

It was Anna Atkins who brought this to photography. She was a botanist who created a limited series of reference books documenting algae, ferns, and other plant life

Anna Atkins, 1799-

Yarn & Ribbon

Broken glass & shredded paper

Plastic bags

Problem: Choose a principle of design and/or composition to guide you in arranging your chosen object(s) in order to create an interesting cyanotype.
*Dont forget to consider the effects of your objects.

What NOT to do...


LARGE & on fabric painting on emulsion

using a photo negative


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