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Daftar Singkatan dan artian

G.1. Singkatan dan kepanjangan fungsi abs = ABSolute alloc = ALLOCation angtof = ANGle TO Float angtos = ANGle TO String atof = Ascii TO Float assoc = ASSOCiative lists atan = ArcTANgent atoi = Ascii TO Integer car = Contents of the Address Register cdr = Contents of the Decrement Register chr = Code cHaracteR cond = CONDitional cons = CONStructs cos = COSine cvunit = Converts a Value from one UNIT defun = DEfines a FUNction dictadd = DICTionary Adds dictnext = DICTionary NEXT dictremove = DICTionary REMOVE dictrename = DICTionary RENAME dictsearch = DICTionary SEARCH entdel = ENTity DELete entget = ENTity GET entlast = ENTity LAST entmake = ENTity MAKE entmakex = ENTity MAKE entmod = ENTity MODfies entnext = ENTity NEXT entsel = ENTity SELected entupd = ENTity UPDate eq = EQual eval = EVALuating

exp = EXPonent foreach = FOR EACH gc = Garbage Collection gcd = Greatest Common Denominator get_attr = GET ATTRibute getkword = GET Key WORD itoa = Integer TO Ascii initget = INITial GET MAPCAR = Multiple APplications of the CAR command. rtos = Real TO String setq = SET Quote substr = SUBpart of a STRing strcat = STRing ConCATenation strlen = STRing LENgth strcase = STRing CASe wcmatch = WildCard MATCH

G.2 Artian dari Register Singkatan (caar x) (cadr x) (cdar x) Artian atau ekuivalen. (car (car x)) (car (cdr x)) (cdr (car x))

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