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AFP & Co Attorneys at law Criminal Law; Civil Law; Bussiness law; Bankruptcy Legal Drafting; Intellectual Property; Constitution; Administration; IPR Documents Translation; LITIGATION; IPR Investigation

A Ferryanto Piliang, S.H., who is familiarly called "Ferry" is "Son Minang" S1 has graduated from the Faculty of Law of any University in Jakarta in 2006 cum laude. Ferry since college has been actively running the profession of advocacy at Legal Aid Foundation of AlAzhar (2004 to 2006), after graduating college with her activist friends have managed to set up agency called Legal Aid Proclamation (2006-2007), and then continue professionalism as a lawyer in the Office of the NASUTION, SUBENO & PARTNERS Advocate & Legal Consultants and DN & C Patent International (2007 to 2011). Year 2007 has passed the examination of Advocate held by the DPP. PERADI and has been officially and legally appointed as Advocate. In an honorable profession advocate (officium nobile) has a lot of legal problems / disputes are handled include: Criminal, Civil, Commercial (Intellectual Property Rights), the State Administrative and Employment / Labor and the company in the form of Insurance, Banking etc.. Currently, the goal is to provide the best service for their clients. Ferry is the man who is always happy and happy when it got home and met his beloved wife and child being a baby and medicine fatigue after work as well as a deodorizer in the household .... MOTTO: " Live in the Rule of Law The Right And Straight!!!

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