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Business Communication



What is communication?
What do you think communication is? How would you define it?

Take a few moments write down some of your thoughts

What is communication?
How When Where What Why

w w w


The Process of Communication

Communication is a process that involves the transmission of meaningful information from one party to another through the use of shared symbols. Communication from Latin verb communicare = make common , share, participate, impart . It is successful when meaning is understood. It is the basis of all interactions.

2. Communication
Communication is defined as the interchange of thoughts or opinions through shared symbols; e.g. language, words, phrases, body language etc. Some synonyms of the word communication are: message, directive, word, contact, commerce, communion, intercommunication, intercourse, converse, exchange, interchange, conversing, discussing, talking, conversation, discussion, talk, advice, intelligence, news, tidings.

The art & technique of using words effectively by participants to impart information or ideas or feelings through common language or means.

An active process which involves encoding, transmitting, and decoding the intended message.

The Process of Communication

Facts bits of information that can be objectively measured.

Feelings an individuals emotional responses to decisions.

Nature & Features

Nature: It is a 2 way exchange, inevitable, systemic, social, dynamic, continuous, involves transaction, spiraling process, contextual and skill based. Its nature conversational

It has 5 identifiable features Meaning based, conventional, appropriate, interactional and structured (macro and micro).

Seven Communication Myths

We only communicate when we want to communicate Words mean the same to both the speaker and the listener We communicate chiefly with words Nonverbal communication is passive communication Communication is a one way street The message we communicate is the message that the listener receives There is no such thing as too much information

Good communicators.
Know what they want to say Establish and maintain relationships Understand others perspective Active listeners Understand and clarify messages

Four facets of communication

Three are four facets in all types of communication:
Sender Receiver Information Behavior

Sender-Receiver Model
initiates a thought/feeling Encodes it into words Transmits it

Decodes the message Assigns thought/feelings to a response Encodes a response Sends a message back

Four facets of communication

In any communication:
The Sender is the person trying to communicate a message The Receiver is the person at whom the message is directed A message is sent to convey information Information is meant to change behavior Encoding: Changing the message from mental form to symbols into words ,gestures, signs of visual/aural language. Decoding: Interpreting the symbols or words together with tone, attitude and choice of words.

The Communication Model

Communication Channel

(encodes message)

(decodes message)



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Two-way Communications :Process of sending

and receiving information among people Feedback makes it complete.




Channel Channel for message

RECEIVER DecodingEncoding of response (perceived meaning and interpretation)


July 23, 2003

The Communication Process: Feedback

Feedback allows the sender to clarify the message if its true meaning is not received. Two-way Communications communication channels that provide for feedback. One-way Communications communication channels that provide no opportunity for feedback.


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How do we communicate?
Think of the many ways in which you communicate

Take a few moments to write down some of your thoughts

What are the most common ways we communicate?: CHANNELS

Written Word


July 23, 2003

How we communicate
We communicate and build interpersonal relationships through:
Speech Writing Listening Non-verbal language Music, art, and crafts

(All above are Scope)

Types of Communication

Body language Gestures Postures Facial expression

Monologue Discussion

Classification by numbers
Intrapersonal Interpersonal Group Mass

Meta Communication: Choice of words unintentionally communicates meaning. Eg:I have never seen you so smartly dressed Paralinguistic/ Paralanguage :Tone


Writing 9% Reading 16% Speaking 30%

Listening 45%

Methods of Communication
80% of working day involves communication

Used Listening Speaking Reading Writing 45%


Least 30% 16% Most 9%

45% of Communication ---------------------25% Efficiency

Missed communication

As the Manager Requested it.

As Purchasing ordered it.

As Marketing wrote it up.

As the Art Dept. designed it.

As the Supervisor implemented it.

What the Employee really wanted!

70 % or all our communication efforts are:

misunderstood, misinterpreted, rejected, disliked, distorted, or not heard (in the same language, same culture)!

Why do we Mis- Communicate?

lack of Clarity
Lack of vocabulary to express thoughts and feelings Lack of fluency Lack of listening ability

Why we communicate- Functions

We communicate to: 1. Share our ideas and opinions 2. Provide feedback to others 3. Get information from others 4. Gain power and influence 5. Problem solving 6. Decision making 7. Facilitating change 8. Develop social relationships, group building, gate keeping, industrial relations. 9. Management roles: Motivating, job instructions, performance feedback, controlling, ensuring effectiveness etc. 10. Maintain self-expression and our culture 11. Spreading rumours or grapevine 12. Emote

Methods of Communication
80% of working day involves communication

Used Listening Speaking Reading Writing 45%


Least 30% 16% Most 9%

45% of Communication ---------------------25% Efficiency

Evaluation of Communication Effectiveness

Fidelity-Distortion free quality of a message. Economy-Minimum of energy, time, symbols and cues used encode to maintain fidelity & impact. Congruence-of verbal and NVC Influence -of sender over receiver, comfort & efficiency Relationship Building trust.

Purpose & Scope


Inform Persuade Educate Train Motivate Integrate Relate Entertain

Scope includes Scope is unlimited Verbal & Non verbal; Interpersonal, Intrapersonal & Mass; Human Communication; Reading, writing, speaking and listening. and build interpersonal relationships . Music, art, and crafts

Why Managers need Communication skills?

6 Important Functions of Management: Forecasting, Planning, Organizing, Instructing, Coordinating, Controlling. Managers need to perform 3 inter-related roles: Interpersonal Informational Decisional

Communicating With Employers

Follow-up Email Phone/Voice Mail Cell Phones Face to Face You can get through life with bad manners, but it's easier with good manners.
--- Lillian Gish

Choosing your medium

To determine the best medium for your message determine:
What you as the sender need to achieve What the receiver needs to know. What the receiver wants to know How detailed, important, and or personal the information in the message is Which behavior you want to influence and how

All messages do not reach the receiver due to distortion






July 23, 2003

The Communication Process: Feedback

Feedback allows the sender to clarify the message if its true meaning is not received. Two-way Communications communication channels that provide for feedback. One-way Communications communication channels that provide no opportunity for feedback.


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Two-way Communications :Process of sending

and receiving information to people Feedback makes it complete.




Channel Channel for message

RECEIVER DecodingEncoding of response (perceived meaning and interpretation)


July 23, 2003

Constructive Feedback
Focus your feedback on specific behaviors . Keep personality traits out of your feedback by focusing on what rather than who. Investigate whether the employee had control over the results before giving feedback about unsuccessful behaviors. Feedback should be given as soon as possible. Ensure privacy when giving feedback about negative behaviors.
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4 Main Functions of Communication

Information Control



Emotional expression and Interdependence

Scope of Communication in Management

External Dimension Building relationships with external agencies and stakeholders. Establish a healthy external organizational climate of trust, cooperation, collaboration, innovation and commitment. Advertising, publicity and public relation functions create public image and goodwill. Internal Dimension
Formulating corporate vision, laying down policy objectives, implementation to achieve goals. Proper understanding of policies in their right spirit. Obtaining co operations and for Communications within and between functional depts. Public relations Job related instructions, suggestions , advice and orders.

Communication styles
1. Declaration 2. Interrogation 3. Imperative Request, Command, Exclamation Choose Affirmative or Negative Specific well Defined, Clear, Explicit, Closed General, Vague, Ambiguous Syntax Humor, surprise, matter of fact, empathy Use power words Avoid problem words

Assertive Communication Skills

Assertive communication skillscommunicate in ways

that meet ones own needs while at the same time respecting the needs and rights of others
Several less effective styles people tend to use because they are indirect or not mindful of needs: Passive communication an individual does not let others know directly what he or she wants or needs. Aggressive communication a forceful approach that expresses dominance or anger. Passive-aggressive communication avoids giving direct responses but rather tries to get even with others.
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Skills for Managing Communication

Assertive Communication Skills

Presentation Skills

Listening Skills

Nonverbal Communication Skills


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Organisational Structure
Organisational Structure gives rise to directions and flow of Information

Two CHANNELS: Formal and Informal In downward flow effectiveness reduces to 20%

Dimensions or Patterns of Formal Organizational Communications

Downward Communication

Upward Communication- Participative Performance, market info .financials, grievance, appeals, reports, suggestions

Horizontal Communication
Functional managers of same level reporting to same person, have common goals, coordination mandatory
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Three types of Formal Organizational communication Upward, Downward, Lateral

Linking-pins Ombudsperson- Swedish for commissioner to investigate public grievances against officials but now important way of promoting upward communication in American cos like GE, AT&T

Formal Communication.
Helps Maintain Authority and fix responsibility Better coordination, understanding and cooperation. Bias and preferences do not effect, no leakage of info. No overlap, reliable. Memos letters etc. facilitate smooth functioning, follow up and compliance. Maintains respect and Protocol of Org. structure

Disadvantages Time consuming No emotional or social bonds are established. Inhibits free flow of information and hi end may not know of vital info.

Downward: Authoritarian Feedback is tough, dilution, filtered, withheld,

distorted, time consuming,

Written Instructions Memoranda Letters Handbooks Policy statements Procedures Electronic displays

Oral Instructions Speeches Meetings Telephone others

Choosing your medium

Depending upon the situation, one method of communication may be better than another.
1. 2. 3. I. II. III. IV. V. In person: one-to-one In person: meetings, small groups In person: presentations, large groups Letter Memo Note Email Voice mail

Choosing your medium?

How would you communicate?
an organizational change in your unit the introduction of a new employee a change in someones job duties a reprimand notice of a meeting

Take a few moments to write down some of your thoughts

Ans: Choosing your medium

The best way to communicate
an organizational change in your unit by memo and small group meetings the introduction of a new employee by group and one-on-one meetings a change in someones job duties by memo and one-on-one meeting a reprimand in a one-on-one private meeting notice of a meeting by memo and email

Managing Organizational Communications

Face-to-Face Communication

Electronic Communication

Written Communication

Informal Communication


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Communication Channels Ranked by Information Richness

Richest Channel Leanest Channel

Physical presence (faceto-face, meetings)

Interactive channels (telephone, electronic media, voice mail, e-mail)

Personal static channels (memos, letters, reports tailored to receiver)

Impersonal static channels (fliers, bulletins, generalized reports) Best for routine, clear, simple messages

Best for nonroutine, ambiguous, difficult messages


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Phenomenon, informal, spontaneous, happens every where people get together.-Flows down water coolers, hallways, lunch rooms. More prevalent when: Uncertain times or difficult periods. Inadequacy or lack confidence, formation of groups. Formation of coterie or favorite groups by managers, leading to insecurity or isolation. Exists as Chains: Straight(A>B>C By selection), Gossip (non office for everyone), Probability (random/indifferent selection of listener for interesting but insignificant matter) Cluster Chains (A to selected individuals and they to other

Speedy Transmission- planted under guise of confidential or top secret or between you and me. Feedback on policies and pulse of organization. Support other channels of comm. as a parallel. Psychological strength, satisfaction, solidarity of workers and maintains social entity of the organization

Undependable, not creditable, can be contradictory. Incomplete and distortion of information. Premature leakage of information Can cast aspersions on motives, any kind of stories about responsible people. Can tarnish the image of the company.

Informal Communication
Also called the grapevine informal communication that takes place at the workplace.
can be about promotions and other personnel decisions can be about company events (new products, downsizing) must be managed so that negative rumors do not hurt morale

Management by Wandering Around (MBWA) dropping in unannounced for spontaneous conversations

builds levels of trust stops harmful rumors


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Effective Use of Informal comm. by manager

Tactfully well informed Enhance self worth of employees Open door policy, healthy upward communication. Identify leaders and get feedback. Discourage rumor mongering, small talk and character assassination etc.

The average employee receives about 190 communications a day by paper, voicemail, email, phone, etc.
from a Pitney-Bowes survey (90% time spent by high level, 65% by middle and 25% by supervisors)


Oral Communication
3 Principles used are: accuracy, brevity, clarity

Speaking requires. . .
concentration and energy sharp focus logical thinking clear phrasing crisp delivery

Styles of verbal communication

Successful Organizations must learn two distinctly different styles of communication. Monologue Dialogue Skillful Discussion Arguments Avoid, rather motivate or discuss Conversation - Popular Grapevine Interview Critical and complex approach Communication follows PATTERNS: like wheel, Y, circle, all channel, nets, kite, slash etc. depending on the hierarchy

Skillful discussion Vs Dialogue

Discussion The team intends to come to closure Make a decision Reach agreement Identify priorities Focuses on task such as agendas, priorities, assignments.
Dialogue Intention is exploration Discovery Insight May reach an agreement, but that is not the intent of the communication.

Features :Oral Communication

Instantaneous 2 way process, used in daily life, involves 2, conversational nature, cannot be erased but has no record, used for all interactions and relationships. Essentially used for: For groups: Persuasion, Negotiation, Meetings, Lectures/ Speeches, presentations, Seminars, conferences, workshops etc. For Individuals: Interviews, Telephone, Grapevine, Face to face. Only way out during Emergency.

Most people prefer to get information faceto-face, especially from their immediate supervisor

The Benefits (face-to-face)

Is as important as the written word Helps to build good working relationships with colleagues. Economical wrt men and material resources. Immediate and having more impact. Used during emergencies.

Opens two-way communication, Tool for persuasion and group communication. Allows for immediate response to questions, misinterpretations, feedback, evaluation etc. Takes advantage of voice and body language

The Challenges (face-to-face)

Use in-person communication when you have to share information that will affect the audience Use for performance evaluations and feedback Use when the information being communicated needs immediate attention Be prepared to answer questions directly and immediately

Face to face spoken communication, however, leaves no record of what has been said, hence not legal. Gets distorted while in chain of travel. Possibility of misunderstanding. Unsuitable for long messages. Unsuitable for spread pout groups. Difficulty to assign responsibility and accountability.

The Dos and Donts (face-to-face)

DO -- give people your undivided attention - listen, really listen, give full attention DO -- give people honest, direct and comprehensive information DO -- treat peoples ideas and concerns as critical and serious - EMPOWER THEM

Face-to-Face cont..
DONT -- tell people what, tell them why, how, and the larger picture DONT -- make the conversation oneway. Invite responses -- discuss and debate DONT -- answer the phone or take a call when someone is in your office



DONT -- wait too long to ask for (or to give) feedback, gather information immediately DONT -- hold back bad news. Treat people as intelligent adults, they want to hear the truth

Communication is not over when you finish delivering your message

S = Stop T = Think before u start talking think what u want to speak O = Organize Organize your thoughts P = Proceed Proceed to talk


Regulate your pace of talking, Modulate your voice, Use intonation, Maintain eye contact, Use facial expression,

Be confident, Be sincere and honest Consider the objective, think about interest of the receiver, use wit or pleasantries, give full facts, be descriptive not evaluative. Develop the conversation.
Learn to Listen and not hear, Take short pauses, Think before u talk, Be polite in tone, Avoid disagreement. Use wide range of vocabulary, Dont be repetitive, vague. Understand & respect your audience/the person Learn to read & understand non verbal language Keep it short, precise & simple, Summarize


All communication methods are important in training but our emphasis will be upon the spoken word... since
70 % or all our communication efforts are: misunderstood, misinterpreted, rejected, disliked, distorted, or not heard (in the same language, same culture)!

Barriers to communication
What are barriers to communication that exist in any work setting?

Take a few moments to write down some of your thoughts

The Communication Process

Communication Channel

(encodes message)

(decodes message)


The Communication Process: Barriers to Effective Communication

Barriers can disrupt the accurate transmission of information. These barriers take different forms:
Sender barrier: Encoding barrier Communication channel barrier Noise barrier Receiver barrier: Decoding barrier Feedback barrier Perception barrier
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What causes distortion or the barriers to understanding/listening?

Semantics(expressions/transmis sion of meaning), Perceptions Language, Inflections. Cross cultural, Geographical Individual: Preconceived notions/expectations, Psycho- sociological, Personal Interests Interpersonal: Emotions, Relationship
81 July 23, 2003

Physical: Media, Environment noise Technological Organisational Wordiness Attention span Physical hearing problem Speed of thought

Barriers to Effective Communication Psycho- sociological

Misinterpretation :Style, choice of words, humour, brevity, credibility, charisma and language. Evaluation of sender Projection, Stereotyping Arrogance and superiority Defensiveness Unmanaged stress Corporate culture, Status Selective perception Halo Effect Fears-Reluctance to confront
Ridicule, rejection, fear of being wrong

Inarticulateness Hidden agendas Status Environment, Health Emotions Differences in backgrounds Poor timing Personality conflicts Assumptions Authority relationships Filtering

Barriers of Organizational Communications

Communications in organizations can be complex. Possible organizational barriers to communication includes:
Differences in employee status and power Diversity, Differences in interests Culture and climate, Rules and regulations Complex Organizational structure Lack of facilities and opportunity Lack of Cooperation.


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Barriers to communication
Some common barriers to Interpersonal communication include: Unclear process: The receiver and sender may not share
the same language, slang, jargon, vocabulary, symbols

Chain of command: There may be too many layers that a

message passes through between sender and receiver

Large size of an organization, geographic distance: Large numbers of receivers require good message
sending methods

Personal limitations: Physical and mental disabilities, and

differences in intelligence and education may interfere with mutual understanding

Barriers to communication
Additional common barriers to interpersonal communication include: Coming from Superiors:

Human nature: Peoples egos, prejudices, and traditions can get

in the way, lack of trust, consideration for needs and time for subordinates.

Conflicting feelings, goals, opinions: If people feel on

opposite sides of an issue they may not share

Power: The idea that knowledge is power can lead to information

hoarding, retaining authority, fear of losing control. Bypassing or Overloading Information.

Common barriers to interpersonal communication

Coming from Subordinates: lack of proper channel Lack of Interest Lack of trust Lack of cooperation Poor relationship with seniors Fear of Penalty

Cross Cultural/ Geographical Barriers

National character/ personality Language and Culture Values and Norms Social relationships Concept of Time & Space Non Verbal Communication Perception

Physical/ Channel Barriers

Noise Environment: External Transreceivers, no. of links in the chain, Circumstances. Physical factors: light, temp, ergonomics, numbers, distance, voice & visual quality Defects or Disruptions in the medium

Technical aspect of Barriers

1. Communication usually fails (Murphys Laws) 2. If message can be understood , it be in the most harmful way. 3. Filtering: Sending info. not objectively but to be received favorably; more vertical levels of hierarchy filter information 4. Meta communication: msg apart from the msg. Exists in peoples minds. 5. Noise: Mechanical distraction

Barriers in Communication
(that have to do with the COMMUNICATOR)
Unwillingness to say things differently Unwillingness to relate to others differently Unwillingness to learn new approaches Lack of Self-Confidence Lack of Enthusiasm Voice quality Prejudice

Barriers in Communication
(that have to do with the COMMUNICATOR)

Disagreement between verbal and non-verbal messages Negative Self Image Lack of Feedback Lack of Motivation and Training Language and Vocabulary Level Lack of Self Awareness

Barriers in Communication
(that have to do with the RECEIVER)

Selective Perception Unwillingness to Change Lack of Interest in the Topic/Subject Prejudice & Belief System Rebuttal Instincts Personal Value System Here-and-Now internal & external factors

External Barriers in Communication

The venue The effect of noise Temperature in the room

Other People Status, Education Time

Overcoming Barriers
Sender should be clear of Ws and Hs. Receiver should be attentive, listen actively, clarify, question and be empathetic Together they should listen , share and be alert to avoid the inevitable miscomm. They must foster relationships between seniors and subordinates. Purposeful, focused and precise, accurate, clarity Avoid Jargons and technical language Give right feedback, build proper channels of comm. Flat org. structure, division of labour, avoid overload Minimize Semantic barriers, not use jargons or unfamiliar expressions

Listeningthe other side of communication

Too many people see communication as merely speaking.

Messages must be received as well as sent.

A good question to ask yourself is, are you really listening or simply waiting for your turn to talk?

If you are thinking about your reply before the other person has finished, then you are not listening!


July 23, 2003

The power of listening

The philosopher Epictetus stressed the power of listening in this quote:

Nature gave us one tongue and two ears so we could hear twice as much as we speak.

Listen actively
Prepare to listen by focusing on the speaker Select a mode: Careful, attentive, skimming Concentrate and match your thought with ROS Control and eliminate distractions so that you can focus on the message. Dont do anything else (writing, reading, email) but listen: anticipate, focus, review. Establish appropriate eye contact to show interest, interpret symbols and signs. Listen for sign posts. See listening as an opportunity to get information, share anothers views, and broaden your own knowledge

Listen actively
Create a need to listen by thinking about what you can learn from the speaker Set aside the time to listen so that you wont feel rushed or become distracted by other responsibilities Dont prejudge the message based on who is delivering it. Focus instead on the content of the message. Dont evaluate. Monitor the way you listen by asking yourself questions such as Did I really pay attention or was I thinking about what I was going to say next? Was there information I missed because I allowed myself to become distracted?

Note taking
Write informal outline format, main points and leave space for sub points. Note aids to be ready, match up with speaker Use underlining of main ideas, use symbols and short forms. Always record definitions, unfamiliar concepts and vocab. Ask questions to clarify concepts. Write only important points , not details, use telegraphic lang., abbreviations. Polishing: fill in missed points after the speech. Review notes understandable, make notes for reference work , in the margins; use highlights.

5 Basic reasons we Do Not Listen

Listening is Hard Work Competition The Rush for Action Speed differences (120 wpm v/s 360 wpm) Lack of Training

Perceptual barriers: Frames of reference, experience and expectations, relationship with speaker, Selection for profits, reject criticism. Psychological, sociological. Speaker related- speed, clarity, P, p, p mannerisms, unfamiliar expressions. Listener related- Rejection, I Know it all, mental state, interest in appearance, purpose unclear. Misunderstanding NVC , or overuse. Environmental: chatting with next person, time, light, noise, discomfort etc. Faking attention, making it passive. Listening only for facts. Yielding easily to distractions. Rates of speaking and listening, thought.

4 Levels of Listening
The Non-Listener The Marginal Listener The Evaluative Listener The Active Listener: Listening for Retention

Personal Characteristics: sex, verbosity, intelligence, scholarly excellence, motivation, organisational structure and environment.

4 Types of Listening
Discriminative Evaluative Appreciative Empathetic Faulty listening: Pseudo listening, selective, self centered, insulated, defensive, fill-in, reconstructive based on prior experience.

Guidelines for Active Listening

Do create a supportive atmosphere. Do listen for feelings as well as words. Do note cues. Do occasionally test for understanding. Do demonstrate acceptance and understanding. Do ask exploratory, open-ended questions. Dont try to change the others views. Dont solve the problem for the speaker. Dont give advice. Dont pass judgment. Dont explain or interpret others behavior. Dont give false reassurances. Dont attack if the speaker is hostile. Dont ask why the feelings.


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Listening Skills
Help create understanding between both parties Are an active rather than passive activity Use of nonverbal indicators, like eye contact, tone of voice, or touch Are an invaluable skill for managers


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Applications of Management PerspectivesFor

the Manager

Use your listening skills when dealing with an employee who has an issue that is emotional in nature. Try to understand the issue from the employees perspective. If it is necessary to give negative feedback, make sure that the behavior being criticized is one the employee is able to control.


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Improving Listening Skills

By not being Preoccupied Being Open Minded & Non Defensive Minimizing Interruptions Effective Listening is: Hearing, interpreting when necessary, understanding the message and relating to it. By Asking Questions

How can we improve our listening skills?

Eliminate distractions Concentrate(stop talking) Focus on the speaker (put him at ease) Maintain an open mind Look for nonverbal cues Do not react to emotive words/prepare answers or retorts while listening Ask questions Sit so you can see & hear Avoid prejudices, be empathetic Take notes Ask for clarification Go easy on arguments/criticism

Silence promotes listening July 23, 2003

Silence as CommunicationIs Multi-Pronged communication

If you cannot understand a mans words how will you understand his Silence. Silence by nature communicates. Deftly used to communicate. Silence is half consent Communicates, yes, no, disinterest, Suppression of emotion/excitement interpreted by body language / attitude. Collective silence, working in silence- satisfaction Silence in meetings mentally absent, Interviewignorance, Audience - Interest and discipline. Silence Please

How can we improve our listening & Communication skills ?

Restating what another has said in your own words

Pulling together the main points of a speaker

Challenging participants to tackle & solve problems


July 23, 2003

Paraphrasingtry it out!
Paraphrasing is simply restating what another person has said in your own words. The best way to paraphrase is to listen carefully to what the other person is saying. Paraphrase often so you develop the habit of doing so. Practice some of the following techniques on your colleagues.
111 July 23, 2003

Use initial phrases such as:

In other words I gather that If I understand what you are


What I hear you saying is Pardon my interruption, but let

me see if I understand you correctly

Summarizingtry it out!
Summarizing pulls important ideas, facts or data together to establish a basis for further discussion and/or review progress. The person summarizing must listen carefully in order to organize the information systematically.
Try out these summarizing phrases: If I understand you correctly, your main concerns are These seem to be the key ideas you have expressed
112 July 23, 2003

It is useful for emphasizing key points.

Questioninga critical facilitation skill

There are two basic types of questions: 1. Closed questions generally result in short yes/no or other one word answers. They should be used only when you want precise, quick answers. Otherwise, they inhibit thought.

2. Open-ended questions invite an actual explanation for a response. Questions that begin with how, what and why are typical.


July 23, 2003

Practice your questioning skills

Rephrase the following closed questions to make them openended:

1. Are you feeling tired now? 2. Isnt today a nice day? 3. Was the last activity useful? 4. Is there anything bothering you? 5. So everything is fine, then?
(Compare your answers with those in the notes below)
114 July 23, 2003

Thats a good question!

Close end questions limit the answer to yes or no Open end questions allow the responder total freedom in answering Direct questions ask for specific information; limit answers to brief fact statements Probing questions follow up other questions to solicit additional information Hypothetical questions present a theoretical situation to which receiver responds
See examples of each on the next slide

Good question - examples

Close end question
Did you attend the staff meeting this morning?

Open end question

What was discussed at the staff meeting this morning?

Direct question
Which topics were listed on the meeting agenda?

Probing question
Can you tell me more about the first agenda topic?.

Hypothetical question
What would you have done, if you had not had the chance to present your idea at the meeting?

Other questioning techniques include:

Direct questions: asked of a particular individual allows you to initiate control good for re-directing discussion from excessive talkers. Return questions: puts the question back to the questioner or group What do you think about that?

General overview questions: used to initiate a discussion or set up a thoughtful exercise How would you respond to the situation?
Hypothetical questions: tests the responders problem-solving ability by posing a hypothetical situation If you had an unlimited budget, what would you fund?


July 23, 2003

Other helpful techniques to foster communication (both verbal and non-verbal)

Nod Your Head

Repeat the last word or two of the prior speaker

Maintain eye contact

Keep an open body position

Make encouraging statements

Repeat a sentence or part of one


July 23, 2003

Ask yourself
Which of the skills covered in this module was most useful as you think about conducting a training event? Which was the easiest to employ? Which was the most difficult for you?
Write down three things you want to do to improve your communication skills and practice them prior to your next training event


July 23, 2003

Reading skills
Careful Reading:50-350 words/min.for accuracy, analysis, problem solving, proof-reading. Stays in memory for long. Rapid:300-600, light content, no conceptual burden. Skimming: up to 1500 words/min, eyes go over the words, skipping the details. Grasp main ideas or review. Less time. Scanning: Fastest, upto 3000, specifically search for some info. Requires focus of attention.

Reading should enhance comprehension, speed should not compromise. Reading Efficiency= Speed x Comprehension Retention is independent of Reading. Depends on education, mental and physical capability, interest and practice Can be improved by... What is Executive reading? SQ3R Technique?

7 Cs of effective Communication
1. Courtesy and Consideration: Diplomacy, Tact and Appreciation go a long way in the business world. You Vs I attitude. Interest in receiver, emphasize his benefits, positives and pleasant facts. Be sincere, tactful, thoughtful, appreciative. Use expressions of respect and are non-discriminatory. Positives(Benefit, happy ,help, pleasure, thoughtful, loyal, generous etc.) Vs Negative words (problem, blame, unfair, fault, failed, neglect, reject, trouble etc.)

Mind of Sender> Transmission> Receiver Simple, precise and familiar words. Limit sentence to average of 20 words. One idea per sentence. Main idea should occur early in word order.

3. Correctness
Level of knowledge, education and status of coder and decoder are important. Use right level of language, formal or informal, not substandard. Check accuracy of words, facts and figures. Maintain acceptable writing mechanics: grammar, punctuation and spelling etc.

4. Concreteness
Specific, definite, factual and vivid Vs vague and general. Used Denotative ( direct, explicit) Vs Connotative(ideas, notions). Use action verbs (will consider), active voice. Choose vivid image building(Spark Plug). Facts and figs.(50%) Help decipher and understand more correctly, the way it was intended.

5. Credibility
Long drawn out process, build over time, after constant interaction. Receiver has trust and security and feels his interests and safeguarded.

6. Completeness and Consistency

Provide all info.: 5Ws Answer all questions, Give something extra when desired. Eg: Tariffs of rooms Difference in perceptions and background may hinder so eye contact and body attitude maybe used to completely interpret.

7. Conciseness
Saying it in the fewest possible words. Briefly. Eliminate wordy expressions: single word substitutes vs phrases, long conventional statements vs concise versions (American ) Include only relevant material, stick to purpose, avoid rambling, omit obvious info. Avoid long, unnecessary explanations, excessive adjectives. Highlight the important point tactfully and concisely. Avoid repetition: use pronouns, substitutes etc

4 Ss of communication
Shortness: brief Vs Verbose Simplicity: Concepts and terminology Strength: Credibility Sincerity: Deceit will sabotage future relationship prospects.

Nonverbal Communication Skills: Instinctive, subtle, complimentary to verbal, extensive

Nonverbal communication is for messages with emotional content.

Dimensions : 55% NVC, 7% Words

Body movements and gestures Eye contact Touch Facial expressions Physical distance Tone of voice :38%, A cry of agony is more powerful than a tale of woe.

Nonverbal Communication
Silence is golden; Smile is a diamond Eye contact-Trust and goodwill One ounce of image = one pound of appearance Facial Expression Stern, busy, confused Body language Confident, nervous, aggressive Nonverbal communication, known as body language sends strong positive and negative signals.

Non verbal communication

93% of all Comm.. is non verbal Eye contact Facial expressions Body language Tone of voice Emphasis Deliberate silence Timing Appearance Touch Hand movements

7% WORDS Words are only labels and the listeners put their own interpretation on speakers words 38% PARALINGUISTIC The way in which something is said - the accent, tone and voice modulation is important to the listener. 55% BODY LANGUAGE What a speaker looks like while delivering a message affects the listeners understanding most.

Nonverbal Communication
Body Language Friendly, confident ,lazy etc Attitude Sincerity,Success,self esteem Empathy Show interest, feel ,comfort Grooming Neat, proper, simple (no distraction) Smart, Attention to detail, color sense etc. Gestures Synchronous, fine tune, avoid irrelevant movements

Nonverbal Communication
Body Language Friendly, confident ,lazy etc Attitude Sincerity, Success, self esteem Empathy Show interest, feel ,comfort Grooming Neat, proper, simple (no distraction) Smart, Attention to detail, color sense etc. Gestures Synchronous, fine tune, avoid irrelevant movementsPositive Vs Negative.


Remember that you are dealing with PEOPLE
How do you use hand gestures? Stance?

Hows your Lighthouse?

How do you position yourself?


How do you deliver your message?

Are your looks, appearance, dress important?

Are you using facial expressions to express emotion?

Body language includes

Face Figure Focus Territory Tone Time

Each of these is described in the following slides

Body language - face

Face includes:
Your expressions Your smile or lack thereof Tilt of the head; e.g., if your head is tilted to one side, it usually indicates you are interested in what someone is saying
What message are you sending if someone is presenting a new idea and you are frowning?

Body language - figure

Figure includes: : thin , youthful , tall and Endomorphs: fat, round and soft. Meso: Strong, athletic muscular bony.
Your posture Your demeanor and gestures Your clothes and accessories such as jewelry. Appearance, Dress sense, grooming

What message are you sending if you are dressed casually at an important meeting?

Body language - focus

Focus is your eye contact with others
The perception of eye contact differs by culture. For most Americans
Staring makes other people uncomfortable Lack of eye contact can make you appear weak or not trustworthy Glasses may interfere or enhance eye contact What message are you sending if you are looking at other things and people in a room when someone is speaking to you?

Body language - territory

Territory focuses on how you use space. It is also called proxemics.
The perception of territory differs by culture. Most Americans are comfortable with an individual space that is about an arms length in diameter
What message are you sending if you keep moving closer to a person who is backing away from you?

Body language - tone

Tone is a factor of your voice
Pitch is the highness or lowness of voice Volume is how loud your voice is Emphasis is your inflection
What message are you sending if during a disagreement you start speaking very loudly?

Body language - time

Time focuses on how you use time. It is also called chronemics.
Pace is how quickly you speak Response is how quickly you move Punctuality is your timeliness
What message are you sending if you are consistently late for meetings?

Kinesics Proxemics Feature fixed, semi feature fixed, Personal space Zones. Chronemics Paralinguistic: way of use of voice/tone, VoicePitch, Volume, Pronunciation, Pause, Pace, Fluency, word stress.

Sign Language : Depictions, Maps, blue prints, pictures, traffic lights, rood signs, posters etc.

Ideas to walk away with

People are always communicating The meaning intended by the sender is never exactly the message gotten by the receiver We can help to overcome barriers to communication by being aware of them Verbal and non-verbal communication is important in sending our messages

Interpreting Body Language

People who are willing to listen People who are showing friendliness People who are anxious to interrupt People who feel frustrated or rejected People who feel threatened People who feel superior People who do not wish to communicate

People who are willing to listen

Look directly at you Sit with their body forward Lean forward when standing Rest their chin on the palm of their hands Nod in agreement with what is being said Interject with supportive comments such as Yes ! I see or Thats right

People who are showing friendliness

Smile Use strong eye contact Have a static body posture Stand or sit with open, unfolded arms and legs, facing you Use non threatening gestures such as handshakes, pats on the backs or arms Initiate and maintain conversation Use humour in speech Are polite and courteous to you

People who are anxious to interrupt

Excited Look directly and intently at you Shift their posture while sitting Move while standing Rapidly move / vibrate their legs Try to come closer to you if possible

People who are Frustrated or rejected

Feel tensed, become red in the face Use aggressive, downward hand gestures Hit the table or desk top with a hand Move to and fro rapidly in the room Get withdrawn from the conversation OR raise the tone of their voice Look down and put their hands on their forehead

Information Sharing
Giving Information Getting Information

Sharing your ideas

Why and when is it necessary to share your ideas?

Take a few moments to write down some of your thoughts

Share your ideas to

State an opinion or position Give instructions or directions Announce a change Make presentations Participate in meetings Give information in emergencies Communicate the organizational mission, vision, and values and other ideas you may have thought of

Obstacles to sharing ideas

What can make sharing ideas difficult? Take a few moments to write down some of your thoughts

Obstacles to sharing ideas

Your own shyness Fear of rejection Peer pressure Unorganized thinking Others possibly becoming defensive Physical disabilities (impaired sight, hearing, speech) Having to deal with aggressive people and others you may have thought of

Speak for yourself

To ensure your messages are clear, speak for yourself, not for others:
Speaking for yourself sounds like:
I, me, my I think, I feel, I want to know that

Speaking for no one sounds like:

It, some people, everyone, they decided

Speaking for others sounds like:

We, you, John, Mary said

SHARE your ideas a model

State the main point of your message Highlight other important points Assure the receivers understanding React to how the receiver responds Emphasize/summarize your main ideas

SHARE an example
State the main point of your message Id like to talk to you about the new employee welcome program. Highlight other important points We need to discuss the new schedule, locations, and presenters. Assure the receivers understanding Do you need me to further clarify how we are making invitations? React to how the receiver responds I understand your concern about parking. Emphasize/summarize your main ideas To wrap-up, Ill develop the schedule and make the room reservations, if you can line up the guest speakers.

Getting good information

Why is it necessary to get good information from others?

Take a few moments to write down some of your thoughts

Get good information to

Find out facts and details Get directions or instructions Try to understand anothers point of view Help someone solve a problem Resolve a team conflict Solve work problems and other ideas you may have thought of

Obstacles to getting good information

What can make getting good information difficult?

Take a few moments to write down some of your thoughts

Obstacles to getting good information

Lack of trust Assuming you already know it all Jumping to conclusions Not valuing diverse opinions Weak reading skills Weak listening skills Weak questioning skills and other ideas you may have thought of

FOCUS on information

a model

Focus the discussion on the specific information you need Open-end question to expand the discussion Close-end question to get specifics Use active listening skills to understand what you are hearing Summarize and close the discussion

FOCUS on information an example

Focus the discussion on the specific information you need I need to ask you about the computer meeting you attended yesterday. Open-end question to expand the discussion What kinds of decisions were made regarding expansion of our departmental system? Close-end question to get specifics Did the committee decide to buy Dell computers? Use active listening skills to understand what you are hearing What I think I heard you say was that the decision was made? Summarize and close the discussion So to wrap up, the system will expand and we will be using Dells. Thanks for keeping me up to date.

Giving feedback
Why is it necessary to give constructive feedback to others?

Take a few moments to write down some of your thoughts

Give feedback when

Someone asks for your opinion Work errors occur frequently A coworkers habits disturb you A coworkers behavior has negative consequences There are unresolved problems and other ideas you may have thought of

Constructive feedback focuses on facts not people, solving problems instead of placing blame, and strengthening relationships instead of being right

Obstacles to giving constructive feedback

What makes it hard to give constructive feedback?

Take a few moments to write down some of your thoughts

Obstacles to giving constructive feedback

Separating the person from the problem Others becoming defensive or angry Fear of negative consequences (especially if the other person is a supervisor) Dealing with potential conflict (especially if the other person is aggressive) Avoiding hurt feelings Preserving relationships Not having all the facts and jumping to conclusions Choosing the right time so that the other person is most receptive and other ideas you may have thought of

STATE feedback a model

State the constructive purpose of your feedback Tell specifically what you have observed Address and describe your reactions Tender specific suggestions for improvement Express your support and respect for the person

STATE feedback an example

State the constructive purpose of your feedback Id like to give you some feedback about your training style so that your evaluations will be more positive and you will enjoy it more. Tell specifically what you have observed I notice that you rely heavily on your notes. Address and describe your reactions I feel as though you are unsure of yourself when you read. Tender specific suggestions for improvement I can help you develop a PowerPoint presentation so that you can use the screens as a cue instead of being tied to your notes. Express your support for the person You know a lot about the subject. With practice you can become a good trainer.

Test yourself
1. Communication is defined as the interchange of thoughts or opinions through shared symbols.
True___ False___

2. The four facets of interpersonal communication are sender, receiver, information, and behavior.
True___ False___

3. Unclear process; chain of command; large size of an organization or geographic distance; personal limitations; human nature; conflicting feelings, goals, opinions; and power are examples of barriers to communication.
True___ False___

Test yourself
4. Describe the steps of the SHARE model for giving good information share, highlight, assure, react, emphasize: 5. Describe the steps of the FOCUS model for getting good information focus, open end, close end, use, summarize: 6. Describe the steps of the STATE model for giving constructive feedback state, tell, address, tender, express: 7. Describe the the six aspects of non-verbal communication (body language):

Test yourself - answers

1. Communication is defined as the interchange of thoughts or opinions through shared symbols.

2. The four facets of interpersonal communication are sender, receiver, information, and behavior.

3. Unclear process; chain of command; large size of an organization or geographic distance; personal limitations; human nature; conflicting feelings, goals, opinions; power are examples of barriers to communication.

Test yourself - answers

4. The steps of the SHARE model for giving good information are:
State the main point of your message Highlight other important points Assure the receivers understanding React to how the receiver responds Emphasize/summarize your main ideas

5. The steps of the FOCUS model for getting good information are:
Focus the discussion on the specific information you need Open-end question to expand the discussion Close-end question to get specifics Use active listening skills to understand what you are hearing Summarize and close the discussion

Test yourself - answers

6. The steps of the STATE model for constructive feedback are: State the constructive purpose of your feedback Tell specifically what you have observed Address and describe your reactions Tender specific suggestions for improvement Express your support for the person

7. The the six aspects of non-verbal communication (body language):

Face expressions, smile, tilt of head Figure posture, demeanor, gestures, dress Focus eye contact Territory use of space Tone voice pitch, volume, emphasis Time the use time

Apply what youve learned

When you started this program we asked you to consider some questions. Lets wrap up:
What new things did you learn about interpersonal communication? Did you meet your learning goals for this program? Did you meet your supervisors expectations, if any, for participation in this training? How will you be able to apply your learning on the job?

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