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Case Study Thorax and Lungs Assessment Joe, 74 years old, is a Caucasian patient with a history of COPD.

Today, he presents to the emergency department with severe difficulty breathing. His respirations are 26; chest expansion is retracting; BP is 154/76; pulse is 100 bpm; and temperature is 37C. His skin color is pale gray, his chest is barrel shaped, and he appears anxious and is sitting in a tripod position. His nail beds are a bluish color; his oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry is 72%. Chest auscultation reveals wheezes and decreased to absent breath sounds over the lower lung bases. Hyperresonance was noted upon percussion of the chest wall. Chest x-ray showed atelectasis in the lower lung bases. Joe has a cough with minimal amounts of clear sputum production.

Chest expansion is retracting

Spo2. -72%

Cyanotic nail beds

Pale gray ski color

Barrel chest

wheezes & decreased to absent breath sounds

hyper esonance upon percussion od chest wall

chest x-ray showing atelectasis

cough w/ minimal amounts of clear sputum production

1. What findings from above represent abnormal objective data?

2. What is the pathophysiology related to this disease process in the aging adult patient?

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