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E - Sermon

Treasures from heaven

He Prepares A Table For Me!

You might be unsure about how to deal with your troubles, or how to overcome the persecution and attack of the enemy? But I am here to encourage you and say that even though you are unsure about what to do or how to respond, that we serve a god who does know what to do!! God knows exactly how to help you in a time of attack or persecution!! What I am about to share with you will hopefully change how you feel about your time of conflict and give you peace about the God you serve and trust Him because He knows exactly what to do. The children of Israel are rebellious. God has done much for them, bringing them out of slavery. He takes care of them every step of the way as they travel through the wilderness. The Bible says that He divided the seas causing them to pass through. In the daytime He led them with a cloud, and all night with a light of fire. He split the rocks in the wilderness and gave them to drink. Yet they sinned against God and questioned His ability to bless them with good things. Psalms 78:19 - Then they spoke against God; They said, "Can God prepare a table in the wilderness? The question you could well be asking is, what can God do for me in the midst of my trouble? David said it this way; Psalm 23:5 - "Thou dost prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies" This is no ordinary table! This is no KFC or Wimpy! The table God prepares for you is like a banqueting table. Sitting down to eat is the last thing you want to do when in a crisis. Yet, this is what God wants you to do. I want to suggest to you that God knows how to sustain you in spite of those who come against you. They will be astounded by your strength and wisdom, and your ability to rest in God, knowing that He is fighting on your behalf. Elijah was fed by raven at the dry brook! You can be fed or nourished by Him. Jesus, before His crucifixion, asks His disciples to find a room and prepare a table for a meal (the last supper). Can you imagine that? Before his death on the cross he wants to sit down and have a meal! When we have communion, perhaps this is what Jesus wants us to understand as we partake of the emblems, and that is, that he prepares a table for us in the midst of our enemies! Be Blessed Pastor Tony Sands
Note: this is abbreviated notes on my recent message.

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