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Calc limits review 1. lim x 4, ( x^3) + 13 / (x^2+3x+3) a. numerator lim x4 ( x^3) x^3+ 3 4^3 + 3 = 67 b.

67 b. denominator lim x4 ( x^2 + 3x+ 2 ) lim x- x^2 + 3x + 2 (4)^2 + 3(4) + 2 = 16+12+2= 30 cos the denominator isnt 0 one can use the quiotient rule c. limit : 67/30

OR JUST PLUG IN 4 IN THE FUNCTION UGH. <3 Continuous functions allow you to just plug in the number into the function. The limits are much easier to evaluate.

2. Definition: Assume f(x) defined on an open interval containing x=c f is continuous at x=c if : a) f is defined b. lim xc f(x) = L , a number c. f = L CHECK LEFT AND RIGHT (+) 3. IF lim f(x) x c does not exist, or lim xc = L, L does not equal f , if F is discontinuous at x = c Discontinuities : 1. removable discontiuinity: lim xc = L, but L does not equal f

example: f(x)= (x^2-1)/x-1) x does not equal 1 lim x1 f(x) = 2

2. Jump discontinuity lim x c f(x) a nd x -c exist and xc+ exists but arent equal example: f(x)= { e ^x x<1; ln(x) < 1 } left = 2 right = 0, dont equal so its a jump discontinuity.

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