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July 2011 Master of Computer Application (MCA) Semester 1 MC0061 Computer Programming C Language 4 Credits (Book ID: B0678

678 & B0679) Assignment Set 1 (40 Marks)

Answer all questions Book ID: B0678 1. Define the Function prototype? Write a C program to solve the Towers of Hanoi Problem . ( 5 marks) 2. With the help of suitable examples, explain type conversions using various data types. characters 4. Explain the following operators with an example for each:
a. Conditional Operators b. Bitwise Operators c. gets() and puts() function with a programming example for each.

( 5 marks) ( 5 marks) ( 10 marks)

3. Using input and output functions in C, write a program to accept a string of

Book ID: B0679 6. Write a program in C to explain pointer arithmetic.

( 5 marks)

7. Write a program demonstrating the usage of pointers with one dimensional and two dimensional arrays. ( 10 marks)

July 2011 Master of Computer Application (MCA) Semester 1 MC0061 Computer Programming C Language 4 Credits (Book ID: B0678 & B0679)
Assignment Set 2 (40 Marks) Answer all questions Book ID: B0678 1. Describe the following:
a. Function Prototypes b. Recursion

( 10 marks)

2. Explain the following looping structures with suitable code examples: While Loop DoWhile loop Simple For loop ( 5 marks)

3. With the help of a recursive function, write a program to fin the factorial of a number between 1 and 1000. ( 5 marks)

Book ID: B0679 6. Describe the following with the help of suitable programming examples:
a. Abstract Data Types b. Stack as an Abstract Data Type c. Queue as an Abstract Data Type

( 10 marks)

7. Describe with the help of suitable coding example, the implementation of circular queues. (5 marks )

8. Explain with suitable code examples, various possible file operations in C language (5 marks )

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