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The level of impact from the functionality perspective it’s called as Severity.


The level of impact from the business perspective it’s called as Priority.


✓ High Severity and High Priority

✓ High Severity and Low Priority

✓ Low Severity and High Priority

✓ Low Severity and Low Priority

High Severity and High Priority:

Database connectivity can't be established by multiple users.

For example, if you clicks on explorer icon or any other icon then
system is crash.

High Severity and Low Priority:

In a module of say 2 interfaces, links between them is broken or is

not functioning.

For example, in login window, there is restriction of login name

should be 8 character if we enter 9 or more than 9. In that case, system get

Low Severity and High Priority:

Images not updated.

For example, suppose logo of any brand company is not proper in

their product. So it affects their business.
Low Severity and Low Priority:

Small issues like, incorrect number of decimal digits in output.

For example, in login window, spell of "OK" button is "KO".

AMAZON Website:

High Severity and High Priority:

You login to the account, add items to the cart and click
"Proceed to Checkout" button. You make the payment and the system
crashes. This defect makes the whole buying functionality unusable and so
the severity is high. This basic purpose of to buy and sell
products and most of the customer are affected by this. So this defect is of
high priority which must be fixed immediately for the buying process to

High Severity and Low Priority:

Suppose the tester click on the “Privacy Notice” hyperlink at the
bottom of the home page and the page is not displayed. This
defect will be of high severity because functionality is not working. The
Priority is low because people do not normally spend time reading the
privacy notice.
Low Severity and High Priority:
Suppose, that in the website, the logo is displayed
as "" with the letter 'o' is missing. This defect does not affect the
buying/selling or any other functionality in any way. So, the severity of this
defect is low. But, a mistake in the company logo affects the brand identify
and impacts the user experiences. So, the defect is of high priority.

Low Severity and Low Priority:

Suppose the tester clicks on the "Conditions of Use" hyperlink at the
button of homepage. If there is an alignment issues in the text
displayed or if there is a spelling mistake in the content displayed, the
defect is said to be low priority because people rarely read this page and it
does not impact user experiences. The severity is also low because the
functionality of the application is not affected.

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