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Written by Name of First Writer

Based on, If Any

Address Phone Number

INT. A ROOM - DAY Sammy comes through the door and slams it. You okay? ALI

SAMMY Yeah. I just had the worst day ever. I just need some coffee. Pause. ALI leans towards SAMMYS junk. Dude! SAMMY (CONTD)

ALI What?! Coffee means blowjobs! What? SAMMY

TIM (Yelling from the other room) Its true! SAMMY Psh. Thats ridiculous. Coffee does not mean blowjob. ALI Also watching a movie means sex. Thats why you can never get a girl to watch to the end of Star Wars. ALI (CONTD) (Muttering darkly) They always start making out with you. But I know how to put a stop to that. He laughs maniacally. SAMMY I just... I cant believe this. Okay. So what does Popcorn with Butter mean? Ali reacts with shock and horror. ALI Ew! Why would you ever ask me that? TIM Thats disgusting dude.

2. The door opens. Hey guys. PAPPY

ALI Hey dude, whereve you been? PAPPY Oh I had coffee with a girl. SAMMY Wait you mean coffee like coffee right? Yeah. PAPPY

SAMMY See! He doesnt think coffee means sex! PAPPY Right. Of course not. That would be ridiculous. Beat. Pappy zips up his fly.

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