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The Outlining Notetaking System Alignment: indent to show lower levels of info such as sub topics and supporting

details For formal outlines you need at least 2 subtopics In formal outlines roman numerals are used for main topics, Arabic numerals for supporting details I. Main Idea A. Sub Topic 1. Supporting Detail a. Minor Detail b. Minor Detail

Wording is key words and short phrases, no full sentences should be used

Informal outlining Can be as small as chapter headings and subheadings Informal can also be used when formal is too much ie: too cumbersome, confusing, or time consuming good for: outlining before reading the chapter you can jot down a basic outline and then fill it in some time later good for self quizzing and cue wording outlining during the chapter good for more comprehensive outline tips: heading and subheading number them with roman numerals and capital letters respectively details: read a paragraph then STOP and think what knowledge did I just read? Leave space for the smaller points such as where the first CO2 is given off in the krebs cycle After reading a chapter. This method reinforces information previously read and learned Studying from outlines Read and explain line by line Make full sentences from the short hands and quick cuts from memory

Cross reference information with the book Add clue words to the information you gathered

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