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The Thanksgiving Day The Thanksgiving Day is a traditional celebration of the United States and Canada.

In the United States is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, although originally it was the last Thursday. In Canada, meanwhile, is celebrated on the second Monday of October. Generally during this holiday gather around a table with family and friends sharing a feast. Although religious in origin, is considered a secular holiday On Thanksgiving in North America has its origins in a mixture of European and indigenous traditions. [2] In Europe, festivals were held before and after the harvest cycles to give thanks for a good harvest, and to celebrate after hard work along with the rest of the community. [2] at the time, Native Americans also celebrated the end of harvest. [2] When the Europeans came to America it would be for the first time, took their own traditions (the harvest festival) from your continent, celebrating the end of their journey, peace and good harvest. [2] Although the origins of Thanksgiving day are similar in Canada and the United States, Americans celebrate the contributions are not made on the island of Newfoundland, while Canadians do not celebrate the contributions in Plymouth, Massachusetts. [3

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