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C O P Y R I G H T 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 4 || || B Y C O N Q U E R E R || || || || This Wal through is Copyright 2002-2004 by Andrew || || Haffenden, Conquerer. This FAQ may not be published on || || any website or in any magazine without my permission. || || Otherwise, this FAQ is for Personal Use only. If || || permission is requested, it will li ely be accepted. This || || FAQ may not be altered or used by publishers and cannot || || be sold. If this FAQ is found by anyone on a site or || || magazine without permission, please e-mail me telling me || || the site or magazine name and issue number. Even if || || you're not sure if the site has permission, please e-mail || || me about it. The main sites this FAQ will be hosted on || || are GameFAQs and IGN Guides. If found anywhere else, || || please contact me immediately. Some other sites may have || || permission, but please, still contact me just incase. || || || || || ||===============================================================|| || || || || || Silent Hill is a registered trademar of Konami Computer || || Entertainment To yo, Inc. 1999 2001 Konami Computer || || Entertainment To yo, Inc. Konami is a registered || || trademar of Konami Corporation. All rights reserved. || || || ||====================---------=====---------====================|| || W A R N I N G ! || || || || This FAQ contains many spoilers that may ruin your game || || experience. Read on at your own ris . || || || || || ||===============================================================|| || || || Silent Hill 2 || || || || Developer: Konami TYO || || Publisher: Konami || || Platform: PlayStation 2 || || Genre: Adventure || || Origin: Japan || || Number of Players: 1 || || Released Date: 09/25/01 || || ESRB Rating: M for Mature || || || || || ||====================---------=====---------====================|| || || || E - M A I L P O L I C Y || || || || READ THE FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION SECTION FIRST BEFORE || || EMAILING ME || || || || I will accept e-mails from people as ing questions or || || ma ing comments on the game or wal through. If you expect || || me to read your e-mail, please, put "Silent Hill 2" or || || "SH2" in the subject or it may be deleted. E-mail || || reponses will ta e place usually a day or less from the ||

|| day the e-mail was received. If not, I may be on vacation || || or I deleted the e-mail because it didn't have "Silent || || Hill 2" or "SH2" in the subject. But if you haven't read || || the section you're stuc on and you thin you are special || || and you e-mail me before you chec it, you're not special || || and you can read the part yourself. || || || || [E-mail:] || || || || || ||====================---------=====---------====================|| || || || W A N T T O R A T E T H I S F A Q ? || || || || If you feel this FAQ has helped you in any way and you || || want to than me, please, all I as is for you to give my || || FAQ a good rating wherever acceptable. But it's your || || decision, I am not forcing you. || ==---------------------------------------------------------------== ******************** TABLE OF CONTENTS ******************** MAIN 1. INTRODUCTION 2. UPDATES 3. FAQS 4. PLAYING THE GAME 5. DIFFICULTY SETTINGS MAIN 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. SUB 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. SCENARIO - LETTER FROM SILENT HEAVEN PROLOGUE CHARACTERS ENEMIES WEAPONS AND SUPPLIES CONTROLS WALKTHROUGH SPEED WALKTHROUGH ENDINGS RANKING ITEM LIST SAVE POINT LOCATIONS MEMOS EXTRAS SCENARIO - BORN FROM A WISH (Greatest Hits Version Only) PROLOGUE CHARACTERS ENEMIES WEAPONS AND SUPPLIES CONTROLS WALKTHROUGH SPEED WALKTHROUGH RANKING ITEM LIST SAVE POINT LOCATIONS MEMOS


31. COOL AND SCARY THINGS 32. MY PERSONAL REVIEW CONCLUSION 33. CREDITS -------------------------------------------------------------------------========================================================================== M A I N ========================================================================== ========================================================================== 1. I N T R O D U C T I O N ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to my Silent Hill 2 FAQ/Wal through. I hope you enjoy it because it is my favourite FAQ I ever did and was the most fun to do. It was the first, and in my opinion, the best FAQ I've done. This FAQ has everything you'll ever need to now about the game. Very clear wal throughs for both the main and sub scenarios, pointing out all of the ey items and where to use them, aswell as the majority and necessary ammo and health items. There are speed wal throughs for both scenarios, item lists, and so on. Every single memo and even the notes that aren't memos that you'll come across in the game are in the memo sections. Included in this FAQ is a plot analysis which should clear up most of your questions and explains the significance of characters, notes, monsters, and so on. In the ran ing section you'll find a section devoted to getting a 10 star ran ing. I enjoyed getting 10 stars and writing that section and if you thin you're good enough, you should go for it. I thin I've said enough; everything you should have to now is in this FAQ and you can find it for yourself. Chec the table of contents above to guide you through the FAQ and be sure to chec the extras section for anything you missed, and also chec out the cool and scary things section for some interesting and fun things you can find and do. For more information on other Silent Hills and news, feel free to chec out my website, devoted to Silent Hill. I have wal throughs for all the released Silent Hill games in North America as of this update and I will have one for Silent Hill 4: The Room shortly after its release. Chec bac to my other FAQs for future updates as they will be coming. - Conquerer -------------------------------------------------------------------------========================================================================== 2. U P D A T E S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------Most Recent Updates: [08/25/04] - 471 KB Major update. Changed the layout of the FAQ, rewrote the entire wal through with ammo, health, and enemies pointed out. Added a 10 star ran ing section in the ran ing section, a plot analysis, added many more CAST, updated and edited the entire rest of the wal through. Over 200 KB

of text added. [08/23/03] - 257 KB Added 6 more CAST and deleted one because it was obselete of another one. [07/28/03] - 247 KB Added 2 more cool and scary things, 2 more FAQs, and put square brac ets around the dates for the updates. Also added 4 more memos and corrected Crismon to Crimson throughout the FAQ. [07/12/03] Added 12 more memos to the section and added 2 more cool and scary things that were forgot about in the last update. [06/18/03] Many updates made. Added strafing to the tips section, updates on memos and added 14 more. Added the Hyper Spray part in the ran ing section, updates on the ran ing section for both scenarios, updates on the weapon/ item/map list and added the Dog Key in there. There's now an Available section in the secret items part of the list. Changed the C.A.S.T so everything is in order, added more C.A.S.T, updates on the save/load screen in the tips section. many updates on the PH boss fight - Added a way better strategy. Updates on weapons, added wal /run control to the control sections. Updates on the Tric or Treat puzzle, found out that the Blue Cree Map's name was the West Apt. Building and changed it and added the 10-Star Ran ing to the ran ing section. -------------------------------------------------------------------------========================================================================== 3. F A Q S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------Frequently As ed Questions Q: Is this game li e Resident Evil? A: Some may say, but it is VERY different and is amazing in its own way. Q: How many version are there of Silent Hill 2? A: 6. For PS2: Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 2 (Greatest Hits), Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams (JPN), Silent Hill 2: Director's Cut. For Xbox: Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams. For PC: Silent Hill 2. There are more but they are the same as these ones. Q: How many endings are in this game? A: In the original version there are 5. But in the Greatest Hits version there are 6, along with a new scenario where the ending is always the same. Q: Would you recommend me to buy this game? A: Yes, this game can be for many gamers. To tell the truth, I wasn't really interested in games li e this even close to how I li e them now. I just bought Silent Hill 2 because it was scary. But I realized many more reasons why this game is good. See my review for more details. Q: If I have Silent Hill for PlayStation, should I buy this one? A: If you enjoyed it, yes, definitely. But if you didn't really li e it then I suggest you at least rent it because SH2 is different. Q: I really enjoyed this game and I ind of want SH1. Is it worth it? A: Definitely. Many people would agree that it's the scariest Silent Hill

and the game is actually very good. Try searching for it on eBay or local gaming stores - it's pretty cheap. Q: About how long do you thin it would ta e for me to beat this game? A: It actually too me over 8 hours to beat Silent Hill 2 my first time. But I explore a lot. It should ta e you at least 5 hours your first time - that is if you're really good in these types games. Don't worry if you get above 10 hours - I now many people that have gotten that high; even 22 hours. Q: I am convinced to buy this game now, so what version should I get? A: If you want it for PS2 and live in North America, get Greatest Hits, in Europe get Director's Cut, and in Japan get Restless Dreams. For Xbox, get the only version which is Restless Dreams. And for PC, get Silent Hill 2, which is the only version for it (includes extra scenario etc.). Q: How do I tell which version is Greatest Hits? A: At the top of the DVD case there should be a red area with "Greatest Hits" mar ed under "PlayStation 2". If you buy it used, ma e sure the bottom part of the dis is red with "PlayStation 2" on it too. Q: Can I load my file for SH2 in the Greatest Hits version of SH2? A: Well, you can't load a current game but the game automatically remembers which endings you've received and everything you've unloc ed in the file and you can load it. But you can't load and play a game that's currently in progress. Q: Is the Silent Hill 2 Original Soundtrac any good? A: Yes, it's amazing. I bought it recently off eBay and I love it. If you enjoyed the songs in SH2, then you should get it. FAQ/Wal through Frequently As ed Questions Q: What do you mean by "examine"? A: Go up to whatever is mentioned and press X. Q: I can't find a certain item, where can I find it? A: Chec the Item List, although every item location and where you use the item is described in the wal through. Q: I can't solve a certain puzzle, can you help me? A: Every puzzle is described in detail in the wal through, but if you are really having trouble, just e-mail me. Q: I need to find a place to save but I can't find one. Where is one? A: Chec the Save Point Locations section. Q: Do you ever describe where ammo or health is in this FAQ? A: Yes, now I do. All the necessary health and ammo items are pointed out. But the ones that are far away and aren't really worth getting aren't. Q: I have the GH version - how do I load my data from the original version? A: Your data is recognized but you cannot load and play your file if you were in the middle of a game. You won't need to load your game as it is recognized, so just start a new game and save li e you normally would. So you can load your file, but you can't continue a game in progress. Q: I'm not too good in this game and I die pretty easily as I'm new to the Silent Hill series. Do you have any tips? A: Read the "Playing the Game" section. A lot of various tips are in there.

I guarantee you will be better if you read the section or just some parts of it. Q: When I try to enter Room 109 1F in Blue Cree Apartments, I can't open the door. What's wrong? A: I get this question all the time, but I have never had a problem with it. You probably need to see Eddie in Room 101 1F of the north Wood Side Apartment building. If you've done that, then you haven't done something else. So bac trac a little bit and see what you've missed. Q: I'm in the apartments and I can't find the Old Man Coin, but I have the others. Where is it? A: You need the Canned Juice first. If you don't have it, loo in the item list. Then go to 2F of Wood Side and enter the laundry room by the stairwell door. Go up to the garbage shoot and use the Canned Juice to noc down the stuc garbage. Then go down to 1F, go outside, and find the coin at the bottom of the shoot around the corner. Q: I only have three coins for the coin puzzle. Where are the other two? A: There are only three. Q: I'm in the hospital and I can't read the bloody code on the wall. What should I do? A: Scroll down to that section of the wal through and read what it says at the bottom of the puzzle. The puzzle is labeled "Louise Puzzle". I guarantee it will help you. Q: I entered an elevator by accident and I can't get out on the same floor. Is it possible to do so? A: Yes. Press the button at the bottom with the arrows facing outwards. Q: Help! I'm trapped in a well! A: Search the bric wor inch by inch to find an area that's different, then whac it with the Steel Pipe or Wooden Plan . From where you start, the "different" spot is approximately 135 degrees to the left. Q: I'm stuc in a cell in the prison - it won't open! What do I do? A: Keep trying to open the cell door. Q: What is that invisible monster in the prison and what is it saying? A: Apparently it's an invisible Doorman. If you listen to it, you can clearly hear it say "ritual" but when you listen to it bac wards, it says "are you sure?" Go ahead and shoot at it - it will die. Q: I found a loc ed briefcase and a picture of the code in the hotel but the code is covered with mar er. What is it? A: It's random every time so you need to get the Thinner in the elevator on B1F. Then use it on the picture to erase the in . Q: I'm in the hotel and I'm at the employee elevator part. I can't put my stuff in the shelf. What's wrong? A: Go in the elevator, chec the panel and then press Triangle to get out of it to find a note on weight allowance. You NEED TO SEE the weight allowance note in order to put your items in the shelf. Q: Why are there two hotel maps? A: One is for guests and the other is for employees. The guests map doesn't have employee only areas and the employees map does, along with everything else.

Q: I forgot to get the music box outside at the hotel and I can't go outside and get it. What should I do? A: You're trying to exit through the wrong door. You came through the south door. So go there and you will be able to go outside. Q: I can't find the Dog Key. Where is it? A: First, you need to receive the In Water, Leave, and the Maria ending, just the Rebirth ending in the same file. Then load your game and start a new one. Then when you're exiting Rosewater Par , eep going straight and you should enter an open lot with a Dog House with the ey in it. If it's not there, you haven't done it right. It's just west of Jac 's Inn. Q: What's a "grate floor"? A: It's a floor that's ind of li e a metal fence. Meaning it's attached together with metal strips so you can see through it. Q: What is this "Baldwin Mansion" thing in the wal through? I didn't find that area. A: That's the wal through which is for the Born From A Wish scenario in the Greatest Hits version. The Baldwin Mansion is an area in it. Q: I saw some videos in the beginning video that I didn't see in the game. How do I see those videos in the game? A: You can't, they were ta en out. The only place you can find them is in that begining video. In the future there may be more FAQs. If you have a question, just e-mail me and I will gladly answer it. I might put it up here and answer it, too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------========================================================================== 4. P L A Y I N G T H E G A M E ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------c o n t e n t s ------------------------1 | Menus 2 | Game Basics 3 | Combat Strategies 4 | Health Items 5 | Items =-=-= Menus =-=-= ========= Main Menu ========= --------------Beginning Video --------------Is there a beginning video in this game? Yes, but it ta es time for it to come up - around a minute. At first, the video will have no dialog while the music is playing. So the only tal ing you'll hear is Maria at the beginning and end. Once you beat the game, all of the scenes without dialog will have dialog. There are a few scenes which are not in the game because they were ta en out so you should watch it.

-------New Game -------Starting a new game isn't li e continuing from the file you beat the game in. If you start a new game without loading your game, it will be overwritten when you save. Try to avoid this and load your game whenever you want to play again. But if you want to just play a new game, you can do so. So when you start up Silent Hill 2 and you have a complete save file, load it, and then play a new game. Obviously you will have to start a new game your first time through Silent Hill 2. -------Continue -------This option will only be available when you have a game saved on your Memory Card. If not, you won't be able to use it because there is nothing to continue from. When you use the continue option, you will start from where you last saved. It loads very fast which is a good thing. This loads the most recent save from your memory card, so in order to continue another game, you will need to use the load option to load the other file. So if you want to play the file you last saved, it would be quic er to just use the continue opton. Once you beat Silent Hill 2, you can use the continue option to load your stats and then start another game safely. ---Load ---When you load your game, it is just li e using the continue option, only you see the load screen and can choose which file you want to load. So if you want to load a different file that wasn't saved the most recently, you will have to use the load option to load the game. This option can also be used for loading the not most recent files that are completed. But if the most recent file has the game cleared, you can just use continue to load it faster. -----Option -----Yes, it is called option but they do mean options. In the options menu, you can change things li e the control style, wal /run control etc. Chec out what you can change in the Options Menu part somewhere below.

============ In Game Menu ============ The in game menu is very useful and you will have to use it to equip weapons and certain items. To access the in game menu, press Start. You can also chec your status, access the option menu, chec memos, and loo at the map (You can just press triange during the game to access the map). The descriptions for these options are below. Here is an ASCII picture so you can understand the layout of the menu. _______________________________________________ | ----Status--- --Equipment-- |---Command---|| | || | || | | | Equipped |---Use-------|| | | In Game | Item | Examine || | | Screen | | || | |___________| | | _________ | | | | |

| Item Item | Item | Item Item | | | | | | |_________| | |Item Name | | Item Description. Usually what it is and | | where it was found. | | | | ---Option---- ----Memo----- -----Map----- | -----Status -----The top left corner of the menu is an in game screen that may be coloured and/or have static, depending on your health. You can find out what each colour means in the health items part, somewhere below, but here it is so you now: Green: Excellent Clear: Good Clear with minor static: O ay Clear with major static: Bad Faint Red: Very Bad Colourful Red: Terrible --------Equipment --------The weapon you currently have equipped will be under the Equipment title. If you don't have an item equipped, find the one you want, select it and select "Equip". To reload it if it's a firearm, select it and select "Reload". It saves time and is safe to reload in the menu. ------Command ------When you select and item, a few selections under the Command title will show up in a highlighted box. Weapons will have Equip and Reload options. All other items will have Use, and some will have Examine and/or Combine options. -----Option -----Select this to access the Options menu to change certain options. Press L1 or R1 to access the Extra Options to change advanced game options. Read the Options Menu section below for more information on what you can change. ---Memo ---Memos are very useful for solving puzzles. If you forget what a note said, chec the Memo section of the in game menu. Even for some images, not just writing. You can also chec the Memo section of this FAQ to see the memos. --Map --The map is one of the most useful tools in the entire game. It will tell you where you have been and where you haven't been and will have certain symbols for loc ed doors, unloc ed doors, strange objects, et cetera. For

more information, chec the Using the Map section below in the game basics. ============================ Loading and Saving Your Game ============================ After you play through Silent Hill 2, you will see a ran ing screen with all of your stats from the game you just played. When you load your game after you saved the clear data, it will go to that same ran ing screen. Press X and go to new game, then select the Action and Riddle Level you want to play on (only Action Level in Sub Scenario). It is important to do this because if you just turn on Silent Hill 2 after you beat the game earlier, and just start a new game, it is not the same file and when you save, it will overwrite your other data if saved on the same file. So that game will be lost, which is not good. But you can save it on a different file if you wish, but I recommend getting all the endings in one save file. If you wish, you can ma e an alternate save just in case you thin you might not beat some part, or if you want to do a certain thing at that part whenever you want, or other things li e that. Many people don't always load there game very often after beating it, and you might not either. So be careful. As long as you do the above instructions, you'll be fine. ================ Save/Load Screen ================ When you save or load your game, there is your file (if you have one) and spots for other possible saves. This is only one part of the Save/Load screen. You can use the D-Pad to go left or right and see your total time for a file or which endings you have. But each ending is only one letter. Below is what each letter means. L M W R D U X Leave Maria In Water Rebirth Dog UFO* Sub Scenario*

* - Greatest Hits Version Only ============ Options Menu ============ You can change many things in the options menu and here they are: Option Brightness Level Screen Position Button Config Control Type Vibration Auto Load Language Subtitles Sound BGM Volume SE Volume Selections Level 0, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6, Level 7 X and Y Coordinates Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Type 5, Type 6 3D Type, 2D Type Off, Soft, Normal, Hard Off, On English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese Off, On Spea er, Headphone, Monaural ||||||||||||||| (1-15) ||||||||||||||| (1-15)

[Note:] In order to unloc the Bullet Adjust and Noise Effect options you must beat the game first. =-=-=-=-=-= Game Basics =-=-=-=-=-= ========================== Don't let sounds scare you ========================== -----Camera -----The camera angles in Silent Hill 2 may be annoying to some people but I don't find them so at all. Most of the time you can change the camera angle so it is behind your character li e in buildings and sometimes on the street. But in some angles it will just go a little bit further than you're current angle and sometimes you won't be able to see your character, but you can just let go of the button. To reposition the camera angle li e mentioned above, press and hold L2. In buildings it will usually stay behind your character but you can hold it for a bit if not. To see further on the streets you will need to hold L2 to eep the view. You can also free-loo whenever you want. Hold L2 and move the right analog stic in the direction you want to loo at. In large areas your character's head will just move but it can loo cool and funny. But it usually shows you the direction that you hold. -----------------------Static and Sudden Noises -----------------------Yeah, sure they're scary but you don't need to turn around on the long beginning pathway. Sounds of somewhat similar to a dog's bar will be heard and may scare you. Other sounds li e sudden noises are just to ma e you feel scared. You have the radio for a reason - when it's on and there is a monster near you, you will hear static. The volume depends on how close you are to the monter. You cannot hear the static when Doormen are near you though, unless they are very close to you. But if you hear a sudden crash and the radio doesn't ma e static, don't worry about it. The radio doesn't seem to wor in boss fights but you don't need it - it would probably just annoy you and you already now the enemy is there. So when you hear a sound, don't always thin it's an enemy. And eep your radio on at all times. -------------------Sounds and Subtitles -------------------As you will notice when you watch videos in Silent Hill 2, there are a lot of sounds and character lines. Subtitles will capture everything said (somethings aren't captioned, li e when James tal s softly but all the

Extra Options ------------Option Weapon Control Map Blood Color Wal /Run Control View Control Bullet Adjust Noise Effect

Selections Normal, Switch Zoom In, Zoom Out Normal, Green, Violet, Blac Normal, Reverse Normal, Switch x1, x2, x3 Off, On

important dialog is) and will capture what James is thin ing sometimes. He doesn't always tal out loud because he is usually alone. He does sometimes though. ============= Using the Map ============= Yes, you have a map in this game. It should be your best friend. It guides you through your journey in Silent Hill. You will get several maps, usually when you enter a building. For one area, James draws his own map, since there obviously wouldn't be one hanging around in that area. Your map is VERY useful. If you are using the wal through to guide you through Silent Hill 2, then you will need to use the map to figure out where to go in most areas. This is because I will say something li e "Go to Room 208." But don't worry, I describe the locations for all the maps and there is even an Item List in this FAQ. So chec that out if you can't find a map. In dar areas, you will only be able to view your map with your Flashlight turned on or when you're under light spots. To view your map, just simply press the Triangle button. You can also go to Map in the Menu but why do that when you can just press Triangle? To be honest, I use my maps a lot. I now how to beat the game without this guide or the Strategy Guide, but I still find the maps very useful and you should too. Without a map for some areas you can be completely lost, so use it wisely. ============================== Using the Radio and Flashlight ============================== In Silent Hill 2, you will receive a Radio and a Flashlight whether you li e it or not; you have to get them. But why wouldn't you want them? They are both very excellent devices and can be turned on or off. You first find the Radio and it appears to be bro en, with a strange message on it when you get it. But as you find enemies you will notice that it will create static. This is simply to alert the player that there's an enemy nearby. The monsters cannot hear this so it is pointless to turn it off. The Radio is actually very helpful because some enemies can be right in front of you and you can't hear them, and the camera isn't always on them, so eep the Radio on. You find the Flashlight after the Radio but it is very useful, too. You don't need it right away because you are outside and it's daylight at the time. You will need to use it in dar areas for a few reasons: You won't be able to view your map unless you find a light spot, you can't unloc doors with eys because it just says they're loc ed and James can't find the eyhole anyway, you can't use other objects from the menu because it says they can't be used there, and you wont be able to pic up items unless they are in light spots. So be smart and eep your Flashlight on most of the time. Apparently you can turn your Flashlight off and just simply wal by enemies. But I have tried this and it doesn't seem to wor . You can toggle your Flashlight on and off with the Circle button. Keeping it on in the daylight is pointless but it doesn't waste the battery, so if you eep it on it's fine. ===== Memos ===== You may not thin so but these can be useful. Especially for certain puzzles. Memos are gathered after viewing notes that you find; not all notes are memos for some reason. But in the Memo section of this FAQ you will find all of the memos and even some that don't count as memos. ======= Running

======= Yeah, you may not feel so tough running away but the monsters in Silent Hill 2 are worth running away from. Especially on the streets; try not to waste your time illing demons here because it is pretty pointless, unless you are going for a better ran ing. Running away from demons doesn't ma e you a wussie. It is actually quite smart to do this. But if you are trapped, you can't really run so just deal with the enemies. ================= Ammo Conservation ================= A very important thing - you don't want to go around Rambo style, shooting everywhere; you will run out of ammo very quic ly. Shooting an enemy on the ground can be pointless on Normal and Hard Action Level because they have a lot of health. And remember, shooting an enemy just ma es it prone so James can ic it. Always remember to ic enemies to finish them off. But on easier Action Levels it may be easier to ill enemies by shooting them on the ground. It is actually possible to ill enemies with firearms on higher difficulty levels, but it ta es more time. ============= Melee Weapons ============= You have them for a reason - for ammo conservation. When you're running low on ammo or don't even have a gun, you should use a melee weapon. There are a few of them. There is the Wooden Plan , Steel Pipe and Great Knife. Best overall would be the Steel Pipe, but the Wooden Plan is the easiest one to use, and the Great Knife is the most powerful weapon in the game, although it lac s a lot in speed. ===== Codes ===== You'll find several codes throughout the game that you'll need for eypad loc s and such. If you find the codes, they will always be in the memo section of your inventory (except for the Roach Trap where the only evidence is on the eypad), along with the messages for them. But you may want to eep a small piece of paper and a pen for codes to save you some time. You may want to ta e note of where you found them if you don't now what they're for. ========== Soft Reset ========== What is Soft Reset? Well, it is a function so that once you're in the game you don't have reset the console to get bac to the Main Menu. For many other games you actually do have to reset the console. Once you're in the game just hold Start + Select + L1 + R1 and you will be transported to the Main Menu. You might be wondering, why four buttons? Well, would you want it to go bac to the main menu when you pressed a few certain buttons when you were doing good and/or hadn't saved in awhile? I'm sure you'd feel frustrated so instead of only a few buttons there are four, which is just enough. And I don't thin every single button would be too good. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Combat Strategies =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ================= Suggested Weapons =================

-------------Patient Demons -------------These enemies are easy to find and easy to ill. When you encounter one on the streets, just simply run by it. Inside buildings, the best weapons would be the Wooden Plan and the Handgun. If low on ammo use the Wooden Plan , but if you're fine, the Handgun would be the best weapon. One would thin that the Shotgun is good on Patient Demons but it really isn't. If you are at medium range it ta es about the same amount of shots. And the Shotgun ta es longer to ready your aim and the firing rate is too slow. But if you're close to your enemy, the Shotgun can be fantastic. The Handgun is the best overall way to deal with Patient Demons though, as it is quic , has good range, and you can move while shooting. In the Sub Scenario the easiest and best way to deal with Patient Demons is to use to the Revolver. On the streets, there isn't much of a point to ill them but it can be fun to use the Chinese Cleaver.

------------Giant Roaches ------------Roaches aren't much of a threat but they can really annoy you and lower your health. You want to try to ma e James step on it with his heel. If you can't seem to do this, because it is hard, and the Roach is really annoying you, you should only use the Handgun - 1 or 2 shots. Then ic it if it's still alive. Shotgun is just ridiculous and I don't thin you can even aim at them with it. In the Sub Scenario, try to ma e Maria step on the Roach with her heel but if you have trouble, just shoot 1 or 2 Revolver shots at it to ta e care of it. If it's still alive, ic it to finish it off. ---------Mannequins ---------These enemies won't cause much harm at all if you now what you're doing. They appear to be on standby when you aren't close to them but they start up when you move closer. You can just use the Handgun with ease, but you can also use the Wooden Plan or Steel Pipe pretty easily. And if you're going to try to use the Great Knife on one for fun, I suggest you use the Hyper Spray first. In the Sub Scenario with Maria, just use the Revolver with ease or use the Chinese Cleaver to show them who's boss. -----------Nurse Demons -----------Nurse Demons are slightly stronger than Patient Demons. It is best to only use the Handgun. Probably the best and only weapon to ill Nurses. The Shotgun is actually pretty good too, but an effective shot has to be near the enemy. Handgun is good because you can deal with it from far away. The Wooden Plan and Steel Pipe aren't that great because the Nurses carry Steel Pipes. So watch out and eep your distance. -----------Underhangers -----------There is no real point in illing Underhangers. You only encounter under ten and you can dodge them very easily. Just run by them on the opposite

side of them if you can. But if you really feel li e illing them, use the Shotgun. It should only ta e a few shots and since you can't ic the demon it will just die and fall off the grate floor. ------Doormen ------You only encounter four of these demons and a Boss version of one. The one and only suggested weapon is the Shotgun. Usually 2 shots and it will fall to the ground. You won't always have to ic them once they're prone, unless you're on higher difficulties. For the Boss Doorman, use the Shotgun and fire only 2 shots each time and it will fall to the ground. Try to run to the other side of the room before it gets up and repeat this. It only ta es about 6-10 shots to ill the monster, depending on the difficulty, so it isn't that hard. The Hunting Rifle can actually be pretty good on Doormen if you're far away. It's very powerful but ta es awhile to ready your aim. But since it inflicts just about the same power as the Shotgun (at close range), it's not really necessary; you'll need many Rifle Shells for the final two bosses at the end of the game. The Handgun is too wea though, so just stic with the Shotgun. -----------Pyramid Head -----------Once word: run. Whenever you encounter this "red pyramid thing" you should always either run in the opposite direction or run past it if you can. When you encounter Pyramid Head in the first Boss situation, no weapon is necessary. Bullets do slow him down, but the battle is timed so it's not fully necessary. Just run bac and forth to each side of the room until the siren sounds. But for the Pyramid Head Duo, use the Hunting Rifle because of its power. It's also good because the Pyramid Heads move quite slowly. Near the beginning of the fight, you can only fire 1 or 2 bullets (more on easy action level) before the Pyramid Heads close you in. After awhile, you can fire around 2-4 shots until they reach you. You can also use the Handgun which will result in a lot more shots fired because of its wea power. But you can maneuver really well with it and never really have to stop - just eep sidestepping. But if you're doing well, just stic with the Hunting Rifle, unless you have none or low ammo. =============== Kic ing Enemies =============== When you use a weapon on a demon, it just ma es it prone so James can ic it. Or Maria in the Sub Scenario. But if you eep shooting the demon while it's on the ground, it is possible to ill it. But bullets aren't really necessary for this, as ic ing them will do the job. But when trying for a 10 star ran ing, you would want around the same shooting ills as fighting ills. But if not, after the enemy falls to the ground you will have to go up to the demon and ic it to finish it off. This is why the static doesn't stop once the demon is on the ground - because it isn't dead yet. Sometimes the demon may already be dead, so you won't have to ic it. But if the radio's static stops, it is o ay. =============== Pushing Enemies =============== Yes, you can actually push enemies. In two instances in the same area near the end of the game, you will have to do this, but I won't spoil it for you. To push an enemy, just simply run at it and your character will be running on the spot in front of the enemy, but it will slowly be forced to

move the way you're moving and you can get by. You don't have to do this anywhere else but if an enemy is bloc ing your way and you don't feel li e illing it, just push it out of the way. I don't thin it's possible to push Doormen but I am not sure of it. I wouldn't try it anyway as it's a ris of being attac ed. This will wor best on Mannequins because of their standby function. But it can still wor well with Patient Demons, but probably not Nurse Demons because of their pipes. There is too much ris with Dormen and I am sure that you can't push Pyramid Head. Who would try it anyway? ========== Surrounded ========== Yeah, you've gone and done it; the monsters are now surrounding you. How will you ever get out? Well, in some rooms you can be ambushed by two enemies right after you enter. Your character is vulnerable while the screen is blac , fading into the game. So when you access the menu and return to the game, or you when enter a room, you will not be able to see your character for a brief amount of time, but you can still move. Anyway, when you're surrounded by enemies, the best way to go is the Shotgun. It shoots fast enough and is very powerful at close range, especially with its widespread blast. The Handgun is too wea and the Rifle ta es way to long. But you can actually try pushing your way through the enemies (see Pushing Enemies above) but you ris being attac ed. So try to push your way through if you can. If you can't, use the Shotgun. ========================= Fighting Multiple Enemies ========================= This is not when you're surrounded but simply when you have two or more enemies in your sights and they're coming for you. The Handgun is the best gun to use on the three basic enemies (Patient Demon, Mannequin, Nurse Demon), so use it the most. When your targets aren't really close to you, the Handgun is really good. At close range try to use the Shotgun - that is if the enemies are very close. If they are far away and you have enough ammo for it, then try to use the Hunting Rifle. Ma e sure you don't use it on Doormen though, it's horrible. With Doormen, they only come in groups of two (besides the boss), but the Shotgun is still the best and only suggested weapon for them. For the Hangers Boss, use the Shotgun also, as the Handgun is too wea for the beginning. But to conserve ammo, use the Handgun for the last Hanger if you want. Then there's the Pyramid Head Duo. Use the Hunting Rifle and eep your distance. =============== Evading Attac s =============== Once you're being held up certain enemies' certain attac s, you can get out of the attac faster. Repeatedly press the Directional Buttons (D-Pad), the face buttons (X, Square, Triangle, Circle), and the shoulder buttons (L1, L2, R1, R2). This only wor s for attac s where you are being held up; li e you're being strangled by something and you can't move. Not pressing anything is the worst thing you can do as you will receive a lot of damage. =============== Fighting Bosses =============== You'll have to fight several bosses through the game. Each boss is unique and certain weapons will wor better than others. Firearms are the best for boss fights so you should conserve ammo for them. Unli e regular enemies, you'll have to move around a lot while fighting bosses or you'll

receive a beating. Strafing is almost always good (see Strafing just below) for boss fights. If the enemy is closing in on you, moving bac wards probably won't be fast enough. Strafing to the left or right will usually get you out of the enemy's attac (s). If you can sense a boss fight coming up, try to find some more ammo for your firearms. Use melee weapons on the wea er enemies if you don't have a lot of ammo. ======== Strafing ======== With 3D Control in Silent Hill 2, you can strafe and sidestep. With normal Wal /Run Control you can press L1 or R1 to sidestep in the direction you press. L1 is left and R1 is right. When you do the same thing and hold Square, you will strafe in the direction you wanted to. Sidestepping is stepping to the side and strafing is running to the side. So if you strafe, you will move faster in that direction than you would sidestepping. It is better to switch the Wal /Run Control so you don't have to hold Square when you want to strafe, and run aswell. And to sidestep with it changed, just hold Square and L1 or R1 appropriately. So when you have an enemy right in front of you, just strafe out of the way if you can, and continue. But if you're using 2D Control, you can't strafe because it's easy enough to get out of situation li e the above with 2D Control. Just hold the direction you want to go. ========= Reloading ========= Reloading can be a big problem in some fights. Especially in Boss fights and with multiple enemies. But there is an easier way so that your character will not have to reload, themself, in the game. Simply go into the menu and go to the firearm or ammo you're using and select Reload. Now go bac into the game and continue what you were doing. You don't need to do this to beat bosses but it absolutely ma es it easier. Try to use every bullet before doing this, so count off all the shots in your head. But if you have time to reload and you have 1 or 2 bullets left then you might as well reload. But if you have 4 or more you should wait until you have 0. And don't worry about it reloading on you when your magazine or gun has no bullets left; it will only reload if try to shoot while you have 0 bullets left. =-=-=--=-=-= Health Items =-=-=--=-=-= On your way through Silent Hill you will find various health items which will help you get through the game. Without these you would die probably about 90% more... Really. On Beginner Action Level you actually don't really need these at all, though. But on Hard there is no way you'd beat the game without health items because of a certain part aswell as other places. You can find health items on the street, in buildings, and other places. ================= The Health System ================= This is what colour the little screen at the top left corner of the ingame menu: Green - Great Clear - Fine Clear with minor static - O ay

Clear with major static - Pretty Bad Faint Red - Very Bad Colourful Red - Terrible ------------Health Drin s ------------Health Drin s are the easiest items to find. But unli e SH1, they are not as powerful. Health Drin s recover a quarter of your health, which is actually quite nice. You find a lot of them in Silent Hill 2 but that doesn't mean that they aren't very important. Without them you would need to use a full First-Aid Kit for a small wound if you wanted full health. If you get attac ed 1-3 times (depends which enemy), 1 Health Drin should be enough. But obviously if you receive more hits you will have to use more Health Drin s. But this is where First-Aid Kits come in. -------------First-Aid Kits -------------First-Aid Kits aren't that hard to find and they are really good. It is good to use First-Aid Kits and Health Drin s together because you don't want to waste a whole First-Aid Kit on something minor. A First-Aid Kit can heal you to full health after about 5 or more hits, which is pretty amazing. They recover half your health so use them wisely. Try to not use them on minor wounds. Instead, wait until you have lower health and then use one. It is very safe to just use a Health Drin every or every other time you get damaged, although you probably shouldn't and may run out. -------Ampoules -------Ampoules recover all of your health and are the best health items. But they are rare and you shouldn't use them often. You don't get a lot of Ampoules so don't go wasting them. You should only use an Ampoule if you have really low health and you're saving your health items for bosses or you have no other health items. If this should ever happen be very cautious - meaning try to stay away from enemies and run right past them on the streets, and loo for health items on the streets. ================= Recovering Health ================= Once you have been attac ed and your health isn't so great, you should use a health item. But while you're going to to menu and exiting the menu you are vulnerable to enemies around you and you can't see for a brief amount of time. Try to stay away from enemies while recovering health. How will you now when to use a health item in the game? Well, if you're using a Dual Shoc 2 Controller you will be able to feel James' heartbeat from the vibration of the controller. You will feel the heartbeat if you have pretty bad, bad, or terrible health. The harder you feel it, the worse condition James is. But if you now you've ta en a lot of hits, you might just want to chec you health and use a Health Drin or First-Aid Kit. =-=-= Items =-=-= =========== Using Items =========== ----

Keys ---On your journey in Silent Hill you will find many items. A lot of them will be eys so get used to finding many eys. Keys are not usually found at very obvious places but they are pretty easy to find. To use a ey, all you will need to do is go up to a door that you have a ey for and press X to use it, and then go through the door. But not all eys are li e this. The above is for opening doors. For loc s on certain items you will need to use the eys in the menu but you can save time if there are two eys (see Combining Items below) that are used on the same thing. Keys are found the most besides health and ammo items but not always will you use a ey right after you get it. ----------Other Items ----------There are other items that are not eys but can be just as or more important than eys. Items li e a Lighter for example can't be used by just wal ing up to where you use it; you will have to use it in the menu. Li e eys, other items can be combined and sometimes will have to be combined in order to advance. --------------Combining Items --------------Combining items can be an easier way to use items so that you don't have to go bac to the menu and use each of the number of items used on the same thing. And in some instances you will have to combine items. So in order to combine and use items, you must go on one of the items, select it, select "Combine", press Triangle, go to the next item and repeat this process until you have all the items you're going to combine, then select "Use" on one of the already combined items. Not all items can be combined though. So if there is a ey to a certain room and a ey to another room, there won't even be a "Combine" option for either of them. And some other items that have the "Combine" option li e a ring and a ey for example, you won't be able to use them if you combine them because the combination can't be used, unless there is a eyhole and a spot for a ring which there never is in Silent Hill 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------========================================================================== 5. D I F F I C U L T Y S E T T I N G S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------Before you play a game of Silent Hill 2 you will need to choose two levels of difficulty. Gameplay and puzzles. ============ Action Level ============ -------Beginner -------When enemies receive 1 or 2 hits from your wea est firearm they will fall to the ground and usually die. You don't have to reload any of your firearms, except if you hold X to continuously fire. If you are being held by a monster, James sha es himself out of the attac automatically. Bosses are very easy and move slow, so you can easily beat the game without receiving any hits. Enemies don't regenerate. This is obviously the easiest Action Level and you shouldn't have any problems with it, besides

puzzles and getting lost. When you first play Silent Hill 2 this Action Level can be all right to start on. But after that you are just being a menace to the monsters since it will be even easier. And for the boat stage you use the D-Pad to control the boat which is easy. So basically you have your wor cut out for you on Beginner. ---Easy ---This Action Level is very similar to Beginner but when enemies receive 23 hits they will fall to the ground and you may have ic them to finish them off. Bosses are still easy but aren't as easy and are half as much as their usual strength. None or few enemies will regenerate. For the boat stage you use the D-Pad to control the boat which is easy. -----Normal -----For hardcore Silent Hill gamers, Normal Action Level is a good way to play the first time through the game. It is self-explanatory because it is called "Normal" and this is how Silent Hill 2 is supposed to be played. Enemies will fall to the ground in 3 to 4 shots from your wea est firearm. You will have to ic enemies after you shoot them to the ground, unless you ta e many shots at the enemy while it's on the ground. Enemies tend to regenerate in certain areas. If you are grabbed by an enemy you must use the movement controls and the shoulder buttons to get out of the attac . You will always have to reload your weapon yourself. And for the boat stage you will still use the D-Pad to control the boat. ---Hard ---This is hardest difficulty in Silent Hill 2; hence the title "hard". Enemies will ta e 4 to 5 shots with your wea est firearm just to fall down, and then you will have to ic them, or use around 10-15 more shots to ill them on the ground. Bosses have full strength and speed. Enemies regenerate a lot and if you don't ic an enemy after it's on the ground it will get right bac up and have close to full strength. James tends be very clumsy li e Harry in SH1 - he will somewhat trip over himself when you run into wall or door. He'll hit the object, causing him to slow down. But unli e SH1, James will always do this if you're running fast to a door, trying to open it, and you can't go through doors before this happens. James' aiming won't be as great as in other action levels but it isn't that noticeable. For the boat stage you will have to use both analog stic s to control the boat which can be hard. ============ Riddle Level ============ ---Easy ---All puzzles are fairly easy and you are pretty much told the answer by memos. This is a good way to start your first journey and to now what the puzzles are li e. -----Normal -----Moderate puzzles but some can be difficult. Others are still pretty easy.

You aren't told the answer but it is described in a riddle. This is the way Silent Hill 2 should be played, especially if you're familiar with Silent Hill games. ---Hard ---Puzzles are hard to solve and require you to actually thin hard. Other puzzles can be really hard and one is completely random. ----Extra ----Puzzles are very hard and require a lot of thin ing. Some will even ma e you guess and frustration is commonly caused by this mode. You will be able to play this riddle level once you beat the game on all three Riddle Levels. There is no Extra Riddle Level option but when you play on Hard Action Level and Hard Riddle Level it is the Extra Riddle Level. But first you must unloc it and have the file loaded. If you had problems with previous difficulties then I recommend you don't play this difficulty yet. Instead, you may want to try Hard a few more times to understand the puzzles more. -------------------------------------------------------------------------========================================================================== M A I N S C E N A R I O ========================================================================== ========================================================================== 6. P R O L O G U E ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------James Sunderland receives a letter from his wife who, from his nowledge, has been dead for three years. The envelope has his wife's name, Mary, on it in her handwriting. The letter reads: In my restless dreams, I see that town. Silent Hill. You promised me you'd ta e me there again someday. But you never did. Well, I'm alone there now... In our "special place"... Waiting for you... So James drives to Silent Hill in his car and stops at a rest stop once he gets there. James says to himself, "A dead person can't write a letter." He tal s to himself wondering what their "special place" was. Then something comes to mind - Rosewater Par . They spent a whole day there staring at the la e. The main road is bloc ed so James will have to set off to his "special place" on foot, in search of Mary. But will he find the truth or something else? --------------------------------------------------------------------------

========================================================================== 7. C H A R A C T E R S ========================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------James Sunderland ---------------Age: 29 James is the main character in Silent Hill 2. He has brown eyes and blonde hair. He wor s as a cler for a small company. James is quiet and doesn't li e tal ing too much. He was a proud and loving husband until his wife, Mary, was stric en with a rare and fatal disease, and there was no chance. He hasn't been the same since. ----------------------Mary Sheperd-Sunderland ----------------------Age: 25 James' dearly departed wife. She was originally cheerful and ind. In bed, she cried that she didn't want to die, yet she hoped for death at the same time, during her agony. She told James to abandon her because she was ugly and useless, but she also said that she wanted James to be by her side until she died. Silent Hill was James and Mary's "special place" because of their many great memories there. Mary was ill and died three years ago, but James received a letter that was from Mary. James decides to come to Silent Hill to find her. But could she still be alive? ------------Angela Orosco ------------Age: 19 James first meets this woman in the graveyard in East South Vale. She has dar hair and brown eyes. She's apparently loo ing for her mother, who she very dearly misses. She appears to be a regular girl but she isn't. She hesitates and doesn't answer some of James' questions. After Angela graduated from high school, she ran away from home. But her father found her and brought her bac . Once again she ran away, but this time she wandered off to Silent Hill. ---------------Eddie Dombrows i ---------------Age: 23 James meets Eddie in the apartments when he's pu ing in a toilet. He has blonde hair and gray eyes. He wor ed part-time at a gas station. He is pretty much li e the average guy but he seems to be defensive all of a sudden. Eddie seems awfully concerned with exonerating himself for the murders that eep cropping his wa e. He seems li e a murderer but denies everything. Eddie is no resident of Silent Hill, so why is he in this town? ----Laura ----Age: 8 This young little girl seems to have a sharp grudge against James, although he has no idea who she is. She somehow nows things about James, including him and Mary. Laura has blonde hair and blue eyes. She creates problems for James when he already has other things on his mind. Laura has no parents nor siblings; she lived in an orphanage. She is restless and

----Maria ----Age: 25 A strange woman who James meets in Silent Hill. She could be the twin sister of Mary, except for a few physical and behavioral characteristics. It appears that Maria used to wor at Heaven's Night before Silent Hill went insane. She is cheerful, positive, and can be very emotional in certain situations. She tal s loo ing straight into the other person's eyes and she does the same when listening. Maria seems a little strange and she nows James' name without him telling her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------========================================================================== 8. E N E M I E S ========================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patient Demons -------------Locations: South Vale, Wood Side Apartments, Blue Cree Apartments, Historical Society, Toluca Prison, The Labyrinth This is the first demon James encounters. Patient Demons have two attac s in different stances. When the demon is standing up it will attac by spitting a yellow acid-li e spray at James, which stuns him. When the demon is face down on the ground, the attac will be scrambling towards James and hitting him, which inflicts mild damage. When you encounter Patient Demons, use the Wooden Plan or Steel Pipe if your ammo is scarce. If not, use the Handgun. Knoc the demon down to the ground by hitting it with a melee weapon or shooting it down with the Handgun, and then finish the demon off by ic ing it once. If you do not ic the demon when it is on the ground it will get bac up and will have nearly full health. So ma e sure you always ic the demon when it's on the ground. This goes for all demons, unless they die before you get a chance to ic them, or if you can't ic them at all (for example, if it were behind bars). If you do not want to fight a Patient Demon, just run away. If you are in a dar area you may be able to wal right by them without them nowing you are there. ------------Giant Roaches ------------Locations: East South Vale, Wood Side Apartments, Blue Cree Apartments, Dar South Vale, Historical Society You can hear a Roach by listening for a buzzing/cric et sound. A Roach has one type of attac . It will run towards you and will bite James' foot. To deal with a Roach, simply run away until it's gone or just run at it so that James' heel of his shoe will crush it. But if it is really annoying you, use the Handgun - 1 or 2 shots, then ic it if necessary. If you're in an open area li e the streets, Roaches will try to run away if you're not that close to them. But if you're in a small area, it's very li ely that they will try to attac you. ---------Mannequins ----------

doesn't stay put. Does she

now who James is or is she just a little brat?

Locations: Wood Side Apartments, Blue Cree Apartments, West South Vale, Broo haven Hospital, Nightmare Hospital, Dar South Vale, La e View Hotel Mannequins have only one attac . Their attac is at extremely close range, so they're pretty easy to get by. Their attac is whac ing James with one of their arms/legs. This attac is powerful so stay away from Mannequins. Don't worry about using a melee weapon on them, but don't under exaggerate them. If you have a lot of ammo, use the Handgun to deal with them. -----------Nurse Demons -----------Locations: Broo haven Hospital, Nightmare Hospital, Dar South Vale Nurse Demons are only in Broo haven Hospital and on the nearby streets, so you don't have to worry too much about encountering them. Nurse Demons carry steel pipes very similar to James'. They have two attac s; swiping or thrusting James with their pipes. Both inflict quite a bit of damage. The Nurses may attac you from further away than you thin , so be careful. If there are two Nurses close to each other, in front and behind, there is a very good chance that the Nurse behind will whac the Nurse in the front, just trying to hit you, even if you're somewhat near them. To deal with a Nurse, use the Handgun. But if you are low on ammo use the Steel Pipe, but beware that your range just a bit larger than the Nurses', as the weapons are similar. -----------Underhangers -----------Locations: Grate floors - Dar

South Vale, The Labyrinth, Nightmare Hotel

Underhangers are found only under grate floors. Their attac is shooting tendrils at your feet with their huge arms, if you are above them. This will stun James. When you encounter a lair of Underhangers just run over them, dodging their attac s, and loo for safe spots where they can't attac you. Attempting to ill an Underhanger is a waste of time, so just run past them. But if you want to ill one just for fun, use the Shotgun. Since you can't ic it, it will fall off the grating once it ta es enough hits. ------Doormen ------Locations: La e View Hotel (Boss: The Labyrinth) The attac range of a Doorman is pretty big, so be aware! Its only attac is grabbing James and pulling him under its frame. This will inflict a lot of damage. Use the appropriate buttons on the controller to get out of the attac . When you encounter a Doorman, use the Shotgun as its range and power are great. After a Doormen is on the ground, ma e sure to ic it or it might get up and have nearly full health. If the Doorman dies before you ic it, it's dead. This usually happens when you use the Shotgun, which is a good thing. The boss Doorman is much stronger than normal Doormen, so don't be afraid of them. But also ma e sure to don't let them get too close. -----------Pyramid Head ------------

Locations: Wood Side Apartments, Blue Cree Apartments, Broo haven Hospital, Nightmare Hospital, The Labyrinth, Nightmare Hotel This bizarre pyramid-headed creature is James' worst nightmare! It's invincible! James encounters Pyramid Head many times in the game and always ends up not illing it. In a boss situation, beware of Pyramid Head's long-range attac with his Great Knife or Lightweight Spear. When you encounter Pyramid Head and it's not a boss situation, just run away since Pyramid Head is invincible. -------------------------------------------------------------------------========================================================================== 9. W E A P O N S A N D S U P P L I E S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------=-=-=-= WEAPONS =-=-=-= ============= Melee Weapons ============= These weapons do not require ammunition. Instead, you have to hit the enemy with your melee weapon. If you ever run out of ammunition, or if your ammunition is scarce, equip and use a melee weapon. -----------Wooden Plan -----------"Wooden Plan with nails at one end. Not very powerful, but easy to use." The Wooden Plan is the first weapon James acquires. This is a two-byfour board of wood about 3 feet long with nails at one end. The Wooden Plan is only good at close range, but it inflicts a moderate amount of damage. So be careful when attac ing enemies and don't worry too much about their health. To use the plan , hold the R2 button to ready your weapon and press or hold the X button. The plan has two methods of attac ; an across or downward swing. Doing the above will perform an across swing and if you press X hard you will perform a downward swing. The downward swing is more powerful and has greater range. You can also attac while running on the streets. Run, holding R2, and press or hold X to swing. If you can, try to attac from behind with the plan because of its extremely close range. You can find the Wooden Plan at the construction site at the north end of Vachss Road. ---------Steel Pipe ---------"3-foot long steel pipe. Not very destructive, but good range." A long shaft of bonded steel, which has a greater range than the Wooden Plan . To use it, hold R2 and press or hold X. The only attac s you can perform are a thrust attac and a downward swing. Both are very powerful. Pressing X will do a thrust attac and pressing it harder will do a downward swing. James can find the Steel Pipe at the Texxon Gas Station at the northeast corner of Nathan Avenue and Carroll Street, stuc in the hood of the car. ----------Great Knife -----------

"Massive weapon wielded by Pyramid Head. Hard to use, but lethal." Before James acquires the Great Knife, the demon that James refers to as "Pyramid Head" wields this enormous nife. The Great Knife is an incredibly large and heavy blade with a razor-sharp edge. The Great Knife will indeed ill or at least noc down almost anything in one hit, but it is very aw ward to handle and use. James can only drag the Knife across the floor, which slows him down a lot since it's very heavy. To use the Great Knife, hold R2 and press or hold X, and James will lift the weapon off the ground and swing it in a clumsy arc at the face height. That's ust one attac ; there is an even more powerful attac . If you hold R2 and press or hold X tightly/hard, James will bring the nife over his head and swing downward in a very fast, slicing action. Enemies have a lot of time to stop you from performing your attac , so be careful when using it. It is strongly suggested that you use the Hyper Spray, if available, before use. James can find the Great Knife in the center room of Pyramid Head's Lair in the Labyrinth. -------Chainsaw -------"Gas-powered chainsaw. Extremely high attac


Only in a replay game can James acquire the Chainsaw. It's a little hefty and aw ward to use. To start it up, you must hold R2, and press or hold X to saw bac and fourth at head level. If you hold up while you press X you will perform a thrust attac . Try to attac from behind because of the time it ta es to get going. If you decide to attac from the front, it's wise to use the Hyper Spray first, if available. In a replay game, James can find the Chainsaw stuc in the pile of logs across from the Silent Hill Ranch. Trust Me, you'll now where it is. ----------Hyper Spray ----------"Suspicious spray can. Effect un nown." James can only find this can of aerosol spray in a replay game. The Hyper Spray will immobilize one or multiple enemies for only a brief amount of time. However, the noxious fumes are also dangerous to James. It will drain his health if you use the Hyper Spray too much. To use the Hyper Spray, hold R2 and press or hold X. If you press X it will spray for about two seconds, and it will continuously spray if you hold it. If you use it a lot, James will have to sha e the can to get it going again, but it can never run out of spray. If you spray the fluid at an enemy it will be immobilized briefly. Now ta e out any other weapon and use it to defeat the enemy. There are four different colours of spray that depend on your ran ing. Green is the best and it will ill enemies instead of freezing them. A 10 star ran ing is required to get the green spray. Chec out the Ran ing section for more information. To unloc the Hyper Spray, you must beat the game on Normal or Hard Action Level. Then it will be in the motorhome on the south side of the intersection of Saul Street and Harris. ======== Firearms ======== Each gun comes loaded with one clip. You will have to collect ammunition that is lying around to eep using guns. Each gun is different in speed and power.

------Handgun ------"Full clip holds 10 bullets. Light handgun. Not much stopping power, but easy to use." An M92F Beretta pistol that holds 10 bullets in each clip. Handgun Bullet pic -ups normally contain 10 bullets. To use the Handgun, hold R2 to target an enemy near you, and press X to fire a shot. To fire multiple shots, hold X. The Handgun is the best overall weapon in the game so try to get all the ammo you can find for it. James finds the Handgun in the shopping cart in the center of Room 301 on 3F, Wood Side Apartments. You must have the Flashlight and have it on to get it. ------Shotgun ------"Maximum capacity 6 shots. Tough to use, but can attac opponents in a group."

------------Hunting Rifle ------------"Maximum capacity 4 shots. Ta es a long time between shots, but each shot is very powerful." The Hunting Rifle has extremely precise aiming with extremely long range. Rifle Shell pic -ups normally contain 4 shells. To use the Hunting Rifle, hold R2 to target an enemy, preferably far away, and press or hold X to shoot. You should only use the Hunting Rifle for the last two battles of the game. If you don't, it may be very hard to beat the game. Only if you now how much ammo you need for the battles, and if you have plenty enough of ammunition for the Hunting Rifle, you should use it. It's not that good of a weapon on regular enemies anyway, but do whatever you want to do. If you do use it, eep trac of your ammunition and beware of its very slow firing rate. =-=-=-=SUPPLIES -=-=-=-= Below are all the supplies in Silent Hill 2. Legend ---------------|Availability |1 - Scarce |2 - Rare |3 - Usual |4 - Often |5 - Very Common | |Health Restored

| | | | | | | |

A normal Shotgun with a wide blast radius. The Shotgun holds 6 shells. Shotgun Shell pic -ups normally contain 6 shells. To use the Shotgun, wal close to an enemy so you can use the Shotgun's wide blast radius. Hold R2 and press or hold X to shoot. You should mostly use the Shotgun for boss battles, but you can also use it on normal enemies if you have plenty enough of ammunition. James can find the Shotgun in a loc er in the Women's Loc er Room on 2F, Broo haven Hospital.

|25%-100% | |Power |1 - Terrible |2 - Bad |3 - O ay |4 - Good |5 - Great ----------------

| | | | | | | |

-----------Health Drin -----------Availability: 5 Health Restored: 25% "Restores energy by providing nourishment. Effects are fairly mild." Health Drin s are very common and they're very useful. You should use one after you get hit a few times as it heals a quarter of your health. Don't go wasting them on very minor wounds; wait until you start to have a lot of static on the status screen. If you see some red, use a First-Aid Kit instead. ------------First-Aid Kit ------------Availability: 3 Health Restored: 50% "Restores energy by healing wounds. Effects are moderate." Very helpful items but aren't as easy to find as Health Drin s. You can still find a lot of them though. They recover half your health so use one when you have faint red health. Don't be surprised if you have more FirstAid Kits then Health Drin s near the end of the game. Because you'll probably use a lot of Health Drin s recovering minor wounds. Try to save these for boss fights. You don't really need to but bosses' attac s are more powerful and may require more than a Health Drin to heal. Major wounds are best dealt with Ampoules. ------Ampoule ------Availability: 1 Health Restored: 100% "Restores energy by relieving pain. Effects are powerful." Ampoules will recover all your health and are best to use only when you have colourful red health. When you have little or no other health items, wait until you have red health to use one of these, unless another attac will ill you. If you do have other health items, use those if your health isn't so bad. --------------Handgun Bullets --------------Availability: 5 Power: 3

"Bullets for a handgun." Provide the Handgun with bullets. The Handgun is the best overall weapon in the game. It has a quic firing rate, has moderate power, and you can maneuver very easily with it. So be sure to pic up every pac of Handgun Bullets you can find and they will really help you. But don't go illing every enemy with the Handgun or you may run out of ammo. Conserve your ammo by using melee weapons li e the Wooden Plan and the Steel Pipe. -------------Shotgun Shells -------------Availability: 3 Power: 5 "Ammunition for a shotgun." Not as easy to find as Handgun Bullets but are very powerful with the Shotgun. The widespread gives the Shotgun good range and is very powerful at close range. The Shotgun is a great weapon, but isn't really necessary to use on normal enemies as the Handgun is good enough. Try to save Shotgun Shells for boss fights and tougher enemies li e Doormen. -----------Rifle Shells -----------Availability: 1 Power: 5 "Ammunition for a hunting rifle." Rifle Shells are rare and you won't find some until around half-way through the game. Once you get the Hunting Rifle, don't plan on using it right away. You should only use it for the last two bosses at the end of the game. It's not really good on normal enemies anyway because of its slow firing rate, and it's meant for long range. Since Rifle Shells are scarce, conserve them until the final two battles because you'll probably need them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------========================================================================== 10. C O N T R O L S ========================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------------Control Function D-Pad/Left Analog Stic Movement (2D or 3D style), move in Menu/ Screen cursor START Open Menu, accept, s ip scene SELECT Pause game X Accept, search, attac , stomp or ic Square Run, guard Circle Cancel, exit Menu/Puzzle, toggle Flashlight ON/OFF Triangle Quic Map R1 Sidestep right L1 Sidestep left R2 Ready weapon L2 + Right Analog Stic Loo in all forward directions L2 Position camera behind James

L1 + R1 Start + Select + L1 + R1

Turn 180 degrees Soft Reset

================= 3D and 2D Control ================= The default setting is 3D Control but you may change it in the Options Menu if you wish. In 3D Control, in order to move you will need to ma e the front of James facing the direction you want to travel. In 2D Control you can just run whichever way you want to without changing where James is facing. ============== Secret Options ============== To access this menu you need to go to the Options Menu, then press either L1 or R1. In this Secret Options Menu you can change different things including Noise Filter, which ma es the game loo all fuzzy if it is on, Wal /Run Control which you can ma e it so you don't have to hold Square to run or if you have to. Others are Weapon Control, Map Zoom, Blood Color, and View Control. But in order to turn the Noise Filter off you need to beat the game at least once. You will also receive the ammo multiplying option once you beat the game. So you can multiply each ammo pic -up by 2 or 3. ========================== Switching Wal /Run Control ========================== In Silent Hill 2 you will be running for the majority of the game. It is mostly pointless to not run in some cases - even in very small areas. So go in the Secret Options menu and switch the Wal /Run Control so you don't have to hold Square the whole time. This is a lot better for the whole game and especially on the streets and larger areas. Holding the Square button the whole time can get very annoying. So do yourself a favour and change it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------========================================================================== 11. W A L K T H R O U G H ========================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Legend | | | | n e w a r e a | | ---=-====---=--- | | | | p u z z l e | | ---------------- | | | | o p t i o n a l | | +++++++++++++++ | | | | b o s s | | =====------===== | -----------------Recommendations --------------I highly recomend that you change the Wal /Run control to Reverse. This

ma es it so you don't need to hold Square to run. And you run for the majority of the game so it is much easier for you. To change it, go to the options menu and press L1 or R1 to access the secret options. And if you do want to wal , which is never really necessary, just hold Square. If you want a scary experience, play using headphones. Also try playing with no lights on at night. Try to play alone so the atmosphere is at its best. [Note:] This FAQ was made while playing on Normal Action Level. Therefore enemy locations may vary on other difficulties, although items will be the same. [Note:] All items, weapons, maps, and supplies are in CAPITALS. 01 // e a s t s o u t h v a l e ==---=-=-=====---==-==---=-====---=-=-=====----=-=-=-====--=-======---===When you start, a video will play. After it's over, chec your inventory to find that you have a LETTER FROM MARY and a PHOTO OF MARY. If you ever examine these items, you'll have a less chance of receiving a certain ending. Do whatever you want but you can chec the Endings section of this FAQ for more information. Exit the washroom and another video will play. After it's over, run over to the driver's side of James' blue car and ta e the MAP OF SILENT HILL on the seat. Then run west until you see "Toluca La e" on a sign by some stairs. The road to the west is bloc ed so go down these stairs. Keep following the path until you reach well. If you examine the well, you can find a SAVE POINT inside it. Go through the steel gate further down the path. Follow the path and it will diverge into a graveyard. Head towards the graves and James will meet a young dar -haired woman and as s for directions to Silent Hill. She tells James the town in dangerous but he doesn't care and that he'll go anyway. From now and on, use your map to now where you go. After the video is over, head to the northwest gate in the corner and go through it. Now follow this path for awhile and then you'll need to go through a gate near the fenced area. Now you're on Wiltse Road so continue all the way to Sanders Street. When you reach Sanders Street, head to the other side of the road and move east past the Flower Shop. Grab the FIRST-AID KIT on the table run west to Lindsey Street. James finds some blood strea s on the road and a monster is seen in the distance on Lindsey Street. If you want a HEALTH DRINK, there's one up some stairs at the southwest corner of Sanders and Lindsey Street. Head north on Lindsey Street on the east sidewal since Katz Street is bloc ed off. Get the HEALTH DRINK sitting by the garage door and continue to Vachss Road, where blood strea s are seen again. There's another HEALTH DRINK by another garage door on Lindsey Street, past the opening of Vachss. Move east down Vachss and enter the fenced area to find 2 HEALTH DRINKS and a SAVE POINT on a table. Exit the area and continue down Vachss Road, past a gate, until you reach a construction site where some wierd static is heard; enter the site through the wood plan s. A video will play and James finds a RADIO inside that seems to be ma ing the rac et. Then he sees a Patient Demon and ta es a WOODEN PLANK from the barricade structure to fight it. From now and on, use the Wooden Plan until further notice. Now hold R2 and wal up to the demon, and then whac it with the X button until it falls down. James will confirm that the

demon is illed. Exit the construction site and James ta es out the radio, which then ma es more static and a voice similar to Mary's is heard; but it's not very clear. Run bac to Lindsey Street. There are some more Patient Demons around here so just watch out. Feel free to practice your plan s ills and ill them. Near the Katz and Lindsey Street intersection you'll find a stone momument with partially readable words engraved into it. When you're done here, head to Katz Street to find that it's not bloc ed anymore. What you want to do is to get the Rosewater Par but it won't be so easy. North Neely Street is bloc ed and west Katz Street is bloc ed off with a loc ed door, and there's a loc ed gate that leads to the apartments; so expect to go bac there. You're next step is to try Saul Street. So head there, and if you want some health, there is a HEALTH DRINK past halfway down the south Martin Street/alley on the east side. You'll probably encounter an annoying Giant Roach and some Patient Demons by the alley though. Also be sure to pic up the FIRST-AID KIT at the east side of Happy Burger on the way to Saul. Once at Saul Street, you'll notice that it's bloc ed off with a loc ed gate door, but there's a motorhome very close to it; so enter it. There is a memo saying "I'll wait at 'BAR Neely's'" on the couch, so that's your next destination. There's also a SAVE POINT on the bed. Exit the motorhome through the left door and head to Neely's Bar. Once inside, loo at the map on the counter and James will notice a question mar at the top of Martin Street. Read the strange message on the paper-covered window and exit the bar. Ma e your way to Martin Street past some Patient Demons and you'll here a Roach somewhere when you get there. Move north up the street, getting the HEATH DRINK by the left fence on the way. If you want a suprise, run right beside the white van. The Patient Demon will be moving on the ground for awhile so just ignore it and move north to find a corpse where the question mar is. You can find an APARTMENT GATE KEY right by the corpse. Finally you have a ey; there's a loc ed apartment gate at west Katz Street so head there. On the way, you may want to head north up Neely Street for a corpse with six memos near it giving you tips on the monsters. There will also be Patient Demons moving on the ground there so ill them before reading the memos. At the corner of Katz and Neely Street, you can find a FIRST-AID KIT and a pac of HANDGUN BULLETS. Continue west, past some enemies, until you reach the gate where the camera angle changes. Go through the gate door, using the APARTMENT GATE KEY, and then enter the apartments in front of you, which is called Wood Side Apartments. 02 // w o o d s i d e a p a r t m e n t s ---===-=-=====-=--=-===-=-=-=-======--====--=-==-=====----=-=-===---==-=== When you enter, turn left and get the MAP OF THE APT BLDG on the bulletin board. There's a SAVE POINT on the wall to the right and a HEALTH DRINK on the small bric wor by the stairs. The door leading to the courtyard is loc ed so go up to 2F. It's too dar here to read your map so head to the right, ignoring the north hallway, and when you reach the Patient Demon go through the door there, which should be Room 205. Inside you'll notice light coming from a fashion dummy wearing clothes similar to Mary's. Grab the FLASHLIGHT on it and then a Mannequin monster will get up from behind it. Kill it if you want or just exit. Head bac towards the stairwell, moving past a Patient Demon on the way, and go through the open blue doorway there. Examine the garbage shoot to find

some stuc garbage in the shoot. You don't have anything for it now, so enter the stairwell and go up to 3F. On the other side of the gate thing here, a ey is seen. Try to grab it and a little girl will step on James' hand and ic the ey away. She'll laugh and run away. Since you can't get the ey now, enter the only open room up here which is Room 101 at the end of the hallway. After you enter, wal up to the shopping cart in the middle of the room and ta e the HANDGUN (ma e sure your Flashlight is on so you can get it). Try not to use the Handgun yet, even if you have ammo for it. Exit the room and run bac down to 2F. Now head east and try to head north up the hallway and you'll hear a muffled scream. So head north, where it's coming from, and you will see a demon glowing red on the other side of the gate bloc ade! What is going on here!? Enter the close by Room 208 to find someone murdered sitting in a chair with the TV on. Notice something shining on the shelf and ta e the KEY TO ROOM 202. If you go through the doorway by the shelf, you'll find a cloc in an empty room. You can try to push it but it won't budge, so just exit the room. The monster is gone now and since you have the ey, head to Room 202 past a Patient Demon, using the KEY TO ROOM 202 to get inside. First, get the HEALTH DRINK on the itchenette counter, then enter the open bedroom. Go up to the hole in the wall with green liquid coming out of it. Examine the hole to get the CLOCK KEY. There's a cloc in Room 208 so exit the room and run to Room 208 again. Go in the cloc room, go up to the cloc and use the CLOCK KEY on the cloc face. c l o c p u z z l e -------------------------------------------------------------------------There are some clues in this room on how to solve this puzzle but you can just read the solution at the bottom of this puzzle section below.

"The scars from the past shall remove the nail that stops Time." The idea is to move the cloc out of the way but you can't so you have to do something. You'll need to find more clues. In the main section of this room, there's a memo by the phone on a small wall table. The memo is different depending on your riddle level: EASY: "Three different sizes, time on the run. Three young men circlin' round the sun. Henry is short and very, very slow, Scott can't stop, he's always on the go." The memo uses the names as the hands of the cloc . So Henry would be the hour hand on the cloc since he's "short and very, very slow" and Scott is obviously the second hand as "he's always on the go." NORMAL/HARD/EXTRA:

First, there's a memo on the side of the cloc

that says:

"Three needles stand of three different heights. That fat, the tall and the thin. From slow to fast they move to the right. Scott rest not on three, but fifteen." The "Three needles" are easy to understand. They are simply the hands on the cloc . "The fat, the tall and the thin" - Hour, minute and second hands. "From slow to fast they move to the right" describes the order of the hands: Hour, Minute, Second. There's also another way to tell the names of the hands and this is how you're sure who is the minute hand. Loo at the first letter of each name: (H) Henry - (H) Hours (M) Mildred - (M) Minutes (S) Scott - (S) Seconds Go to the small room with the cloc to find something written on the wall that the cloc is facing. The memo has three names names and directions for each of them. There's Henry and Scott from the other memo and Mildred. Mildred would be the minute hand since that's the last one left, and you determined that with the first letters of each name and hand. The arrows for each name are as the following: Henry: 9 - (9 hours) - hour hand Mildred: 2 (10 minutes) - minute hand Scott: 3 (15 seconds) - second hand So that leaves you with 9:10 and 15 seconds. But if you chec the cloc , you'll notice that the second hand doesn't move and it's already on 15 seconds, so don't worry about that one. You now have the solution so turn the cloc hands to 9:10, and you should hear a clan . That would be the "nail that stops Time", from the memo, unloc ing. You can now push the cloc and move on. No matter what Riddle Level you're playing, the answer to this puzzle is always 9:10. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Now go to the right side of the cloc and push it, for a hole to be revealed. Go through the hole to find yourself in Room 209. Enter the main section of the room to find a SAVE POINT on a pushcart. Move into the itchenette to find a HEALTH DRINK. Exit the room and go through the blue door, which is the north stairwell. Go up the stairs and get the HANDGUN BULLETS placed on the ledge. Go through the 3F door and go past a couple of doors with bro en loc s, then enter Room 307 to see a video of a pyramid-headed creature doing something with two Mannequins. James hides in a closet and fires at the monster when it comes close, which causes it to leave the room. After the video, get the COURTYARD KEY in the closet where James was hiding. Exit the room and head south past the Patient Demon to the end of the hall. Then move west and get the FIRE ESCAPE KEY that the little girl ic ed earlier. Enter the laundry room to the left and get the HANDGUN BULLETS on the floor. If you want some health and ammo, enter Room 303. There is a Patient Demon in the right room, but there are no items in there. Grab the FIRST-AID KIT on the left small cabinet in the main room. A pac of HANDGUN BULLETS is on the bed in a room to the left, and a HEALTH DRINK is on the tipped over fridge in the itchenette. Exit the room when you're

done and enter the stairwell at the east end of the hall. Go down to 1F and go down the open hallway. At the end, ta e the CANNED JUICE in front of Room 107. Go bac and exit through the double doors, unloc ing them first. Run west to the other double doors and go through them. Go up to 2F and go in the laundry room beside the stairway door. Go up to the garbage shoot and enter your inventory see if you have any heavy items. The CANNED JUICE should do, so use it and the garbage will be noc ed down. Go bac down to 1F and exit through the lobby doors. Go to the bottom of the garbage shoot which is around the corner to the right. Ta e the COIN [OLD MAN]. There is also a memo in the garbage. Study the memo, because later you will need to now something about it. Go bac through the lobby doors and go through the courtyard door, using the COURTYARD KEY. Now is a good time to equip the Handgun as there will be more enemies here and in the near future than previously. Chec your map and head for the pool. The pool has no water in it so go to the edge and fall in. There are 3 Patient Demons in here which may drain you're health. Kill the Patient Demons with the Handgun if you must, and go up to the baby carriage to find the COIN [SNAKE]. Once you have the coin, use the northwest steps to get out of the pool. Now enter the east door in the courtyard (not the door you came through, the other one). Move to the right, illing or moving past the two Patient Demons, and enter Room 101. You should hear someone vomiting, but chec out the area first. You can find a bloody open fridge with some legs coming out of it in the itchenette, and a pac of HANDGUN BULLETS in the far right corner of the room. Enter the washroom, where the noise is coming from, and a video will play. James now meets Eddie. Although no ey items are procured here, you must see Eddie or else you cannot continue further into the game later. Exit the room after the video and if you want ammo, enter Room 104. Kill the Patient Demon in the room and grab the HANDGUN BULLETS on the chair. Head bac to the door and note the tourist pamphlet on the des . Exit the room and head bac to the main section of 2F. There are two ways: Up the stairwell right here and pass through Room 209 and 208, or head outside and through the other door and go up to 2F there. There's one last open room in Wood Side and it's Room 210. Go there if you want ammo. If you enter Room 210, ill the Patient Demon in the main section of the room and ta e the HANGUN BULLETS on the small table. In right room you can find more HANDGUN BULLETS on the corner table. Exit the room and head bac west all the way to the end of the hall and go through the door, using the FIRE ESCAPE KEY. There is a window which leads to another apartment replacing the fire escape, so move on, leaving Wood Side. 03 // b l u e c r e e a p a r t m e n t s ===-=-=====---=-====----=-====-=-=-=-=======---=====--=-=-=------===-----= You are now in a bedroom in Room 203 of Blue Cree Apartments. Go to the washroom ahead and examine the toilet to find a memo in a wallet. Loo at the memo and go to the living room of the apartment room to find a safe to the right. Go up to the safe and examine it. s a f e c o m b i n a t i o n p u z z l e ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The point of this puzzle is to open the safe with the combination in the wallet. You don't have to open the safe; it's an optional puzzle. But

there is plenty of ammo inside. The puzzle is a bit different on certain Riddle Levels; rather the combo. So use whichever solution that matches your Riddle Level to complete the puzzle. But first, you may need to now some basics on how to use the safe. You get a memo with the combination on it. There are arrows that indicate which direction to turn after moving to that number. So you would move to the first number in whichever direction. After the first number there are two right arrows. So that's the way you move the dial. But you must PRESS the direction it says, even though it will move the opposite way. You must do that to complete the puzzle. EASY/NORMAL: Here, you get a simple combo with plain, old numbers. The code is random but here's an example of a code: 15 >> 8 << 12 >> 6. If this were your code, you would turn the dial in any direction to 15. Then you would press right to turn the dial until you reach 8. Now you would press left and stop at 12. And then finally, you would press right until you land at the final number, which is 6. But your code will most li ely be something else, as it is random. HARD: O ay, now you get a code with some normal numbers and some roman numerals. Remember the code is random and the following is just an example of a code: 11 >> X2 << 7 >> 3. If this were your code, you would turn the dial to 11. Then press right until you reach 12, which is X2 (X=10, +2=12). Now press left until 7. And finally, press right until you reach the final number, 3. There can be more than just the "X" roman numeral. There can also be "V", "VV", "XV", and "XX". And li e above, there can also be roman numerals mixed with regualar numbers such as "X5", "VV2", etc. In these cases you would add them together. "XV"=15, "VV2"=12, etc. You should now roman numerals, but if not: V is 5, X is 10. XV is 15, and XX is 20. EXTRA: Here, it's very easy once you figure out what to do. In the memo there are now letters of the alphabet, aswell as normal numbers. The code is still random but here is an example of a code: 3 >> j << 4 << b. If this were your code, you would turn the dial to the first number, 3. Then you would press right until you reach 19. Then press left until 4. And finally, press right until you reach the final number, which is 11. You're probably wondering where the numbers "19" and "11" came from. The numbers in the combination only go from 1-9. After that, letters ta e their place. The letters represent the number they are in the alphabet, plus 9. So a=10, b=11, c=12, and so on. So in the above example combination, "j" would be 19 (9+10), and "b" would be 11 (9+2). The safe numbers go from 1-20 so there can only be 11 possible letters for the combination, along with the 9 numbers. The number for each possible letter is below to save you some time. a b c d e f g h i j 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After you finish the safe combination puzzle, ta e the 4 boxes of HANDGUN BULLETS inside the safe. Also ta e the HEALTH DRINK on the counter of the itchenette before leaving. Exit the room and to your left will be a Patient Demon. Ignore it a head right, loo ing for the glowing "EXIT" sign on the roof to locate the stairway door; enter the stairway. Get the MAP OF THE WEST APT. BLDG on the floor by the door to the left. Go down to 1F and go through the door in front of you to the right. The sound of a Giant Roach is heard - if it comes near you, shoot it. Move

left and go in the laundry room for a FIRST-AID KIT on a washing machine. Then enter Room 109 down the hallway, ignoring the Mannequin ahead. If the door won't open then you have missed something. If you haven't done so, you need to see Eddie in Room 101 1F in the north building of Wood Side Apartments. When you're inside, find the couch and grab the HANDGUN BULLETS. Then go through the white door and a video will play. James meets the dar -haired woman again and finds out that her name is Angela. She gives James her nife and leaves. If you chec you're inventory, you'll notice that you have ANGELA's KNIFE in there. You can examine it but if you ever do so during the game, it may influence which ending you receive at the end of the game. Examining the nife may lead to the sad ending so do as you wish. If you don't now whether to examine it or not, you can read the Endings section of this FAQ to figure out which ending you want to get. But I recommend you do what you want. Ta e the COIN [PRISONER] on the nightstand and exit this room and Room 109 itself. Enter Room 105 and examine the secretarial puzzle des . o l d c o i n p u z z l e -------------------------------------------------------------------------The solution to this puzzle is different based on which Riddle difficulty you choose. When you examine the des , it will tell you how the puzzle wor s. The solutions to this puzzle on each riddle level are listed below, aswell as why they are the solution. But to understand the puzzle, you must now what is on each coin. If you examine each coin, you'll notice that each have a picture on them: Old Man - Picture of an old man; hence the name Sna e - Picture of a sna e; hence the name Prisoner - Picture of a lady EASY: "To the right is the lady. To the left is the old one. In the center drawls the other. Now But The The just two spaces remain, fear not for now, puzzle is done. puzzle is done."

Solution: Old Man, Empty, Sna e, Empty, Prisoner According to the memo, "To the right is the lady", which is the Prisoner. The "right" would be the slot at the right end. "To the left is the old one", which would be the Old Man in the left end slot. And "In the center drawls the other", which would be the Sna e. The rest of the riddle just tells you the puzzle is done because you only need three coins. Now that you have the solution, put the COIN [OLD MAN] in the left slot, the COIN [SNAKE] in the middle, and the COIN [PRISONER] in the right slot. NORMAL: "Three bright coins in five holes be

At one end sits the Seducer of she The wind from behind the woman doth play The Formless One, Null, lies furthest from they The Old One beside the Serpent sits not. Tis to the Prisoner's left that he doth rot" Solution: Empty, Old Man, Prisoner, Empty, Sna e The first sentence "Three bright coins in five holes be" just means three coins fit into the 5 slots. "At one end sits the seducer of she" is saying the seducer sits at an end. The seducer, in this case would be the Sna e, seducing Eve to eat the apple (Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden). The next line "the wind from behind, the woman doth play" describes which end the Sna e sits at. Behind is the to left, so there is no behind if it's at the left end, which determines it's on the right. It also determines that the lady is in the middle spot, which is to the left of the "wind" (behind the wind) which is the empty slot beside the Sna e. And the woman is the prisoner. The next line "the formless one, null, lies furthest from they" is saying there's an empty slot at the opposite end of the Sna e, which is the left slot. "The old one beside the serpent sits not" is pretty self-explanatory. The Old Man doesn't sit next to the Sna e and "'tis to the prisoner's left that he doth rot". So the old one sits to the left of the prisoner. Now you have the solution, so to complete the puzzle, place the COIN [OLD MAN] in the second slot, the COIN [PRISONER] in the middle, and the COIN [SNAKE] in the fifth slot slot. HARD: "First lies the seat of He who is Peerless Silent and empty, heartless and fearless Beside him sits one who nows The place of the servant is next to throne Dozens of feet, yet not a single toe The One that is Hidden beside him doth go Seducer of dreams, creature of Hades Lying further from Man and closer to Lady Man and Woman seeing all Heedless to the Raven's call Silent and Hidden the two may be

They be not there for you to see Return them to whence they would be And blessing shall descend on thee I spea thus with the North Star behind me The birth of the sun is the start of the story" Solution: Empty, Old Man, Empty, Sna e, Prisoner This one is a little harder, but ma es a little more sence in my opinion. "First lies the seat of He who is Peerless; Silent and empty, heartless and fearless" describe the first slot, which is the left, and we do not now who or if someone goes there. "Beside him sits one who nows" determines someone is in the second slot. "Dozens of feet, yet not a single toe" means there is no human between the second slot and the fourth slot. "The One that is Hidden beside him doth go; Seducer of dreams, creature of Hades" is easy to understand. The Sna e is both the seducer and creature of Hades. The meaning of "Lying further from Man and closer to Lady" is quite obvious. So the Sna e is closer the the lady, and further from the man. "Man and Woman seeing all Heedless to the Raven's call" tells you that between the man, which is the Old Man, and the woman, which is the Prisoner, they must see all five slots between them. If the Sna e is placed in the fourth slot where it belongs, the woman in the fifth slot, and the man in the second slot, it all wor s out. The man and the woman can see all five slots and the Sna e is closer to to the lady and further from the man. But the riddle is not done yet. "Silent and Hidden the two may be, They be not there for you to see" determines that the first slot, which is "silent", and the middle slot, which is "hidden", are empty. This leaves you with the solution. So put the COIN [OLD MAN] in the second slot, the COIN [SNAKE] in the fourth slot, and the COIN [PRISONER] in the fifth slot. EXTRA: "Li e the coins in the hazy aether tossed Ours souls must by their sinful weight Descend to earth with lightness lost To "right" the sins that they hath laid When thrice in falling they intone The Happiness shall be thy own The first note be not the Horned One rung Though it be there that all sins be sprung The Bringer of Life and The Bringer of Shame The sins of the latter be

even more tame Though coming in the Aged One's wa e The Formless One's soul in fear doth qua e The Needless One, silent, with hungers all sated Is least then in sin With his lusts all abated For His And May the gravest of sinners place be appointed if he be luc y his soul be anointed"

Solution: Old Man, Empty, Sna e, Prisoner, Empty The sentence "Our souls must by their sinful weight; To 'right' the sins that they hath laid" means that the more sinful the person or thing is, the further to the right it belongs. "The first note be not the Horned One rung; though it be there that all sins be sprung" determines that the Sna e is not the biggest sinner, but is the cause of the sins, as it's represented as the Devil. "The Bringer of Life and The Bringer of Shame; the sins of the latter be even more tame" says that the woman, which is the bringer of life, is more sinful than the sna e, which is the bringer of shame. The word "latter" means the second of two things mentioned, and the word "tame" determines that the "latter" (the sna e) is less afraid, therefore less sinful. "Though coming in the Aged One's wa e; the Formless One's soul in fear doth qua e" mentions that the sna e is afraid of the old man, thus they cannot be together. "The Needless One, silent, with hungers all sated; Is least then in sin With his lusts all abated" states that the old man has put an end to his eagerness or if you will, craving for qualities such as power, life, etc. Thus, ma ing him the least to sin. Now that you have the solution, put the COIN [OLD MAN] in the first slot, the COIN [SNAKE] in the middle, and the COIN [PRISONER] in the fourth slot. -------------------------------------------------------------------------After you've solved the old coin puzzle, the secretarial des will open; ta e the LYNE HOUSE KEY inside. Directly behind you after the puzzle is a small path which leads to a SAVE POINT. Exit the room and go bac up to 2F. Use the LYNE HOUSE KEY to open Room 209. Inside you may hear some whispers but that's not important right now. Move to the balcony which leads to Room 208. Get the HANDGUN BULLETS on the chair and ta e the APARTMENT STAIRWAY KEY on the envelope on the bed. Use the SAVE POINT on the wall because a boss is coming up very shortly. Go bac to Room 209 on the balcony and exit the room. Head to the west stairway, past the Mannequin, and enter the stairway using the APARTMENT STAIRWAY KEY. b o s s 1 : p y r a m i d h e a d =====-----=====-----=====-----=====----=====-----=====-----=====-----===== | Difficulty: Normal | Once you're inside this stairway, you can't get out. The door is loc ed

and the stairway is filled with water. So you'll have to deal with Pyramid Head. This is pretty easy. You actually don't even have to fire a single shot. All you have to do is run to the other side of the room when Pyramid Head gets near you. But he may swipe you with his Great Knife if you don't do it at the right time. So wait in the corner at the beginning until he gets near you, and let him swing his Great Knife - it shouldn't hit you. Right after he swings, run to the other side of the room. Let him come up to you again and if he swings, do the same thing, run to the other side of the room. After a bit, he will stop swinging and he will try to slay you in each corner. This is better because it ta es more time for him to do it, however, he will ill you if it hits you, no matter what health you have. He will nail his Great Knife right into the ground where you were, leaving you with plently of time to get to the other corner if you haven't already. Remember that you can always use the Handgun to slow him down. It won't hurt him but it can buy you some time. Keep in mind that this battle is harder at the beginning and Pyramid Head will try to swipe at you when you exit a corner. Just run fast and try to stay as far away from him as you can and he shouldn't hit you. And if you're playing on Hard Action Level, his reaction to you running away will be faster. You may receive a slash but it won't ill you if you have good health; it won't do too much, too. Near the beginning of the fight, dash to the other far corner because he may just close you in. Do this for awhile until you notice he's starting to do the slaying attac , where he lifts the nife over his head and swings downward. Pyramid Head wields a mighty blade so heavy that he has to drag it behind him. So that means he will wal pretty slow. Pyramid Head has attac s. One is placing his Great Knife behind him so he can lift it his head and slay James - this will ill you no matter what. Another attac with his nife is where he just swipes across at you; usually the beginning of the fight which is the hardest part to not get hit. in the other attac , he grabs you by your nec and tries to strangle in this case you would have to be very close and in front of him. So as far away from him as possible.

Whatever you do, ma e sure he does not get a swing at you with his Great Knife. It probably won't ill you if it's a sideways swing, but if he lifts it up and swings downward, you're dead. That is if it hits you. If you see him stop, that means he lifting up his Great Knife so he can ta e a swing at you. When this happens, run to other far corner of the room. Stay away from him while running away because he may hit you while he lifts the nife up which is very fast and can ill you, as it did to me once when I was fooling around with the wooden plan . After you move to a different corner from where you started, wait for him to stop and lift his Great Knife, and then leg it to the other corner where you were before. Just eep repeating this strategy for awhile and the fight will be over. An alarm will sound off and Pyramid Head will turn around and head down the stairs. Don't follow him or he may try to slay James. Doing this strategy will save you a lot of precious bullets so you should always do this. Remember, the fight is timed, so bullets won't end the battle faster; all they do is slow Pyramid Head down. Pyramid Head is invincible anyway. On Hard Action Level, the fight will actually be around 5 minutes! So just try to hang in there. =====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====

three over at And you stay

After Pyramid Head exits to outside, the water drains. Go down the stairs and go through the door to outside. 04 // w e s t s o u t h v a l e --=-===-=--====---======-=-=====-=--=====--=-=-==------=-===---===---=-=-After you exit the apartments, you'll find no trace of the water or Pyramid Head. But that's not important. Go down the stairs and run forward to find a FIRST-AID KIT. Then go the other way and around the corner. Head north for a bit and a video will play. James sees the little girl again, and she seems to now something about Mary. After the video is over, continue going north and go up the close by stairs on the left. Ta e the HANDGUN BULLETS x2 and go bac down. Continue north once more and James will finally reach Rosewater Par . Move into the par and go up the left stairs and find HANDGUN BULLETS x2 on the ground at the end. Go down the other stairs there and grab the HEALTH DRINK on one of the left benches. Then go down the stairs and go to the right and up those stairs. In the open area in front of you, you can find more HANDGUN BULLETS on a bench. Then continue north to the waterfront and get the HEALTH DRINK down the stairs to the right. Head west for a video. James meets a strange woman named Maria whom loo s just li e Mary. James discovers that his "special place" with Mary was the La e View Hotel and that's where he wants to go now. Maria will follow James for the next portion of the game. Ma e sure Maria doesn't get illed because it will be GAME OVER. Even if you shoot Maria once, she will die. So be careful. Now head west to the other side of the par , past the stone monument, to the next set of stairs. Then head south until you reach a Mannequin on the right side. Kill it and get the HEALTH DRINK there. Then head south to Nathan Avenue. There's a SAVE POINT on the trun of a car in the Jac 's Inn par ing lot if you need to save you're game. There are plenty of supplies scattered around the town here. Feel free to get them although it isn't really necessary. Head west on Nathan Avenue past two Mannequins and a Patient Demon. Go to the Texxon Gas Station and ta e the STEEL PIPE from the running car. In front of a truc a little south in the gas station lot you'll find 2 HEALTH DRINKS and HANDGUN BULLETS. You want to go to the hotel but the road is eventually bloc ed to the north. But there is a map near a corpse with a circle around the Bowl-ORama. So head there. But if you're up there, get the HANDGUN BULLETS by the corpse on Nathan Avenue near the end of the road, and the FIRST-AID KIT by the bloc ed off boat doc s by the Silent Hill Historical Society. If you head up the road on either side you can see some flying Mannequins. Head to Pete's Bowl-O-Rama. Get the HEALTH DRINK by the grass in front of the entrance and enter the bowling alley. Maria will wait out here for you because she hates bowling. Once you're inside, go through the door on James' left and a video will play. Eddie and the little girl are tal ing for awhile. After the video is over, find the other door in the room and go through it. Go to the right in this area and move forward. James meets Eddie eating pizza and then sees the little girl leave. James then discovers from Eddie that her name is Laura. After the video is over, get the HANDGUN BULLETS at the end of alley third from the right. Then exit through the same doors as Laura, and then exit through the main doors.

Maria's not here so head east and Maria will come running bac to tell James to go after the little girl. Run through the side par ing lot around the right corner. Then go around another corner which leads to a gate. Head south (upward) until Maria shows you where Laura went, and the door to get to the other side. Try to open the door that Maria pointed out to find that it's loc ed. Maria will unloc it for you with her 3 eys. Try again and enter Heaven's Night. Once you're inside go up the right stairs, and at the top, examine the stac ed coloured boxes of liquor and James will comment on his drin ing obsession. Then continue and go through the green door on the right. In this room, get the FIRST-AID KIT on the chair of the second table and exit Heaven's Night through the grey door. Outside, go down the stairs and head south down Carroll Street. After awhile, Maria will spot Laura and she enters a hospital. Follow Laura and enter Broo haven Hospital through the double doors. 05 // b r o o h a v e n h o s p i t a l ==-=-=-======--=-=-======---=-----==---=====-=-=---=--==----=====---==-=== After you enter Broo haven Hospital, get the MAP OF THE HOSPITAL on the bulletin board to James' left. Then enter the Reception Office in front of you. There's a SAVE POINT on the des , along with a memo on three mental patients that were in this hospital. Grab the HEALTH DRINK on the des by Maria and go through the door there, which leads to the Document Room. Read the memo on the des and get the "PURPLE BULL" KEY. Then exit both rooms. After you do that, you may notice that the Examination Room and Doctor's Lounge are loc ed. So expect to come bac here later. Enter stairwell in the corridor and go up to 2F. Up here, ill the Nurse Demon around the left corner and the same for the other one in the area if it comes near you. Then enter the Women's Loc er Room. James seems to be staring at a teddy bear on the table so examine it to get a BENT NEEDLE. Move to the right to find a SHOTGUN in the open loc er. It isn't necessary to use it yet so eep the Handgun equipped for now. Exit the room and enter the Men's Loc er Room. You can find the EXAMINATION ROOM KEY in the Lab Coat in the Men's Loc er Room, but you don't really need it if you're reading this wal through. But since this is probably your first time, I suggest you get it and use it. So head bac down to 1F and enter the Examination Room, using the EXAMINATION ROOM KEY. There's nothing here, so go through the other door to the Doctor's Lounge. Get the SHOTGUN SHELLS in the sin and examine the white board by the far door in the room. The memo tells you the code for the 3rd floor Patient Wing. It will tell you it's 7335 on Easy and Normal Riddle Levels and it will explain that it's a "T" on Hard and Extra. Exit the room through the door beside the memo, unloc ing it first, and go bac up to 2F. Go through the double doors to enter the Patient Wing. Get the HANDGUN BULLETS on one of the stools in front of you and start going down the hall. Enter Examining Room 3 and grab the FIRST-AID KIT on the bed. Then go to the typewriter on the des further bac and examine it. The will be a memo imprinted on the carbon paper containing a four-digit code. It's random so write it down for future use. Exit the room and enter room M2. Inside, get the "LAPIS EYE" KEY in the small nightstand drawer and the SHOTGUN SHELLS on top; exit the room. Inside room M3 is a HEALTH DRINK and HANDGUN BULLETS, aswell as a Nurse Demon. If you go past the Nurse Demons in the

hall and enter room M6, you'll find SHOTGUN SHELLS by Maria and a HEALTH DRINK by a Nurse Demon. When you're done on 2F, go up to 3F in the east stairwell. On 3F you can find a FIRST-AID KIT on the ground in the northeast corner, but you'll have to get past two Nurse Demons first. The Special Treatment Room is loc ed so try to open the door to the patient wing hall, and a number eypad will show up. If you went to the Examination Room on 1F and got the code, put it in. But if you didn't, it doesn't matter. On Easy and Normal Riddle Level, the code is 7335. But on Hard and Extra Riddle Level, the memo on 1F says the pin number is a "T". The resulting code ends up being 1328, so put that in if you're on Hard or Extra and it will unloc . Now enter the patient wing hall through the now unloc ed double doors and head down the hallway. If you want to get rid of Maria right away, enter room S3 and she will lie down on a bed and relax. After this happens, she can't join you anymore. Depending on how much time you spend with Maria, and if you chec on her often, you may have a better chance of getting a certain ending. I recommend you do what you want, but you can also read the Endings section of this FAQ to figure out what to do. Ta e the ROOF KEY on the nightstand and exit the room. Since you just got the ey for the roof, go up to the roof in the east stairwell, using the ROOF KEY. On the roof, loo around until you see a bluish green boo on the ground with some scattered papers. Either loo at it or just go near it. If you read it, you can have a better chance of getting a different certain ending. Do what you want or you can read the Endings section of this FAQ if you want to get a certain ending. If you try to exit to the stairwell, you'll find that it won't open. Go to the Elevator Control Room area and a metal scraping concrete noise is heard. Pyramid Head will come out of nowhere and noc you off the roof. It is impossible to avoid this so don't worry. You are now in the Special Treatment Room on 3F, which was loc ed from the other side earlier. James will have red stamina after you fall, so use a First-Aid Kit and/or some Health Drin s. It is impossible to die from this fall, no matter what health you have. Enter the second room from the left and read the blood writing on the wall. Write down or remember the four-digit code because you will need to now it very soon. If you can't ma e it out, just write it down exactly how it is and try to figure it out from there. Exit the room and exit this area through the exit door once it's unloc ed. If you didn't ill it earlier, there may be a Nurse Demon in the corridor. Enter the patient wing and move down the hall. Ma e your way past the Nurse Demon and two Mannequins, then enter room S14. Examine the weird loo ing box on the bed. " l o u i s e " p u z z l e -------------------------------------------------------------------------First, combine the "PURPLE BULL" KEY and the LAPIS EYE KEY and use them. You don't need to combine them, but it's faster if you do because you use them at the same time. On the push-button loc , enter the 4-digit code that you found on the carbon paper in the typewriter in Examining Room 3. If you forgot the code, go to the memo section in the menu and see what it was. On the turn combination loc , enter the code you got from the bloody wall in the Special Treatment Room, and the box will open. If you forget the codes, enter your inventory and go to the memo section. If you're having a hard time reading the bloody wall code, this may help you:

The code is random each time so I can't tell you what it is. My best advice is to write the code down exactly how it is on a piece of paper and figure out possible combinations from there. If you have a Digital Camera or some way to send me a picture of the code, I can help you. If you have no way of showing me the picture and you have no luc with my first advice, then this may help you. The codes are random but some reappear. Codes 5757 and 5752 may be hard to read and one of them may be the code in your situation. Some numbers may also loo li e other numbers. Fives can loo li es sixes, twos can loo li e sevens, and fives can loo li e random lines. The numbers can also be the other way around so sixes can loo li e fives and sevens can loo li e twos. And if you still can't get the code, open Paint on your computer and draw me exactly what the numbers loo li e and I'll try to help you. You can also send me a scan of what the code loo s li e on a piece of paper. I hope this has helped you because there's nothing else I can really do to help you. PLEASE DO NOT e-mail me if you don't have a picture of the code or a drawing of the numbers done by yourself, because I will tell you the exact same thing as above. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Inside the box is a PIECE OF HAIR. Exit the room and enter room S11 for a SAVE POINT and a HEALTH DRINK on a tipped over nightstand. Save your game because a boss is coming up soon. Then go to the Shower Room down the hall to find something stuc in the drainage pipe. So combine the BENT NEEDLE and the PIECE OF HAIR, and James will get the ELEVATOR KEY out of the drain. Exit the room and use the ELEVATOR KEY on the west elevator, which is in this corridor. Examine the panel and go down to 1F. On 1F, enter room C3 and get the SHOTGUN SHELLS on the left nightstand and the HANDGUN BULLETS on the floor on the right. Exit the room and enter room C2. Move forward to see Laura playing with some teddy bears. She tells James how she nows Mary. She ends up luring James into Examining Room 2 and claims a letter is in the bac . As naive as James is, he wal s in and Laura loc s the door to leave James with two new enemies for a boss. Now you have to ill the Hangers before they ill you. b o s s 2 : h a n g e r s =====-----=====-----=====-----=====----=====-----=====-----=====-----===== | Dificulty: Easy | At the start, ma e sure you have your Shotgun equipped. Keep shooting the Hangers until they get close to you. When they get close, run to the other side, or they will grab you. Use the strafe buttons if you need to. But to shoot them with the Shotgun, you need to ma e sure it's aimed up at them before you shoot or you won't him them. James will lower it to pump it after each shot. So wait for it to aim up, then shoot. The best thing to do is to lure both Hangers to one side of the room, and then run to the other side and pump rounds into them. The Hangers have 2 attac s. One is coming up to James and grabbing him by his nec , trying to strangle him. The other is a ic attac that they try when you are just outside of their range. This attac can hurt the other Hanger if it hits it (usually from behind). Ma e sure the Hangers don't get too close or they'll grab James and try to strangle him. If this happens, rapidly press the D-pad and the shoulder buttons to get out more quic ly and lose less health. If your running low on Shotgun Shells after you ill the first two Hangers,

equip the Handgun for the last Hanger and shoot around 10-20 shots at the Hanger, depending on the difficulty, and it should die. =====-----=====-----=====-----=====----=====-----=====-----=====-----===== A wierd video will play and James seems to be transferred to outside. A wierd video will play and James seems to be transferred to outside. 06 / n i g h t m a r e h o s p i t a l ==-=---======-=-=---=-===-----=-=-========------===-=-=----==-=-====---==You are in the Garden on 1F, which is much smaller than on your map. Go through the doors beside you to enter the hospital again. Once inside, you'll notice that it loo s different. It has turned into an evil hospital. Get the SHOTGUN SHELLS in the corner and use the SAVE POINT if you want, then go through the double doors. Enter room C2 to find a FIRST-AID KIT along with a Patient Demon. Switch bac to the Handgun for awhile as it's not really necessary to use the Shotgun yet on normal enemies. You may hear some glass brea in the room but it's not really important; exit. Enter room C1 for some ammo and health, but first, there is a Nurse Demon just inside the room which is close enough to hit you while you can't see. Enter the room with your Handgun blazed as soon as possible or you may receive a smac ing. Then get the HEALTH DRINK on the left and the HANDGUN BULLETS to the right. Exit the room and enter the elevator; go up to 2F. On 2F, you can find two Nurse Demons in room M4 guarding a HEALTH DRINK and SHOTGUN SHELLS - get them if you want. Then go to room M6 past the Nurse Demon and ta e the HANDGUN BULLETS to the left, the FIRST-AID KIT by the camera, and then chec out the area to the right. There is a DRY CELL BATTERY and the BASEMENT STOREROOM KEY on a small ledge above the hands, and a memo which explains that a ring is in the "basement's basement". Exit the room and go past some Nurse Demons to the elevator. If you chec the Day Room, you'll notice that there's a noc ed over fridge which James can't open. Go up to 3F in the elevator to find an odd loc ed door with 2 hands stic ing out. There are Nurse Demons to the left and right; ta e the right and enter room S11. Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS and the AMPOULE on the stand and read the memo on the bed explaining the odd stairwell door. Exit the room and enter room S3, past the two Nurse Demons if they're there again, to find that Maria is gone. Her medication is on the nightstand and some deep breathing is heard. Exit the room and the patient wing, then enter the east stairwell in the other corridor. You can find a SAVE POINT on the pillar. Go down the stairs until you reach the very bottom, and go through the door, using the BASEMENT STOREROOM KEY. After you're inside, get the SHOTGUN SHELLS and go up to the shelf with the blood hand prints on it. Move the shelf and try to go down the ladder; Maria will open the door and blame James for not trying to save her when he had no idea where she was. Maria will now stay with you and follow you again. Go down the ladder to the basement's basement. Ta e the COPPER RING in the middle of the floor and go bac up the ladder and exit the room. Go bac up to 3F and enter the patient wing, ignoring the radio static in the west corridor. Enter the elevator and go down to 2F. Before the elevator doors open, a strange message from a game show is heard. Three questions are as ed. Listen carefully to the questions and see if you can figure out the answers. It tells you to go to the 3rd floor Storeroom to collect your prizes. But since you're on 2F now, head to the

Day Room and try to open the fallen fridge. James still can't open it so he as s Maria to help him open it. Inside is a LEAD RING. Now go bac up to 3F in the elevator. If you want to collect your prize for the Tric or Treat announcement in the elevator, exit the patient wing and enter the Storeroom. Kill the Nurse Demon outside first so it's easier when you come out. Inside, grab the FIRST-AID KIT, SHOTGUN SHELLS and HANDGUN BULLETS on the shelf by Maria. Then examine the blue box on the table. t r i c o r t r e a t b o x ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ On the box is a panel with nine buttons and it loo s li e this: 1 2 3 Q1 o o o Q2 o o o Q3 o o o In order to get your prize you have to answer the questions correctly. If you answer incorrectly, spray will come down on you from the roof which will lower your health into red. The questions were given to you when you went to 2F with Maria in the elevator. This puzzle always has the same questions and answers, no matter which Riddle Level you're on. Here are the questions: 1. Merry-Go-Round, haunted house, roller coaster, ferris wheel and tea cups. Silent Hill is home to a thrilling amusement par that both children and adults love. The question is: What is the name of this amusement par ?

2. Silent Hill witnessed a gruesome murder a few years bac . A brother and sister were playing in the road when they were attac ed and chopped into pieces with an axe. Torn flesh, smashed bones, splattered blood, and finally... What a terrible tragedy. What gruesome end to such innocent lives. What was the name of the murderer who committed this vile act? One, Walter Sullivan Two, Scott Fairban s Three, Eric Gein 3. South of the la e is a deserted old neighborhood called South Vale. From there to Paleville, the central resort area northwest of the la e, there's only one road you can ta e. Just one road, no more. The third and final question is: What is the name of that road? One, Bachman Road Two, Rendell Street Three, Nathan Avenue Now that you now the questions, let's figure out the answers: 1. The name of Silent Hill's amusement par . Where could you find that? Chec your map and find the map of Silent Hill. Loo at the top to the right of La e View Hotel to find the answer: La eside Amusement Par .

One, Fantasy Land Two, Silent Hill Amusement Par Three, La eside Amusement Par

2. The iller of the two ids. Do you remember reading an article about this? At the bottom of the Wood Side Apartments garbage shoot? Enter your inventory and go to the memo section. The name of the memo is "Article about murder incident". If you read the memo, it gives you the answer which is Walter Sullivan.

Now that you have the answers, you can solve the puzzle. On the top row, press 3. On the middle row, press 1. And on the bottom row, press 3. The box will open. You should be happy with the contents in the box. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After you have opened the box, collect the SHOTGUN SHELLS x5 and the 2 AMPOULES. Exit the room and enter the patient wing for the last time. Go up to the west stairwell door. There are two 3D arms stic ing out of the door. Go to the menu and combine and use the COPPER RING and the LEAD RING, and the door will unloc (combining the eys only ma es it faster). Go through the door and go down the stairs to find a memo on the ground. Read it to find out about the ey to the museum and continue down to the bottom of the staiwell, and go through the door there. Now follow the path and you will hear something. Pyramid Head will come from behind you and Maria and start to attac Maria. He tries trying to spear Maria to death, so run quic ly following the path before she dies, and to get her moving. On Hard Action Level, you will have to shoot Pyramid Head or whac him with any weapon to slow him down. The best and fastest method is to use the Handgun. Right when he appears, unload a full clip into him (you should notice him slowing down). Start running and you might want to fire another clip at Pyramid Head around the fenced-window area just incase. Once you get to the beginning of the last hallway, you should be o ay. I used to use the Steel Pipe here but it ta es much longer. If you want to try it, go ahead. When Pyramid Head first appears, whac him once, and wal bac wards a few steps until he comes closer, and whac him again. Wal bac wards a few more steps until Pyramid Head comes closer, and whac him again. Keep on doing this until you get to the fenced window area, and then run for it. Once you get near the elevator a video will play. James will enter the elevator and it will start to close, causing Maria to not ma e it. Apparently it is possible to ma e it through by just running, but you'd have to hit no walls and be extremely fast. After Maria's stabbing, the doors close and the elevator goes up to 1F. Up here, enter the Director's Room. Inside on the des , James finds a map that shows a letter and a wrench on Lindsey Street. He also gets the HOSPITAL LOBBY KEY. Then Laura wal s by out the window. Exit the room and find the lobby doors for a SAVE POINT on the right side of the wall. Use the HOSPITAL LOBBY KEY on the main entrance doors to exit the hospital. 07 // d a r s o u t h v a l e ---==-======---=-==-----=-===----=======-=-=-====-=----=-=====---==--=-===

3. The name of the road that goes from South Vale to map again for the answer. Loo at the road to the is in Paleville. It's called Sandford Street. But connects as it moves south. It connects to Nathan all the way to South Vale and is your answer.

Paleville. Chec your west of the map that loo where it Avenue and goes south

There are plently of health and ammo items around and feel free to loo for them. But the necessity of these items will be pointed out here. After you exit the hospital, head south down Carroll Street past a threesome of Nurses. You can find an AMPOULE and HANDGUN BULLETS at the west end of Rendell Street on the south side, and a HEALTH DRINK and a FIRST-AID KIT behind the station wagon on the other side of the road. Head east on Rendell Street past some Nurses and get the SHOTGUN SHELLS x2 and the RIFLE SHELLS in the dirt area on the north side of the road, near another Nurse Demon. Further east are more RIFLE SHELLS and some HANDGUN BULLETS. Continue east on the north side of the road and grab the HEALTH DRINK and SHOTGUN SHELLS at the far end of the construction sheet. Head southeast towards Saul Street, passing over on Munson Street. Ignore or ill any Nurses and get the HANDGUN BULLETS x2 by the bloc ed off Munson Street in the corner of the map, and also get the 2 HEALTH DRINKS by the door around the corner on Saul Street. Move east on Saul to find a gate; go through it. There will be new monsters under the grating that can move moderate speed. Run down the grate path, dodging the total of three Underhangers. Also move out of the way for the gaps on the left and then the right that may slow you down. At the end, go through the gate door after unloc ing it. You can find and enter the motorhome from earlier on in the game just ahead, but there's only the same SAVE POINT inside. Outside by the front of the motorhome is a FIRST-AID KIT, and SHOTGUN SHELLS x2 by the nearby car. Now continue heading east on Saul Street to near the end and get the HANDGUN BULLETS x2 by the paperstands on the south side of the road. Near the corner of Saul and Neely Street is a FIRST-AID KIT. Ma e your way to Happy Burger for RIFLE SHELLS on the west side of it and more RIFLE SHELLS on the east side. Get the HANDGUN BULLETS in front of Neely's Bar if you want and if you enter Neely's Bar you will find something strange. It may change which ending you receive but it probably won't and it is cool to see. There is a message to James on the far wall. When you're done, exit the bar and and head east on Sanders Street, past the Mannequins and Nurses. Go north up Lindsey Street and find the second house to the north past Gonzale's Mexican Restaurant. On the porch, you will find a letter and a wrench. Read the letter and ta e the WRENCH. The memo in the hospital about the "direc ters's ey" stated that the ey to the museum is in the par behind the praying woman. So head to the par . Continue north on Lindsey Street to Katz Street, and get the HANDGUN BULLETS at the Cafe Texan door. Then head west. By Big Jays on Katz/Neely is a HEALTH DRINK and RIFLE SHELLS (by the Neely Street entrance). HANDGUN BULLETS are south at the Katz/Neely intersection, at the southwest corner. Head west past some enemies and go through the now unloc ed gate door past the apartments. Continue west to Munson Street. Now head north on Munson Street past some Nurses and get the HANDGUN BULLETS at the right side of the Nathan Avenue and Munson Street intersection. Then head west on Nathan Avenue until you reach the entrance of Rosewater Par . Ta e the left path moving north and get the SHOTGUN SHELLS x2 in the left concrete area. Go to the right side of the path and go north until you see some steps on the right. Go down them and down the next steps ahead of you to the left. Follow the path and then go around the corner to James's left. Go behind the "praying woman" statue and dig up the tin box. Use the WRENCH to open the tin box and ta e the OLD BRONZE KEY inside. Now go bac up the sets of stairs you came down before and exit Rosewater Par

to Nathan Avenue. Now head west on Nathan Avenue all the way to the Silent Hill Historical Society Museum. It will ta e awhile to get there and there will be many Nurses on the way, but there's no other way to do it. Just ignore the Nurses and run past them to save time. If you want HANDGUN BULLETS and RIFLE SHELLS, head to the end of the road to the northwest. They're by the corpse. Once in the museum par ing lot, ill the Nurse Demon to the right and get the FIRST-AID KIT. Then go to the left by the entrance. Ignore the Nurse if there's one there and enter the museum, using the OLD BRONZE KEY. 08 // s i l e n t h i l l h i s t o r i c a l s o c i e t y ====----=-======---=-=-----==-=====-=----=-=-=======---=-=-====--=-==-==== Once inside, you can find a SAVE POINT on the left counter. Deeper in the room are some paintings; one in particular is of Pyramid Head. Go through the double doors behind the painting of Pyramid Head. You'll find more paintings in here. One about Broo haven Hospital, the director of the old hospital and one with a deep hole. A strange moaning noise is heard in the distance. Move around the room to find a hole in the wall, which the noise seems to be coming from. Investigate the hole to find that it has a descending pathway. Follow the path - it's a long one. When you finally reach the end, go through the door. On the des to James' right is a memo dated from 1820! Very strange. Go around the pillar to the other side of the des and get the FIRST-AID KIT. Go through the other door in the room to find yourself not alone. Move forward to see a Patient Demon. Kill it or just run the other way, as it's bloc ing a door with a bro en loc . Down the hall, ta e the right path and ill the Patient Demon there, then go through the door at the end. You are now in a room with a hole. It appears to be the same hole in the picture earlier. Examine the hole and decide to jump down. Now you are trapped at the bottom of what loo s li e a well. Search every inch of bric wor until you find an area that James says is different and he may be able to brea it. The "different" area is approximately 135 degrees to the left from where you start. Ta e out your Wooden Plan or Steel Pipe and whac the area until it brea s apart. A door will be revealed - go through it. Now you are in a sewer. Follow the path, past a Patient Demon, until you reach two doors. Go through the right door. Ahead is a loc ed gate on the ground. Since it's loc ed, go through the right door in the hall. Ta e the SPIRAL-WRITING KEY on the ground, and your Flashlight will fade out. It ran out of battery power so use your DRYCELL BATTERY. Once you replace the battery, the room is filled with Giant Roaches! Examine the panel beside the door since the door is loc ed. r o a c h t r a p -------------------------------------------------------------------------Either 2 or 3 random numbers will be highlighted on the panel. All the numbers are illuminated, but only two or three have been used recently as they are brighter. The code to get out is with those numbers. You'll need to try different combinations with those numbers until the door is unloc ed. But first, write down the possible combinations and cross them off as you try them. If you're numbers are 3, 6, 8, try 368, 386, 638, 683, 836 and 863, and the door will unloc with one of those combinations. If your numbers are 6 and 9, then try 669, 699, 696, 996, 966, 969, and the door will unloc with one of those. There are always only six possible combinations so find out what they are and write them down. Then try them

one by one and the door will eventually unloc . -------------------------------------------------------------------------After you have unloc ed the door, exit the room. Now go to the loc ed floor gate to the right and use the SPIRAL-WRITING KEY to open it. Jump down the hole. 09 // t o l u c a p r i s o n ===---=-=====----=-====---==-===---=-=-=====---=-=-=====---=-====----=-=-James find himself in a cafeteria. Eddie is in the room and he admits that he murdered someone, then denies it. After he exits, grab the HEALTH DRINK behind you to the right. Also find the other HEALTH DRINK further bac aswell as the TABLET OF "GLUTTONOUS PIG" on the pushcart at the bac . Lastly, there's a SAVE POINT on a pillar near the bac of the room. Exit the room when you're done. Since you have no map, turn left and run forward down the hall. Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS on the first des to the left. Continue down the hall to the next des and ta e the MAP OF THE PRISON on it. Since there are no actual compass directions on the map, north is up, east is right, south is down, and west is left - just li e usual. Head south down the hall and go through the first door on James' left, which is an area with six indentical rooms on your map. You are now in a Shower Room. Ta e the north path and ill the Patient Demon around the corner. Continue and enter shower with no door. Ta e the TABLET OF "THE SEDUCTRESS" on the ground and exit the Shower Room - the other Patient Demon in the area will probably be near the door. Head south down the hall and enter the upper south row of cells. A Patient Demon occupies the 2nd cell from the west and another one is further down the corridor. The 5th cell down is open so get the HANDGUN BULLETS on the bed. Continue down the corridor past the Patient Demon in the 6th cell and enter the 9th cell down. Ta e the WAX DOLL on the bed and exit the corridor through the east door. Now you're in the east corridor. Head north, ta ing the HANDGUN BULLETS on the first des and and go through the double doors on the left. Kill the Patient Demon and get the RIFLE SHELLS by it. Exit the room and continue north. Enter the lower north row of cells, going past the Patient Demon if it's in your way. Enter the first cell right beside you to find three strange paintings. Exit the cell and continue down the corridor. Enter the 7th cell from the east and ta e the TABLET OF "THE OPPRESSOR" on the bed. Try to exit the cell to find that it won't open! Keep trying and James will force it to open. Since you have all of the 3 tablets, exit to the east corridor. Then exit through the double doors on the east side of the wall to the courtyard. Once outside, wal directly forward until you reach a scaffold. In the menu, combine the TABLET OF "GLUTTONOUS PIG", TABLET OF "THE SEDUCTRESS", TABLE OF "THE OPPRESSOR" and use them. After they're all inserted, you should hear a scream/cry sounding li e a hanging. If you want to have some fun, you can go on the scaffold and fall off bac wards and stuff li e that. James actually falls and doesn't land on his feet so it's funny. Now head bac to the double doors and ta e the HORSESHOE that suddenly appeared on the left door, and then reenter the prison. Once inside, ignore the Patient Demon to James' left and enter the lower north row of cells. Then go through the door at the other end after

unloc ing it. Go through the door in front of you to the right and ta e the FIRST-AID KIT on the counter. A brass Zippo lighter is seen on the other side of the glass. Exit the room and enter the next room to the north. Go through the other door of the destroyed visiting room to the civilian side of the prison. Remembering the lighter, enter the room right beside you to the left. Inside this visiting room, ta e the LIGHTER on the counter in front of the glass and exit the room. Go past the next door on the left and go through the one after that. You're in the women's washroom. Knoc on the closed stall door to the right a few times and head towards the exit. If nothing happens, try it again. Exit the room when you're done and enter the next room to the left, which is the men's washroom. The only thing in here is a SAVE POINT above one of the urinals. Exit the room. Go through the door in front of you to the left. Inside, ill the Patient Demon and collect the items in this area. There's a FIRST-AID KIT on the TV, an AMPOULE on the nearby sin , and a HEALTH DRINK by the far door. Also be sure to read the very interesting memo on the des in the room. If you're interested, examine the left shelf for a diary. When you're done, go through far door in the room, which is where the health drin was. Ta e the HANDGUN BULLETS in front of you in the stand and get the SHOTGUN SHELLS and RIFLE SHELLS in the cabinet to James' right. Ta e the HUNTING RIFLE on the wall and the RIFLE SHELLS lower on a box. Don't go wasting your Rifle Shells because you'll need them for near the end of the game. You should now when to use them - remember "9 Red Squares". You can see another Hunting Rifle above, but its barrel is busted. Exit this room, illing the Patient Demon if it's there again, and exit the main room bac to the corridor. Then go through the gate to the right. On the floor, you can see a rusty, white escape hatch - go in front of it. The hatch's handle is missing and James can't open it. So go in the menu and combine the WAX DOLL, HORSESHOE, and LIGHTER, and use them. James melts the wax with the lighter and puts it where the missing handle on the hatch first was. Then he puts the horseshoe in the melted wax for a new handle. Open the hatch and jump down yet another hole. Now you're in the basement of the prison. Turn around and go through the double doors directly in front of you. James ma es funny comments if you examine the corpse on the stretcher and certain holes in this foul room. Go through the double doors on the other side of the room and jump down the hole. After you jump down, wal forward and open the door to find another hole! Since jumping down holes is now a standard operation procedure for James, jump down this hole. Down here, enter the large elevator right in front of you and go in a far corner to get it moving. There are items in each corner of the elevator, so get the HANDGUN BULLETS, RIFLE SHELLS, FIRST-AID KIT and SHOTGUN SHELLS. It's odd how James already jumped down five holes and the elevator is descending. It's a very long elevator ride, but it will come to an end... Eventually. Do you realize how far down James is right now? He went down one very long descending hallway, jumped down five holes, and just went down one really long elevator ride that descended very deep. It seems li e a one-way trip to hell. Anyway, exit the elevator and use the SAVE POINT by the door if you want. Then go through the light brown door beside it. 10 // t h e l a b y r i n t h -======---=-====-----==-====----=-=====----=-==----=-=====---====-=-=-===-

As you can see, the doorway directly across from the entrance to the Labyrinth is bloc ed by wires, and a ladder visible behind it. So you will need to find a tool to cut the wires. Since there is no map for this area, James will have to draw his on as he goes. The Flashlight has to be on so he can draw it. Head east to encounter two Patient Demons wal ing around. Kill them now to ma e it easier. If you want to get a new weapon go down the northeast ladder on the map, or the one directly across from it (they both lead to the same area). Now you are in the same room as Pyramid Head so be careful. If you encounter Pyramid Head here, just turn around and head in the other direction. If you too the northeast ladder, move forward and go to James' left. If you too the other ladder, go left also because Pyramid Head will be to the right. Either way, find the path with a door that leads to the center room. In this room, ta e the GREAT KNIFE on the bloody table, aswell as the SHOTGUN SHELLS x2. Exit the room and go bac up the ladder you came from. Follow the west path around the corner and follow it to another ladder, not ta ing the right path. Go down the ladder and blast the two Patient Demons down here. Go up the other ladder in the watery corridor to find a wierd box of faces - examine it t h e b o x o f f a c e s ------------------------------------------------------------------------This puzzle is very easy on Easy and Normal Riddle Difficulties. Keep in mind that some faces are upside-down and some are right-side-up. EASY/NORMAL: Rotate the box upward or downward until the right-side-up face with the red eyes is displayed. Now if you loo behind James, the entrance to the empty room has completely vanished! Now with the red eyes right-side-up face displayed, rotate the box left or right so that one of the 3 upsidedown faces are showing. As you can see, there is a staircase in the empty room now, so you are done with the box of faces. HARD/EXTRA: On Hard and Extra Riddle Levels, the solution is randomly selected each time so just eep trying it on different faces until it is correct. There are 6 faces and the two side faces can face upward, downward, right, and left. So that ma es 12 possible combinations (4 normal faces + 4 left side faces + 4 right side faces). The possible solutions are below. [Note:] There are four different colours for the faces. Below are all the possible solutions. The direction listed is what side the top of the face is facing. Yellow - up, down, right, left Red - up, down Green - up, down, right, left Blue - up, down ------------------------------------------------------------------------Once you complete the puzzle, go down the staircase in the other room. James will meet Maria again, even though she died in the hospital (or did she?). But James is on the one side of a jail cell and Maria is on the other. So your job is to find the entrance to the other side of the jail cell. After the video, go bac up staircase again and you should hear some spar sounds. Go up to the open brea er box beside the ladder and ta e the WIRE CUTTER that is stabbed into a wire. Go down the ladder and

follow the path to the other ladder, and go up it. Follow the path and ta e the left path when you can. Go forward to the wall and then left to find the doorway with wires bloc ing it. Use the WIRE CUTTER and go down the ladder. Follow the corridor, past the Patient Demon, and ta e the first right, then go up the ladder. Go forward and ta e the right path to a ladder - go down it. Move forward and go counter-cloc wise, illing the Patient Demon if it's in your way, until you find an opening to another ladder and go up it. Blast the Patient Demon in front of you and follow the corridor. Ta e the right path and go around the fence, ignoring the Patient Demon to the right, and go down the ladder at the end of the pathway. Kill the Patient Demon near you and follow the path. Ta e the first left and follow it to a ladder and another Patient Demon; go up the ladder. Quic ly eliminate the two Patient Demons in front of you and get the HANDGUN BULLETS by the ladder you came up. Move down the hallway and go down the ladder at the end to the right. In this area you can encounter Pyramid Head, but you won't if you ta e the right path. So ta e the first left path and go up the ladder. Read the partially illegible blood-soa ed newspaper on the ground and be sure to use the SAVE POINT on the wall to save your game, because there will be a boss fight just ahead! Go through the door and equip the Shotgun if not using it already, and follow the path. On the way you may notice many papers on the ground. Some are from today's date according to James. Continue wal ing the path and you should hear Angela scream. James will enter the nearby room and will have to fight a Doorman Boss. b o s s 3 : d o o r m a n =====-----=====-----=====-----=====----=====-----=====-----=====-----===== | Difficulty: Normal | If you find the 3D Control hard to use in this fight, just go in the menu and change it to 2D Control. But I'd recommend 3D as it is better. Right when the fight starts, start blasting Shotgun rounds into the Doorman as fast as you can. It should ta e two shots to fall to the ground. If the Doorman is close to you and it falls on the ground, use that time to run to the other side of the room and reload. Use the menu to reload because it's a lot faster (unless you're on Easy Action Level). If you're using 3D Control, use the R1 and L1 buttons to strafe. This will help you a lot when navigating in this very small room. The Doorman has one attac of lumbering and lifting its doorframe over James' head li e a hood. The range of this attac may surprise you so stay as far away from the Doorman as possible at all times. You will have to fire around 6 Shotgun shots on Normal. Then Angela will finish off the job and run out of the room. This fight is rather simple although it may be difficult to move around in the small room. =====-----=====-----=====-----=====----=====-----=====-----=====-----===== After the fight, Angela will run away. Exit the room and continue following the hallway to find a door; go through it. If you continue through the door at the end of this hallyway, you'll find a pair of handcuffs attached to the exiting lifting-gate (bars). So go bac and investigate the two rooms in the other corridor. After investigating the two rooms, you will find a room with six corpses of men who were hanged, and a room with six empty nooses.

f r e e t h e i n n o c e n t m a n -------------------------------------------------------------------------The first thing you want to do is examine the two signs on the fence in the room with the six nooses in it. They should give you a clue of what you have to do. All of the Hanged Men are positioned in a randomly chosen fashion. But on each Riddle Level, the solution will always be the same. The smaller sign on the right reads as the following: "Only the sinless one can help you here. Mista enly pull on a criminal's rope and your reward will be returned to you in a shape most wondrously strange." And the bigger sign is different on each Riddle Level. They're all below. In the room with the six corpses, you'll find inscriptions describing what they were hanged for. You'll come across six of the following eight men, depending on your riddle difficulty, in no particular order: Kidnapper - One who steals a human being Bodily Injurer - One who causes physical harm/hurts another Arsonist - One who illegally sets fire to property Counterfeiter - One who copies with intent for forgery (in this case money) Thief - One who steals, especially by stealth Swindler - One who cheats or defrauds money or property Embezzler - One who ta es money, etc. for own use in violation of trust Murderer - One who ills another brutally EASY: "He committed an evil crime. He turned a happy home into a pile of ash. For that, he should die. They also committed crimes. They tried to fraud and tric others. So their reward too is natural. Even he cannot be forgiven, My friend without his left hand. And so his death bothers me not. And what of him? He also is not sinless. There is only one here who is innocent. The missing child was nowhere to be found, And so there was no proof of his guilt. His death was a tragedy. That is all I wish to say. It was neither justice

nor retribution." "He turned a happy home into a pile of ash" is describing arson, so the arsonist is guilty. "They also committed crimes. They tried to fraud and tric others" describes three of the six accused men. We'll come bac to that in a moment. "My friend without his hand. And so his death bothers me not" easily describes the bodily injurer. Bac to the three accused men who "tried to fraud and tric others". That describes the counterfeiter, as he tries he tric people with fa e money, the swindler, who defrauds money or property, and the thief, who is also considered a fraud. And then the final accused man, "There is only one here who is innocent. The missing child was nowhere to be found". The answer is basically given to you. The idnapper is innocent because the missing child was never found, so there was no evidence of his guilt. NORMAL: "Dead men, dead men swinging in a tree How many dead men do you see? Tongue turned blue and face gone grey Watch them as they twist and sway The first one illed the butcher man Then coo ed him in the frying pan Served him to his hungry guests And gave them seconds on request The next one with his smile and sweets Stole poor children off the streets To men who dressed unsavory He sold them into slavery Brea ing into home at night The thief he had a nasty fright Filled his foolish head with ale Wo e in the morn in the county jail The artist with his daunting s ill Tried his hand at painting bills But caught in rain he was undone When the in he's use did start to run With promises of great return Ta ing gold he did not earn Bundled it up out of sight Quietly slipped off into night Three houses into ashes burned

The sheriff with no place to turn Did spy a stranger to his town Loc ed him up and beat him down Dead men, dead men swinging in a tree How many dead men do you see? Six feet long and six men wide Round their nec s the noose be tied" O ay, this one is pretty obvious, but let's just go through the whole thing so it all ma es sence. The first paragraph is just introductory. The next one, "The first one illed the butcher man" is pretty clear. Killing someone is the crime of murder, so the murderer is guilty "The next one with his smile and sweets; Stole poor children off the streets" is obviously the idnapper, so he's guilty. "Brea ing into a home at night" is more obvious than Big Bird hiding against a blac wall in broad daylight. It's the thief, so he's also guilty. "The artist with his daunting s ill; Tried his hand at painting bills" explains that an artist made counterfeit money, ma ing him the counterfeiter and being guitly. "Ta ing gold he did not earn" is clear, but not as simple as the previous criminals. Ta ing something you didn't earn is the crime of embezzling, so the embezzler is guilty. All of the five previous hanged men were determined as guilty, so leaves us with the arsonist. "Three houses into ashes burned; The with no place to turn; Did spy a stranger to his town; Loc ed him beat him down". There's no proof that he committed the crime; the just assumed he did. HARD: "I do not wish to die. But tomorrow I will climb the thirteen steps. Please someone - answer me, Why must I die come the morning? The man imprisoned beside me believed me. "Because they're all insane, that's why," he said Of course I now his opinion will change nothing. "Now you now why I struc out at them," he muttered. The man who was executed yesterday, the one who had said his job was to sell dreams,

that sheriff up and sheriff

said that was not true. But the man who is to be executed the day after tomorrow for stealing children shouted bac that it was true. The man who was hung today did not answer. "They'll ill me either way," he said. He was caught embezzling public money, so he hasn't any hope for mercy. The man who is always quietly smiling to himself said "I am happy for I will soon be with her." I do not wish to die. I long only to return home. But I now it is not to be. Though I have done nothing, this crime has been thrust upon me. Someone save me. This is not judgement. They are bloodthirsty and I am their sacrificial lamb!" Half of this riddle is easy and half is not so easy. Let's do the obvious ones first. The paragraph about "stealing children" clearly describes the idnapper, so we now he is guilty. "He was caught embezzling public money" literally tells you the answer, so the embezzler is guilty. O ay, now we'll move on to the not so obvious ones. They will require some thin ing, and that's probably why you're here. The paragraph about the man who said "I am happy for I will soon be with her" is actually quite clear. If you thin about it, he's fits a murderer the best out of the four left hanged men. He probably illed his wife or a woman close to him and he misses her. He wants to be with her so he's happy to die. So the murderer's guitly, although he'll probably go to hell. But he doesn't now that. The paragraph about "the one who had said his job was to sell dreams" isn't so clear. Just thin about it though. He sold "dreams" to people so he stole their money. This is the crime of swindling. If this doesn't ma e much sense to you there's also another reason. He could've too away people's dreams by defrauding of their money or property, which is swindling. So the swindler is guilty. The paragraph about the person beside the author of the memo said "they're all insane; now you now why I struc out at them." This is pretty hard to understand, and that's why I left it for last. The word "struc " is how you determine the answer. The definition of struc is: To hit sharply, as with the hand, the fist, or a weapon; to thrust (a weapon, for example) in or into someone or something. This can easily be the crime of bodily injury. It clearly fits the description and the only other person left is

the counterfeiter, which in this case, the description doesn't ma e sense. So we're left with the counterfeiter. The man is never mentioned, and it's not to hard to realize that he's the one spea ing in the memo. We realize he is imprisoned with the other prisoners and he describes the other men's crimes. EXTRA: We may visit death upon the head of the sinner but to what avail? In the name of retribution, we too part in a bitter comedy this day. You, hanging as you do, by your nec , Unforgiven and cursed by all. Five of them comitted crimes, six went out for a drin and were captured there. Only one of them was innocent, but they new not that. The bloodstains remaining are proof of their guilt. Trodden upon and thus created, they are paths to Hell or the Void. The white bandages stained with crimson, The remains upon the scorched blac earth, The whispered cries of the maiden. They are but meaningless contract. They are also signs of guilt. But one of them was done without reason. It was done out of fear and a ripe imagination. Sinning alone at the end of a rope, it is nothing less than a disgrace to us all." The first six paragraphs stand for themselves and tell us not much more than the nown. The seventh paragraph, "The white bandages stained with crimson" brings two crimes to mind: Bodily injury and murder. But bandages don't belong on a dead person as they will do nothing, so it has to be bodily injury.

"The remains upon the scorched blac earth" is a simple, obvious phrase. What does fire do? It burns, yes - but also turns things blac . And the word "scorched" really gives it away. The answer is arson. The next phrase, "The whispered cries of the maiden" describes a maiden, a not yet married woman, trying to scream, really. But all that comes out is a whisper because she's terrified. So this describes idnapping. "They are but meaningless contract" is bare sentence and it's meaning is deep inside, so you have to thin about it. A contract is an agreement, but it is meaningless if you're not going to follow it. And the answers left are thievery, swindling, and murder. Thin of swindling (which only really ma es sense here) - to cheat or defraud of money or property. So the phrase describes defrauding the contract, which is an agreement. So the answer is swindling. The second last paragraph isn't as simple as the other ones, but not as difficult as the previous one. "But one of them was done without reason. It was done out of fear and a ripe imagination." Without reason, eh? We only have thievery and murder left, so lets see if the thief fits. Can you steal something out of fear and a ripe imagination? No, it just doesn't ma e sense. So move on to murder - Does illing someone out of fear ma e sense? Definitely. So that's your answer: murder. Only five out of the six men have been mentioned in this riddle, so what's this all about? What about the other guy? Well, we've determined which five people are guilty, and the last hanged man, the thief, is never mentioned, so he's the innocent one. --Once you determine the Innocent Man and where he is located in the corpse room, head to the room with the six empty nooses inside. Once inside, find the noose that is in the same spot of the Innocent Man in the other room. Once it's found, Press X to pull it down. Don't pull any other nooses down or it will reset. Exit this room and head bac to the other room. If you have pulled down the correct noose, you'll notice that the Innocent Man is gone, and there is something where he was. Go over to his former location nd pic up the KEY OF THE PERSECUTED. If you don't do this puzzle correctly each time, there will be two Patient Demons in the corridor. If you don't ill them and get the answer wrong again, there will be one more Patient Demon in the corridor. The maximum number of Patient Demons in the corridor is three. Ma e sure you do the puzzle correctly so you won't have to deal with them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Now follow the corridor, through the door, to the handcuffed gate and use the KEY OF THE PERSECUTED to uncuff the handcuffs. After the gate has been raised, go down the ladder and follow the path. Go through the white door directly ahead at the end of the corridor, since the gate ahead to the right is loc ed. Inside, a video will play. Maria has died again! Could she be real? James will then leave the room, realizing there's nothing he can do. If you try to enter the room again, you will increase your chances of achieving a certain ending. I recommend you do what you want, but you can see the Endings section of this FAQ if you want. If you go bac to the gate, you'll notice that it's now open. So proceed through the watery corridor of the Labyrinth that leads to a ladder; go up it.

Get the FIRST-AID KIT on the ground in front of you and follow the corridor to outside. Now you're in a catacomb. Get the SHOTGUN SHELLS near the southwest corner of the area, SHOTGUN SHELLS in the southeast corner, SHOTGUN SHELLS in the center to the north, and an AMPOULE in northwest corner. Also note the SAVE POINT on a grave to the east. If you examine the graves in this area you will find these names: Walter Sullivan, Miriam K., Eddie Dombrows i, Angela Orosco, and James Sunderland, himself. James must jump down his own grave. Once in his grave, continue down the stairs and follow the long pathway. Once at the end, go through the door. b o s s 4 : e d d i e =====-----=====-----=====-----=====----=====-----=====-----=====-----===== | Difficulty: Hard | First Room ---------As soon as the video is over you should now what you have to do. Eddie has gone mad and now you have to ill him before he ills you. In this first room, there are many weapons you can use. But there are two strategies I recommend. The Steel Pipe and Great Knife. With the Steel Pipe, right from the beginning of the battle, just hold R2 and X tightly to continuously bash Eddie over the head. If you do this, he won't ever get a chance to hit you; however, he may be close. This strategy is intended for Hard Action Level; getting a 10 star ran ing. But it should wor well on other action levels. The other strategy is using the Great Knife because of it's power. It is a great choice if you now what you're doing. It is the most powerful weapon in the game and you will only need to swipe Eddie 1-3 times, depending on your action level. You can also slay him which is best. It will ma e him run to the next room after one successful slay (two on Hard Action Level). If playing on Easy, you can just swipe at him but on Normal and Hard, just try to slay him. However, I don't recommend this strategy on Hard because you'll probably get shot and/or ta e some hits from Eddie. On lower action levels, don't worry too much about being hit either because Eddie will move away from James after he hits him. This is good because he will be in your range and he won't attac you for a bit because he just did. So try this strategy on lower action levels and the above strategy for hard. Although melee weapons are the way to go in this first room, guns are good aswell. But if you use them, Eddie will probably shoot you. After you hit him enough, you can hear him panting and he will run into the next room. With the Shotgun and Hunting Rifle, just start blasting him away until he runs into the next room. But you should try going right up to him with the Shotgun and give him a few blasts. The Hunting Rifle should only be used if you decide to stay away from Eddie and fire at him. But if you're far away, he'll probably shoot you. If you're close, he will punch you, which inflicts a lot less damage. Recover your health safely and be sure to use some Health Drin s for minor wounds, First-Aid Kits for larger wounds, and Ampoules for pain illers if you really need them.

After you shoot Eddie a number of times, he will end the draw and run into the next room. After he leaves, be sure to get the RIFLE SHELLS and the

I don't recommend the above strategy for Normal and Hard, but it can wor well for Easy and Beginner.

SHOTGUN SHELLS. Reload all of your weapons if you need to and ma e sure you have good health. Then enter the second room. Second Room ----------In this room, there are giant rac s of meat hanging from the roof so you can use them to bloc Eddie's shots. Eddie has 2 attac s: Either raising his .357 Magnum Revolver and shooting James, or he will run up to him and punch him. In this room, it is best to use your Shotgun first because you should have plenty of ammo for it and not as much for the Hunting Rifle. The Shotgun has amazing power at close range aswell, and can have two more shells loaded into the gun. A punch from Eddie will only ta e off around a tenth or so of your health, however, a shot will ta e off a quarter of your health. Try to get close to Eddie so he only gets to punch you and inflict less damage. If he does do so, let him wal away a bit and blast him. Quic ly strafe out of the way so he can't punch you; try it again. When Eddie runs after you, just use the strafing buttons and directional buttons to get away. Hide behind the meat rac s and then come out and shoot Eddie. Then do it again. When he starts hiding behind the meat rac s, you may want to equip the Handgun because it is faster and pretty good for this part. Find him behind the rac that he's behind and let him run, but since the Handgun is easy to ready your aim, aim at Eddie and ta e off some shots. Repeat this process for awhile and he will finally die in a brief video. That may wor but the Shotgun should wor better. When Eddie starts hiding behind the meat rac s, one good shot (possibly more) should ill him. If you want to use it, there is a different strategy here below. After the first video in the second room when Eddie approaches you, shoot him once, then run away so he can't get you bac . This won't wor on Hard so don't try it. It is best to try to attac Eddie at close range because he will run up to you and try to punch you, which is much better than being shot by his gun because it's much more powerful. James' health can still go red after 4 or 5 punches so be careful, and be sure to use health often after contact from Eddie. Try to snea up on Eddie from behind. To do this, simply hide behind the meat rac s so Eddie can't see you. When he runs somewhere, run out and shoot him. After about 8-15 Shotgun or Rifle blasts, Eddie should fall to the ground. He is dead now. So continue by exiting through one of the two large doors where you haven't been yet. =====-----=====-----=====-----=====----=====-----=====-----=====-----===== 11 // t o l u c a l a e ===---==-=====----=-===---=-=-=----======---===-=-=====---=-=====----=-=== As soon as you exit through one of the doors, continue along the doc to find a SAVE POINT on a barrel. Continue to the left until you see a boat, and get in it. Now you have to row the boat across Toluca La e. If you are playing Beginner, Easy, or Normal Action Level, it will be much easier to control the boat. Use the D-Pad buttons to go in the direction you want to. Hold up to go forward, left to go left, and right to go right. But if you are playing Hard Action Level, this could be hard for you. You will have to use both analog stic s. By rotating both analog stic s in a cloc wise fashion at the same time, you will turn to the left. If you turn both analog stic s in a counter-cloc wise fashion at the same time,

you will turn to the right. To move forward, simultaneously turn the left analog stic counter-cloc wise and the right analog stic cloc wise. Now you now how to control your boat, so get moving. Try to do this very fast because the time you ta e to complete this will count in your final ran ing at the end of the game. Under 1 minute is really good, but it will be very hard to get under 1 minute on hard. If you get under 1m20s, that's good. At the beginning, turn your boat right for a few seconds and then stop. Move forward as the boat gradually stops turning. If you do it right, the light should be in the screen. If you're still turning as it appears in the screen, stop and counter steer. Now row forward towards the light until you reach the doc to your "special place", which is the La e View Hotel. 12 // l a e v i e w h o t e l ---==-=====--=-=-=====---=-=-=====-=--====-=-=-======--=-====---=----==--= Finally! You have reached your "special place", The La e View Hotel. After the boat stage, equip your Shotgun until near the end of the game, if you haven't already. Now run forward to the courtyard of the hotel. On the left fountain you will find the "LITTLE MERMAID" MUSIC BOX. Ta e it and loo around for the main entrance stairs to the La e View Hotel and enter through the double doors. You will need to find a map. Loo to James' left and on the wall is the conveniently placed HOTEL MAP (FOR GUESTS). When you loo at the map, you'll notice that in box of Room 312 it says "Waiting for You..." The room James and Mary stayed in - Could Mary really be here? Next, enter the "La e Shore" Restaurant and go over to the area with the tables. Grab the "FISH" KEY on the set table and then try to head for the exit. As you see in the video, Laura is here. She scares James by playing the piano. This video is pretty important. You get LAURA's LETTER which tells you a few things, including Mary saying "Happy 8th Birthday to Laura." Laura says she turned 8 last wee . So Mary couldn't have died three years ago! Laura apparently lost another letter and runs away to find it. When she's gone, examine piano for a funny comment on Mary. You are done here so exit to the main h

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