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English Worksheet

Personal pronouns (subject)

Os pronomes pessoais com funo de sujeito colocam-se em vez do nome, antes do verbo:

I (eu)

It (ele / ela) usa-se

quando falamos de
coisas ou animais.

You (tu)

He (ele)

We (ns)

You (vs)

She (ela)

They (eles /elas)

Nota: O pronome pessoal I escreve-se sempre com maiscula.

1. Complete with the missing personal pronouns:

A: Im Helga. This is my sister. _________ is a painter and this is my brother. ___________ is 10 years old.
B: These are my parents. ___________ are teachers. ___________ are from Holland.
A: Wheres Holland?
B: ___________ is in northern Europe. Where are ___________ from?
A: ___________m from France.

2. Fill in the correct personal pronouns: he she it we they

1. my mother = she

2. John and I = ____________________________

3. Mona and I = __________________________

4. the teddy-bear___________________________

5. Thomas ______________________________

6. Mr Silver _______________________________

7. the oranges ___________________________

8. the birds _______________________________

9. my dog ______________________________

10. the party ______________________________

11. Daniel, Chris and I ____________________

12. the film _______________________________

13. my friend Ann________________________

14. the book ______________________________

15. the books ___________________________

16. my sister ______________________________

17. my father ____________________________

18. the apple and the banana _________________


English Worksheet
1. Complete with the missing personal pronouns:
A: Im Helga. This is my sister. She is a painter and this is my brother. He is 10 years old.
B: These are my parents. They are teachers. They are from Holland.
A: Wheres Holland?
B: It is in northern Europe. Where are you from?
A: Im from France.

2. Fill in the correct personal pronouns: he she it we they

1. my mother = she

2. John and I = we

3. Mona and I = we

4. the teddy-bear = it

5. Thomas = he

6. Mr Silver = he

7. the oranges = they

8. the birds = they

9. my dog = it

10. the party = it

11. Daniel, Chris and I = we

12. the film = it

13. my friend Ann = she

14. the book = it

15. the books = they

16. my sister = she

17. my father = he

18. the apple and the banana = they

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