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ABO Blood groups

Name: Date: 1. What determines the blood group of a person?

2. What are the four ABO blood groups? 3. What are antibodies?

4. Fill in the following table: Blood group Antigens present Antibodies present A B AB O

5. What would happen to you if you got a transfusion of the wrong type of blood?

6. What does it mean when someone is said to be A + or B - ?

7. What is the most common ABO blood group amongst the Australian population? 8. Draw a pie chart to illustrate the percentage of each blood type amongst Australians.

9. If some O+ blood was found at a crime scene and one suspect had this same type of blood, what conclusions could you come to regarding the guilt of that suspect? Explain. 10. Which blood group would be the most useful evidence to find at a crime scene? Explain why.

11. Explain what is meant by the term secretor. How can this help in solving a crime?

12. A murder victim has AB+ type blood. A suspect is found, who has a bloodstain of type AB+ on his shirt. Do you think this is enough evidence to prove the suspects guilt? What would you think if the victims blood group and the stain were both O+ ?

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