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Monday, April 4, 2011
Sports 6
Florida A&M head wrestling coach Reggie Snowden,
24, has brought a new attitude to the program in just
IIs hrsL seuson.
As a coach, he is phenomenal, freshman wrestler
O`DeII Jones suId. He Ius LIe LooIs Lo geL us reudv und
wIere we need Lo be Lo compeLe uL u IIgI IeveI.
Snowden, u D.C. nuLIve wIo receIved IIs bucIeIor`s
degree in public relations from FAMU, was a four-
veur vursILv sLurLer und Lwo-LIme Leum cupLuIn In IIgI
He hnIsIed IIs cureer wILI u 11-q record und
becume LIe second wresLIer uL Woodrow WIIson SHS
Lo reucI 1oo wIns. He currenLIv IoId`s IIs IIgI scIooI`s
uII-LIme cureer wIns record.
Mv senIor veur, wenL 1-, won u D.C. CILv
CIumpIonsIIp und won MVP oI LIe cIumpIonsIIp
LournumenL, Snowden suId.
Snowden chose not to compete for FAMU while
Ie wus un undergruduuLe Ior munv reusons, muInIv
becuuse Ie wunLed Lo Iuve u normuI coIIege socIuI IIIe.
dIdn`L reuIIze Iow mucI mIssed wresLIIng unLII
cume buck uILer sIx veurs uwuv, Snowden suId.
Former FAMU wrestling coach Abdul Sharif was the
hrsL Lo uIIow Snowden Lo geL buck InLo LIe sporL.
One duv IusL summer, suw LIe Leum prucLIcIng und
mv prIde und pussIon Ior LIe sporL wouIdn`L IeL me wuIk
uwuv Irom IL uguIn, Snowden suId. cume In jusL Lo
help out under coach Sharif and served as an assistant
coucI IusL veur. WIen u Iuw scIooI opporLunILv
presenLed ILseII Ior coucI, sLepped up Ior mv Leum Lo
LIe Ieud coucIIng spoL.
Snowden uIso enjovs beIng ubIe Lo ImpurL IIs
knowIedge oI LIe gume Lo u new generuLIon oI uLIIeLes.
BeIng coucI, IIke LIuL Iuve un uudIence LIuL Ius
Lo IIsLen Lo me, Snowden suId IuugIIng. uIwuvs Iuve
someLIIng Lo suv or some udvIce Lo gIve on LIe muL.
As coach of an up-and-coming wrestling team,
Snowden Ius mucI LIuL Ie wunLs Lo puss on.
To me, wrestling is all about being a student of the
sporL, beIng comIorLubIe und beIng conhdenL on LIe
muL, Snowden suId. uIwuvs hnd mvseII reIerrIng
back to techniques, strategies and mentalities that led
me Lo success wIen wus compeLIng.
Becoming the head coach of a wrestling team, without
much coaching experience, resulted in coach Snowden
pIckIng up on u IoL oI LIIngs on LIe v.
`ve Ieurned LIuL menLuI sLrengLI Is mucI more
powerIuI LIun pIvsIcuI, Snowden suId. L`s mucI
more ImporLunL Lo be u posILIve Inuence In LIese
voung men und women`s IIves und IeIp LIem Lo
become better people, than to focus on their records
In compeLILIon.
He Ius seL IIgI gouIs Ior LIe wresLIIng Leum und
IeeIs LIev ure cerLuInIv obLuInubIe Ior IIs voung Leum.
Our gouI Is Lo quuIIIv evervbodv we`ve goL Ior
nuLIonuIs. To go und represenL our unIversILv weII,
Snowden suId. And uILImuLeIv, jusL Ior LIe progrum Lo
keep on growing and gaining momentum, to become a
powerIouse Ior veurs Lo come.
Snowden Iooks Iorwurd Lo IeIpIng pIuvers Ieurn Lo
Iuve Iun wILI LIe sporL.
wunL LIe guvs Lo uIwuvs remember Lo Iuve Iun,
Snowden suId. JusL work Iurd und gIve 1oo percenL. I
vou`re goIng Lo gIve unvLIIng uL uII, LIuL`s LIe onIv wuv
to win, and whats more fun than winning, right?
Aria Aaron The Famuan
Coach Snowden provides hands on coaching and the a love for the sport that he is hoping to pass on.
Spring game shows growth
Florida A&Ms green team used
defense to rout the less expereinced
orunge Leum, qo-o, In LIe unnuuI
sprIng IooLbuII gume.
The Rattlers green team, which
was comprised of starters and the
second team, shutdown the orange
team, which was composed of third
und IourLI Leum pIuvers.
TIe green Leum scored qo poInLs
in the first half, which came
from the defense and an efficient
runnIng gume.
Running back of the green team,
Jumes Owens, rucked up 8q vurds on
11 currIes.
um bIessed Irom God, jusL Lo geL
some reps, Owens suId. L Look u
IoL oI energv, buL pIuved LIrougI IL.
IeIL couId Iuve done beLLer, buL
LIInk dId good. We were IoIIowIng
the directions of our coaches and we
were doIng wIuL we were LoId Lo do.
Austin Trainor was under center
Ior LIe green Leum. He wus 1z Ior
z1 wILI 1z vurds In LIe gume.
Trainor said his confidence in his
receivers allowed him to guide the
oIIense eIIecLIveIv.
um un uggressIve quurLerbuck,
buL Iuve u IoL oI IuILI In mv
receIvers. um goIng Lo go ouL LIere
und Luke sIoLs, so wIen geL buck
LIere und drop buck LrusL mv guvs
Lo muke LIe pIuv, TruInor suId.
We have a lot of things we need
Lo work on. Even LIougI we dIdn`L
score in the second half, we had
opporLunILIes Lo.
The orange team had the ball for
1:1o und onIv goL LIree hrsL downs.
AILer beIng sIuL down bv LIe green
Leum In LIe hrsL IuII, LIe orunge
Leum Iound ILs rIvLIm on deIense us
it shut down the green team in the
second IuII.
We pIuved uIrIgIL LonIgIL, JusLIn
Davis, a linebacker on the orange
Leum, suId. TIe deIense onIv IeL up
und guve up Lwo scores LonIgIL. As
LIe suvIng goes, oIIense
wins games but defense
wIns cIumpIonsIIps. We
Iuve u IoL oI veLerun guvs
coming back so we will
be IIne.
Even wILI LIe vIcLorv Ior
the green team, Trainor
acknowledged the efforts
of the orange team and
the progress the team still
needs Lo muke.
`II LIp mv IuL oII Lo
the orange team because
LIev cume ouL In LIe
second IuII und pIuved
greuL, TruInor suId. BuL
there are things we need
to work on and we had
a couple of miscues we
need Lo Iron ouL.
TIe gume wenL exucLIv
LIe wuv Ieud coucI Joe
TuvIor LIougIL IL wouId.
I LIe gume wenL LIe
oLIer wuv uround, wouId
be concerned, TuvIor suId.
n LIe second IuII LIe
orunge Leum sLurLed Lo pIuv wILI u
IoL more InLensILv und IeurL, buL
um uIwuvs pIeused Lo see LIe deIense
pIuvIng weII becuuse wIen vou`re
wInnIng, LIuL meuns vou`re pIuvIng
greuL deIense.
TIe seuson begIns SepL. uguInsL
orL VuIIev SLuLe In Brugg SLudIum.

The Florida A&M baseball team
won the weekend series against
NorLI CuroIInu A&T AggIes uL Moore-
KILLIes heId.
The Rattlers completed the three-
gume serIes z-1.
TIe RuLLIers hrsL gume wus u
come Irom beIInd vIcLorv LIuL wus
IuuncIed bv LIe IILLIng oI IeIL heIder,
TobI AdevemI.
TIe RuLLIers Iud cosLIv errors, wIIcI
proved to be crucial and prevented
them from sweeping the Aggies in the
second gume. TIev IosL 6-z.
The third game of the series, the
RuLLIers jumped ouL Lo un eurIv Ieud
und never Iooked buck us LIev bIew ouL
LIe AggIes 11-1.
TIIs wus u conhdence boosLer,
AdevemI suId. TIe wuv we IundIed
LIem wus greuL. TIev were sIuLed Lo be
the second best team in the conference,
so Lo beuL LIem wus greuL.
AdevemI suId LIe wIn served noLIce
Lo uII oLIer MEAC compeLILIon.
We are sending a message to the
conference that were here and were
goIng Lo compeLe, AdevemI suId.
PILcIIng wus u Iuge IucLor In LIe hnuI
gume, us DuvId Duncun sLruck ouL 11
buLLers und pILcIed u compIeLe gume.
He suId LIe conhdence guIned Irom
LIIs gume Ius IIm reudv Ior LIe resL oI
LIe seuson.
`m IookIng Iorwurd Lo conIerence
pIuv. TIe guvs ure comIng LogeLIer
weII, und ure pIuvIng good deIense
und pILcIIng weII, Duncun suId. We
uren`L doIng unvLIIng dIIIerenL, we ure
jusL busLIng our buLLs In prucLIce.
As LIe MEAC pIuv sLurLs, LIe Leum`s
2-4 record is something its wants to
cIunge ImmedIuLeIv.
Were not good enough to look
pusL unv opponenL, Ieud coucI BreLL
RIcIurdson suId. EucI und everv LIme
we come out, we want to be better than
we were LIe duv beIore.
The teams next game will be on the
roud uguInsL AIubumu SLuLe on Tuesduv.
Game 3 blowout nets series for Rattlers
Keenan Doanes The Famuan
Running back James Owens rushed for 84
yards in the Orange and Green game.
Keenan Doanes The Famuan
Baseball team won the series 2-1.
TIe udv RuLLIers ouLscored NorLI CuroIInu
A&T z-z In u Lwo-gume serIes sweep In
DurIum, N.C.
TIe Leum ouL-IIL LIe AggIes 16-=, In gume
one, on LIe wuv Lo u z1-1 vIcLorv.
TIe RuLLIers goL 1 IILs In gume Lwo, wIIIe
LIe AggIes munuged onIv hve. TIe Leum goL
LIe 11-1 vIcLorv.
TIe Leum`s record Is 16-18.
TIe RuLLIers nexL LournumenL Is LIe MEAC
CIuIIenge begInnIng on Sunduv.
SIepIerd ArcIIe Ius been LIe sLupIe oI
leadership for the team throughout the spring
seuson. He hnIsIed second IndIvIduuIIv In
their most recent tournament, The FAMU
SprIng nvILuLIonuI, wILI u score oI 1qz.
resImun Rundon HoIL Ius uIso been u
pIeseunL surprIse Ior LIe Leum. He Ied LIe
second duv oI LIe AMU SprIng nvILe wILI u
score oI ;z und ended LIe LournumenL uL 1q.
The team will look to ride the momentum
Irom LIeIr LIIrd pIuce hnIsI In LIe nvILe Lo
IeIp LIem In LIe LournumenL.
Florida A&Ms track teams participated in
LIe 6;LI unnuuI PepsI ReIuvs.
TIe men were puced bv eon HunL (z`6 In
LIe Iong jump) und SIuuIb WInLers (zq:q6.8
In LIe =oom run), boLI hnIsIed 11LI In LIeIr
respecLIve evenLs.
The women were placed seventh in the
dIsLunce medIev (1z:o.;o) und 1LI In LIe
qXzoom (1:;.;o).
The next event for the teams will be the
BeLIune-Cookmun nvILuLIonuI on AprII .

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