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Carl & Ellie

1.- Where do Carl and Ellie get married?
a) They get married in church. b) They get married at home. c) They get married at a friend's.

2.- Do they buy a new house or an old house?

a) They buy a new house. b) They don't buy any house. c) They buy an old house.

3.- What is Ellie and Carl's dream?

a) To travel around the world. b) To have children. c) To buy a very big house.

4.- Why is Ellie so sad?

a) Because they can't buy a big house. b) Because she can't have children. c) Because Carl is ill.

5.- Why are Carl and Ellie saving money?

a) Because they want to go to Europe. b) Because they want a new house. c) Because they want to visit Paradise Falls.

6.- What happens to the money they save?

a) They spend it on things they need. b) They visit Paradise Falls. c) They keep it safe under the bed.

7.- What does Carl want to offer Ellie?

a) A brand new car. b) A big house. c) A trip to Venezuela

8.- What happens to Ellie?

a) She gets sick and dies. b) She travels to Venezuela. c) She gets sick.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. a c a b c a c a

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