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Movie Study: Brooklyn (2015)

While watching the film, answer the following questions

1. What day of the week does Miss Kelly want Eilis to work in her store in Part I?
a - Friday. b - Monday. c - Saturday. d - Sunday.

2. Why does Georgina encourage Eilis to dress more American upon nearing Ellis Island?
a - To avoid attention from the Italian men
b - To have a better chance at being stopped and interviewed.
c - To truly cut herself off from her homeland.
d - To avoid anti-Irish reaction.

3. What seems to be the main problem which afflicts the residents

of Enniscorthy?
a - Unemployment. b - Routine gang violence. c - War. d - High taxes.

4. According to Father Flood, which community is the most predominant in his Brooklyn parish?
a - Irish Catholic. b - Italian Catholic.
c - American Catholic. d - Russian Orthodox.

5. The relationship between Eilis and Miss Kelly can be described as:
a - friendly and polite b - tense c - distant and impersonal

6. Miss Kelly:
a - gave priority to the customers she knew b - treated all the customers the same
c - was charming to her customers

7. How did Eilis feel about her upcoming trip to America?

a - She was secretly happy but did not want her family to know it.
b - She didn’t really want to go but had no idea how to escape it.
c - She was excited but also feared being separated from everything.

8. We get the impression that Georgina:

a - had never travelled before.
b - had often travelled by ship before.
c - enjoyed travelling by ship.

9. Why does Eilis help out at Christmas Day dinner at the Church's parish hall?

a - To find a good man that she can marry.

b - Because she one day wishes to become a nun
c - Because she has nothing better to do and no one to spend Christmas with.
d - To give back to the community that has given her so much.
10. Why does Ellis become homesick?
a - She finally reads the letters from home. b - Eilis does not become homesick at all.
c - She runs into a distant relative at work. d - She learns her mother has been committed

11. What is Eilis's starting position at Bartocci's?

a - Salesgirl. b - Janitor. c - Mid-level supervisor. d - Model.

12. In Brooklyn, Eilis lives in a house owned by...

a - Ms McAdam b - Mrs Kehoe c - Miss Kelly d - Father Flood

13. What is the one subject that the owner discourages discussion of in her house?
a - Talk of men.
b - Talk of money.
c - Talk of fashion.
d - Talk of politics.

14. What tragic and unexpected event forces Eilis to return to Ireland?
a. Jack's death. b. Rose's death. c. Eilis's mother's death. d. World War II.

15. Why does Eilis find Tony so attractive so early on?

a. He is clean cut. b. He is respectable. c. He is a hard worker. d. All answers are correct.

16. Why does Frank declare he hates Irish people at dinner with Eilis?
a. Because Frank doesn't want to admit how much he loves Irish cooking in front of his Italian mother.
b. Because the Irish have no idea how to properly cook pasta.
c. Because some Irish kids beat up Maurice once.
d. Because some Irish kids stole his lunch.
17. How does Tony indirectly ask Eilis to marry him?
a. By slipping a wedding ring into her hand over New Year's dinner.
b. By asking her mother's permission to ask Eilis to marry him.
c. By speaking about building houses and starting a construction company.
d. By leaving wedding catalogs around her room.

18. What does Miss Fortini help Eilis to select for her trip to Coney Island with Tony?
a. A good hairstyle.
b. The appropriate kind of suntan lotion.
c. A bathing suit.
d. A decent pair of sunglasses.

19. Why does Tony request Eilis marry him before returning to Ireland?
a. Because he wants to go with her.
b. To ensure the paperwork will be in order for tax season.
c. To ensure she will come back
d. Because he wants to sleep with her before she leaves
20. Who sets Eilis straight about her marriage and her responsibilities?
a. Jim. b. Nancy. c. Miss Kelly. d. George Sheridan.

21. Why does Eilis refuse to announce she is married?

a. Because of the timing with Rose's death.
b. Because Eilis has accidentally filled out her passport's marital status incorrectly, and the
mistake could land her in jail.
c. Because Eilis does not wish to be married.
d. Because Eilis is unsure how Rose will respond.

22. Why is Eilis forced to push back her journey back to Brooklyn?
a. To attend Rose’s funeral
b. To attend Nancy’s wedding (her friend)
c. To help in Miss Kelly’s store

23. Which sentences are true? (multiple answers)

a. Eilis cheats on her husband Tony, with Jim Farrell.
b. When Eilis enters Rose’s room, she’s devastated and she can’t stop crying.
c. Eilis’s mother is very curious about her life in Brooklyn.
d. Rose’s former boss wants to hire Eilis.

24. What does Miss Kelly reveal to Eilis? (multiple answers)

a. That Miss Kelly is actually her cousin
b. That she had never wanted to hire her
c. That she knows everything about her wedding
d. That she sold the grocery store.

25. How does Eilis react when she receives letters from Tony? (multiple answers)
a. She immediately reads them.
b. She keeps them secret from her mother.
c. Most of the time, she decides to read them later.
d. She feels “far away” from her American life.
e. She reads them and shows Tony’s sweet words to her mother.

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