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Subject ENGLISH CAE TIER 2 Year 3 ESO Group MARK


Exam Goodnight Mr. Tom Date 27/05/2011

A. MÚLTIPLE CHOICE. Circle the letter of the correct answer to the following questions. (10 marks)

1. At the meeting, what does Tom volunteer to do?

a. First-aid post
b. Help at the school
c. Run a canteen.
d. Fire-watching duties.

2. What does Willie teach himself to do after Zach dies?

a. Dance.
b. Ride a bicycle.
c. Write poetry.
d. Act in a play.

3. On their walk to the field in the beginning of Chapter 7, what does Tom have Willie do?
a. Race against Sam.
b. Take off his boots to feel the grass.
c. Swim in the pond.
d. Catch tadpoles.

4. Why does Willie want to cry when he reaches the gate to the field?
a. Willie’s mother says running is sinful.
b. Tom is mad at him for going so fast.
c. He was terrible at running.
d. Sam is licking his face.

5. Why is Willie afraid of the bath?

a. His mother says bathing is sinful.
b. It is too hot.
c. It is too big.
d. He does not know how to swim.

6. Why are many of the evacuees sent back home in the beginning of “The Case” chapter?
a. The war is over.
b. Their parents could not give the government money.
c. They are too homesick.
d. They misbehaved.

7. What has Geoffrey kept of his friend who was killed in the war?
a. A piece of sculpture.
b. Music.
c. A drawing.
d. A pipe.

8. What does Willie get for Carrie that would make her mother angry in Chapter 23, “Postscript”?
a. Paints.
b. A bicycle.
c. Books.
d. Shorts.

9. What is the first of Willie’s drawings that everyone sees on his birthday?
a. The pulpit.
b. Jesus on the cross.
c. A person praying in church.
d. An eagle flying in the rain.
10. What do the Warden and the neighbour tell Tom about Mrs. Beech?
a. She beats her child.
b. She is a hard worker.
c. She is a good person.
d. She thinks she is above everyone else.

11. What news does Zach bring to the kids about school?
a. There will be a Christmas play.
b. The school will close because of the war.
c. Mrs. Hartridge is pregnant.
d. There will be a big carol chorus for Christmas.

12. What happens to Willie’s desserts at the picnic?

a. He eats them all.
b. The other children help him finish them.
c. He hides what he can’t eat.
d. Ants raid them

13. What news is Carrie waiting impatiently at the gate to give Zach after his return from the sea?
a. She has passed the high school entrance exam.
b. She has failed the high school entrance exam.
c. George will not be attending high school.
d. Mrs. Hartridge has decided to teach high school.

14. Where does Willie’s mother put him after she beats him?
a. Under the stairs in a closet.
b. Locked in the kitchen.
c. Tied to a chair.
d. In his bedroom.

15. Which is NOT one of the reasons that Zach is worried about his parents?
a. They are in the middle of a show.
b. They have new jobs helping with the war effort.
c. There has been a blitz in London.
d. He has not received a note from them at the vacation spot.

16. Why doesn’t the choir sing when Tom begins to play?
a. They don’t know the song.
b. They are afraid they will not sound good.
c. They want to hear him play.
d. They are frightened of Tom.

17. What do Geoffrey and Miss Thorne decide on for their first lesson?
a. A poetry project.
b. A nature project.
c. An art project.
d. A science project.

18. Why is Zach so excited to get Willie home from the church?
a. His mother sent a gift.
b. Lucy baked cookies for him.
c. He wants Willie to show everyone the drawing.
d. There is a surprise party for him.

19. In March, Tom gets a letter from Willie’s mother. What does it say?
a. She wants Willie home because she is sick.
b. She wants Willie home because the war is over.
c. She wants Willie to stay with Tom because she can’t care for him.
d. She wants Willie to stay with Tom because the bombing is worse.

20. Why is Carrie afraid to wear shorts?

a. Her mother will punish her.
b. She may turn into a boy.
c. The other children will make fun of her.
d. She will be suspended from school.
B. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BOOK AND FILM. Write about 5 major differences from the original
novel that we can find when we watch the film. (5 marks)

C. THEMES. Look at the collage. Choose four of the following themes and relate it to any of the pictures
you like. Explain the relationship between the picture, what happens in the novel and the theme. The
themes are: friendship, family, finding oneself, life, death, fitting in, grieving, motivation, control,
freedom and growth. (4 marks)
D. TEXT CORRECTION (OPTIONAL). Correct any mistakes you can find in this summary of Chapter
20, “Spooky Cott”. (2 Marks extra credit)

Willie, Zack, George and the twings Ginnie and Carry went to a house in the forest. When they got to hose in the

middle of the woods they heard a noise like th eorgan of Mr. Tom plays. They found a man without a leg called

Geoffrey. Geoffry was a artist called up, which know lives on the house. Willie made him a picture to show him

how he draw. Then Will go home to tell Mr. Tom that Geoffrey has offered teaching painting lessons to Will.

When Will arrived saw a woman and a policeman with Tom. The policeman tell Will that his mother

has suicide. In the end Mr. Tom convince the men and the woman to let him adopt Will.

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